Q1331. Touches?


I wonder if you as a twinflame can also have trouble with the touch of your other half. What makes one literally shiver and one literally repels the other at that moment?

Answer 1
Personally never experienced that, I always enjoyed it. Body contact felt healing. But it can be very intense, so for some it might be repellent because it is too intense.

Answer 2
Does your soul love know that you feel this? If that is not the case, you should really try to tell. I understand that that is not easy, but if you keep silent, the bomb will soon burst. You may understand yourself even though this cannot continue, otherwise you did not ask this question here. Try to talk to her about it. Maybe you have to take some distance, otherwise you go under it yourself. I know how difficult it is to take a step or two back, because it is so nice to be with your soul love. But sometime the pain starts to prevail and then it is actually already too late. Good luck!