Q1357. Despondent?


Sometimes this whole event makes me so despondent that I prefer to run like that again… .but I can’t do that anymore… .we have been “on the road” for so ridiculously long that we have had just about everything to have. I know running away makes no sense, that didn’t work either…. With us everything is always difficult… there is always something that makes it difficult, almost impossible… So much happiness and love but also so much pain. Sometimes I don’t even know why I’m so sad. We are actually doing pretty well, growing enormously in recent months. Yet I regularly doubt about everything and wonder where we are actually going, on the other hand there is that boundless trust and unconditional love. All that double … I am crazy about the energy that this costs me. Does anyone recognize this and if so how do you deal with it?

Answer 1 The
only thing you can do is not to resist yourself but to accept what it is like. Find the distraction go exercise and do fun things. It is not all that bad, it is your other half who really suits you. I feel her every day and every now and then I come across her in my soul dreams. We are not going a step further because she does not accept it. Then it all becomes very difficult for her because that is exactly what you should not do. Sometimes I think it seems like a forced marriage because you are tied together legally. With me it is true that said is a very beautiful woman and I am very ordinary. It does not click between us, they have not accepted that for years. She walks away and pretends she doesn’t know me. The soul thinks differently about that I like that again.

Answer 2
You get the words out of my mouth. And if I recognize this! My twinflame and I have also been on the road for a long time and have now gone through almost all phases. But now we are in the penultimate and most difficult phase; we will live separately for years and years after which our reunification will take place. I will speak in about 26 years. And I now know that every day of those 26 years are needed to get us where we need to be. We both have to learn and live our business. That’s just the way it is. In the meantime I feel that he is taking a distance, after which I am doing that too. I feel his sorrow, his desire, I feel everything. It is all mirrored. So much intense love. Hold on dear companion, it will really come to an end!

Answer 3
Yes, I also think I’m crazy. Why after so many years I still feel so much for him when we have nothing? And now after a time without contact I come across his name really everywhere .. but then selectively perceive it? It sometimes seems as if he is waiting for contact from my side and I am waiting for contact from his side, as if it is a match who is the first to admit it. Or am I just crazy and am I just imagining that? He attracts me energetically .. and I don’t want to give in to the contact yet and wait until he takes another step … childish aren’t we just friends? Well not so otherwise you do not act so weird together, or do I act so weird on my own that is possible and he doesn’t think about me for a minute and it is all made up .. but then you start thinking again about everything that happened and it could hardly have been made up … are we crazy with them all then? Is it just reproduction madness then?

Answer 4
If I read this all this way, I am also happy that we can all share this with each other. I am also often despondent and praying is the only thing that helps me, there is often a blockage before I do it because I am so happy to have a good relationship with him again. I would still recommend praying and really go into Grumbling with God. My twinflame is addicted to crack and he may never get better in this life. I try to let go of it every day because I have been trying to help him for years. We met and love was like nothing before and then he started using more drugs. I don’t like that anyway and that was a misery. He was always looking for other women, but if I said go then he would come to me again. Now that I finally have the power to walk my own way, I see that a time without him will be good for my own growth. I also have so much to clean up and now I can see everything it reflects. I have become more myself since I know him and now even more. the despondent thing is that I miss him all day. I sometimes wonder widow feeling that way. In the evening I can feel him slipping into bed with me, sometimes everything feels crazy…