S310. True love, to be in every fiber of yours, to the bone, to the heart and soul


We knew each other for a while and from day 1 there was chemistry. However, the lightning flash came when we started talking about each other’s youth. It immediately felt familiar. Something indescribable happened through words and texts; I came home with language, interests and an overwhelming sense of love. We wrote messages to each other at the same time, we thought the same thing at the same time; our telepathic line. It was as if we had known each other for years.

At first I did not know what happened to me. In my situation there was no possibility of a connection from my heart in any way whatsoever. But now everything was upside down. It was not a matter of contracting; it was already there. He touched me deep into my soul without doing anything. All of a sudden I really felt in my soul to the bone: pain, sadness, love .. I fled from my current situation in order not to go mad from feeling guilty towards home. And the questions why this happened, why I met him, why I felt this, remained in my mind.

For the first time in my life I had the feeling: this is my great love. I didn’t believe in that, but now I understood and felt what that could be. But I couldn’t do anything with it. My life was chaos and everything but a quiet base. It is not a relationship; though I have seen us together several times. Those are dreams. The reality is mainly: pain. Want to be with him // Want to pick up my life again. This is directly opposite each other. And after 8 months I want to rest …

I now know that there is such a thing as true love. To be in every fiber of yours, to the bone, to love someone deep in heart and soul. Just because it’s there. Because it is. Because it cannot be otherwise.

What I found most special was that I saw, heard and experienced a relative of him. She left the earthly in the period that we met and she has always been a bridge between us. The love and warm vigilance that she showed and shows to him gave me confidence in his goodness and sincerity.

Eroticism: When our lips touch, we speak pure poetry. A poem.

Letting go or saying goodbye breaks something in me; it tears apart a part of my being.