Q1391. What is this?


Hello, I already have some experience with soulmates especially karmic experiences. That’s how my energetic intercourse started after meeting with a heavy karmic relationship. That has worked out and I don’t see him for about 15 months anymore. Don’t miss him either. Last January met I again a karmic relationship, also a fierce one where the attraction really could not be hardened and had to agree. After a lot of energetic intercourse we also had to see each other was really a kind of urge. also did not work out well anymore. I was sad and surprised because I thought and felt that we belonged together. Now months later I did not think much of him anymore so you know that the karmic is finished again. But in May my grandmother died,was very sad but also with regard to men and my relationships. That I always have my heart and soul for 200%. And then the chance of vulnerability is also very large. The last few weeks I have lived somewhat in sadness, incomprehension and loneliness. tired, tired of giving all love and energy. But now 5 weeks ago or so I got to know someone through a spirisite on facebook. Felt a kind of recognition and noticed that I find him interesting. Only I don’t want to be in a kind of deposit soul love. Because what if this is not that I thoughtFelt a kind of recognition and found that I find him interesting. Only I do not want to immediately fall back into a kind of soul love. Because what if this is not that I thoughtFelt a kind of recognition and found that I find him interesting. Only I do not want to immediately fall back into a kind of soul love. Because what if this is not that I thought.So thought how this is .Note that he soon after felt for me and that his energy is really very pleasant for me. Feel it in my whole body and soul.We actually do not talk at all on FB but he always feels more often in my mind. With yesterday and today really in a super intense way. Our souls are hanging around us and felt yesterday that he was energetically on me. This morning hour or 5/6 I thought how I feel. from falling in love I feel him everywhere and noticed that we are still just making love. I can’t get him out of my system at all anymore. Try to focus on other things, but I’d rather spend the day with him in this bubble .My friend of mine has drawn a card and they are you soulmates. But that’s how it feels, I really like it.I never want to get rid of his energy again .. and I am afraid that I will fall for him again. If I love someone I often go too fast, that is my pitfall that I know of my last relationship. But it seems as if I can’t stop this. Feel so attracted to him even worse than with the karmic relationships I have had. Also now I have an urge to be with him and that is so bizarre know him now only 5 weeks in this lifeBut I believe I could cuddle with him for days. Everything flows in terms of energy and now I am a little sick of these two nights Only now my dilemma, I know for sure that he feels the same. I am now at a point that I no longer take the first step move because I have always done that and I have often been hurt in it, so he is not convinced that he dares to take the step, for his reasons. But this is how we continue to make love with each other energetically but as humans we dare not do anything. .How can I break this in one way or another? Love

Answer 1
Simply email him from: how are you. If your soulmates are apart, he will respond anyway.

Answer 2
Goodbye dear unknown, How recognizable. I could have written it myself. Is in the middle of it yourself. From an early age I have had with some people (always men, formerly boys) that there is a soul connection, a huge attraction. I could and can fall in love in a second, at first sight. That has often happened to me. How guilty I did not feel about it in my relationship … I have a good relationship that has been around for a long time, but nevertheless I have fallen in love countless times with other men with whom I felt a huge attraction, so much so that I felt there really wanted to do something with it. But I never did this. Meanwhile, years later, I am convinced that I am polyamorous. I can love several people and share love. A friend who it is, pointed it out to me, and it is true. I have not yet discussed this with my partner because I know that he is not open to it and is very afraid of losing me. I’m working on how I can best do this, but well, your question wasn’t about that.
I recognize the intensity of a soul connection as you describe it, wanting to give you totally but also not because you do not want to be hurt. I also have that at hand at the moment; there is a man with whom I experience a very strong attraction and he with me. He is not in love, he says, but very attracted to me. I am both. Nothing has happened between us for a long time, we were very good friends, but it felt really nice, as if everything clicked energetically. Our contact became more intense, he started to give me a hug every now and then, a kiss on my cheek, and later we could neither restrain ourselves anymore and we hugged each other for a long time and kissed us. I don’t have to tell you how nice that was. Then we met again one on one and kissed again and a bit of sex and I would have preferred to give myself to him totally, but I couldn’t, my relationship stopped me. I have to work that out first.
My answer to your question is that if both of you are free and nothing gets in the way of contact, I would just go for it if I were you. Jump into the depths, enjoy it with your whole being, soul love is not something that can be experienced slowly, that goes with all your heart and soul. The pain can also be very intense, I know from experience. After our intense contact, that man and I had a conversation about what had happened, and he asked if I was in love with him. I could not deny that, that was very clear. He then said that the piece was not mutual. And that gave me a lot of pain. I was in it with all my heart and for him it was “only” attraction. With love. And now that I think about it a while later, I actually think it is very nice this way. He also felt a soul connection, said he already knew when he first saw me. I felt the same. But maybe I call it different; falling in love. Whatever the case, I have a lot to work out and I don’t know how everything will continue. I know I’m not done with that man yet. We will see each other again. I wish you a very nice journey and hope you come here to tell us how you are doing and what you have done. Finally, I want to say that you can have (much) more than one soul connection or soulmate. It is said that there is only one of a twinflame, and I believe so. But contact with a soulmate can also be very intense. I know I’m not done with that man yet. We will see each other again. I wish you a very nice journey and hope you come here to tell us how you are doing and what you have done. Finally, I want to say that you can have (much) more than one soul connection or soulmate. It is said that there is only one of a twinflame, and I believe so. But contact with a soulmate can also be very intense. I know I’m not done with that man yet. We will see each other again. I wish you a very nice journey and hope you come here to tell us how you are doing and what you have done. Finally, I want to say that you can have (much) more than one soul connection or soulmate. It is said that there is only one of a twinflame, and I believe so. But contact with a soulmate can also be very intense.
X (a companion)

Answer 3
Here I am again, from the story that I recognize it so. I just read your piece again and you ask what you can do if neither of you dare to take the first step. That’s exactly how it was between me and my soulmate, we’ve been going around each other for over a year. We spent more and more time together and then conversations started that were very personal. About everything that concerned him and me, and after a year, the atmosphere suddenly felt that we suddenly dared to touch each other. He started it, said he wanted it for so long, and I let him hug me. It felt like coming home. So try to be patient and get to know each other first. If it clicks so well then that is also very nice, just talk to each other, look each other in the eye. The rest will come naturally! Love..

