S015. The most difficult thing for us is attracting and repelling

Carina He is someone I had never seen and still don’t know. We realized at the same time that something very special was going on. It was a thunderbolt in a clear sky, an indescribable experience, a lightning strike. Pain and a blissful feeling together, I immediately knew it was supernatural. I did not initially tell my partner because I did not understand it … Read More

S014. I feel liberated and one in myself

Monique As a woman, I had a food business. One day he came as a representative. I thought I had seen the holy spirit. We just loved each other. My husband felt the strong attraction between us.By stopping my case I could not see him anymore. I got into a divorce with my husband. Three years after my divorce I applied as a representative and ended … Read More

S013. We also loved each other from the first time we saw each other

Unknown My girlfriends saw a ‘nice boy’ for me and they had arranged a sort of date for us. we both thought it was a bad joke, but apparently it wasn’t. Immediately when I saw him the lightning struck, it seemed literally to us. We could hardly realize it. Immediately when I saw him, the word ‘found’ shot through me from scratch. We already started … Read More

S012. I have become more aware of life and certainly of the spiritual

Unknown I came to a store where I regularly went shopping. Suddenly another man stood at the counter, I had never seen him. We had an intense feeling it seemed to last minutes I was blinded by the feeling, I seemed surrounded by fog when the fog disappeared I saw that he was perplexed for a moment. Before I saw who was standing … Read More

S011. The shock was mainly because he showed me again who I really was

Dinanda I have seen my soul love in retrospect, four years ago we found it without both of us knowing. We had a short relationship then, but it went out. We didn’t talk for four years until he found me again. From that moment on we both knew that we feel more for each other than ordinary love, there really is a deeper … Read More

S010. I have become much more aware of that relationship

Vanity I met my soul love when I was at a specific chat box for the first time. It was the first time there for him! We quickly started a personal conversation with each other. Initially my partner knew nothing about it. Afterwards I had to tell him because he had his suspicions. I was very honest with my husband then, and also told him … Read More

S009. I was searching until I found her

Unknown She discovered that we had a love of my soul through my conversations with her via msn. It was just like love at first sight, but we have not spoken and seen each other before.My partner did not understand that I had such a good contact with the person via the MSN and that we were chatting for hours. At first … Read More

S008. I learned more in less than 2 years than in 35 years

ChildofGod I met my soul love when I was 17 or 18 years old but did not know that he was my twinflame. 16 years later I received a message from him through a chat program, I did not speak to him then but first read his site. after four lines I got all sorts of messages from my higher ego (or … Read More

S003. This soul love has taught me a lot about myself

Layla I discovered soul love when I knew who my twinflame was. I didn’t tell my partner because he is very jealous and he would find it nonsense, so that’s why. I have experienced it as such an intense love that is totally in your power, you cannot express it, it is just heavenly. I have no relationship with my soul love, I … Read More