Answer 4
However, I am completely shaken and I also draw angel cards, etc., which indicated ‘this relationship is worth the wait’. Of course it is, you cannot force or force anything, and I believe that we women have little patience sometimes, hahahha . He still licked things from me and especially when I drew something about soulmates or etc. Still I want to cuddle him big grin, but yes there is a chance that he has snapped at me now, and my reaction does not understand and after yes I am once again stupid: (… I believe that everything happens as it should happen. Know that he is not okay either .. Only now I leave things to divine timing and I have to learn to be even more patient Difficult situation with you too. Polyamory I can hear income, why just love a person if you can also love several? isn’t that love? why only love one person if you can love more than one? isn’t that love?talked about sir he is single like me, and damaged in love … love

Answer 5
I am again, it was all short but powerful. Had him removed but still I had to tell him why. Later a whole story came out about what I am not at all and was portrayed as someone who has to represent more than me. I I am really aware of what we had, but apparently it is not so from his side. The connection is broken and yet I can shoot myself in the head again. I immediately broke inside and became so angry that I do not love energetically ben .. wanted to report that it was short but powerful. And with such exalted persons I do not even want to deal with it, Love

Answer 6
Hi, The following may seem a bit ‘hard’. However, it is written from pure love. I have also struggled for a long time with the concept of ‘twinflame’ and know how devastating this can be. I think it’s time for you to come back to earth. To feel what is really there and for what pain you walk away. My opinion: “Twin Souls” are nothing more than a couple whose one has fear of attachment – and the other has abandonment anxiety. You hurt each other and the person with the fear of abandonment is treated badly time after time. By sticking a spiritual label on it, you talk to yourself well that you are constantly compromising your self-esteem and losing yourself in one or more people who do not want a relationship with you. Then the theories come about that the other is unconscious, is in another dimension or still has karma to work out or something. Get real. That is not spirituality but new age crap. Spirituality is standing with your feet in the clay and feeling what you are running away from. With twinflames this is often in old pain from the past about parents who were (emotionally) unavailable, abuse etc. You hope that this pain, which unknowingly gnaws into the background, disappears when you encounter your great love, when the planets encounter a standing in line, as the angel cards say, etc. But that is all a distraction and a toy of the ego; formation of a ‘spiritual’ identity so that you do not have to feel what is actually there. The annoying feeling that you want to get rid of will always come back and be triggered by your twinflame (s). His or her actual function is to make you aware of your old wounds – so that you can feel and heal them. All your hurt inner children will scream for attention and love. Because this is not a pleasant feeling, we prefer to keep hoping that our twinflame will work out someday. After all, every form of contact alleviates the unpleasant feeling in your stomach, the uneasiness in your head and the tightness on your chest. That makes you dependent on the approval of your twinflame. And that is disastrous for your zest for life and self-worth. Feel what it does to your body when you choose for yourself. Tip is to anchor you well in your body. Keep your attention on your legs, arms and breathing, but let the feelings in your torso be there too. If you have to cry, cry. If you want to scream, scream. Leave everything out (this can be a lengthy process – it is not finished after one time). Do not judge. Then investigate how you have been hurt as a child – we are all – and give love to everything in yourself that you do not like and that you cannot. From there you come to understand that that whole twinflame crap is nothing more than hurt parts of yourself that require love and attention. However, you are the only person who can give them this unconditionally. If someone else has to give it, you become dependent and entangled, and that is something that is unhealthy. The moment you want something from another person, you have forgotten who you are truly. Finally: read the book ‘love scary’. Then investigate how you have been hurt as a child – we are all – and give love to everything in yourself that you do not like and that you cannot. From there you come to understand that that whole twinflame crap is nothing more than hurt parts of yourself that require love and attention. However, you are the only person who can give them this unconditionally. If someone else has to give it, you become dependent and entangled, and that is something that is unhealthy. The moment you want something from another person, you have forgotten who you are truly. Finally: read the book ‘love scary’. Then investigate how you have been hurt as a child – we are all – and give love to everything in yourself that you do not like and that you cannot. From there you come to understand that that whole twinflame crap is nothing more than hurt parts of yourself that require love and attention. However, you are the only person who can give them this unconditionally. If someone else has to give it, you become dependent and entangled, and that is something that is unhealthy. The moment you want something from another person, you have forgotten who you are truly. Finally: read the book ‘love scary’. From there you come to understand that that whole twinflame crap is nothing more than hurt parts of yourself that require love and attention. However, you are the only person who can give them this unconditionally. If someone else has to give it, you become dependent and entangled, and that is something that is unhealthy. The moment you want something from another person, you have forgotten who you are truly. Finally: read the book ‘love scary’. From there you come to understand that that whole twinflame crap is nothing more than hurt parts of yourself that require love and attention. However, you are the only person who can give them this unconditionally. If someone else has to give it, you become dependent and entangled, and that is something that is unhealthy. The moment you want something from another person, you have forgotten who you are truly. Finally: read the book ‘love scary’.