Q0925. When I meet another man, my Soul Love is always on my shoulder


I am busy releasing my tz, going out occasionally (after years). I met a man 3 times and agreed to meet them, every time I have contact with another man, my soul love is there, he sits and floats around me, I can’t pay attention to that man and listen to him carefully because my ex tz is always there, I am with the man I met, but actually there are three of us. Who recognizes this and how do you deal with it? In this way I can never start a new relationship, this has happened to me 3 times so I decided to stay only for the time being that I actually do not choose. Who has advice, advice?

Answer 1
You are not alone, your twinflame is with you. And that is the intention, because that is the point that you come together. A lot of things are being done from above to make it clear that you really belong together. Then you will really become happy. I also experience that when I talk to a woman, she is always with me. Even though I think of another woman too, she comes through. Then I already know enough that my twinflame must also start to see that. As long as she refuses me, our problems will remain. (Unknown)

Answer 2
Why do you want to let go of your twinflame? (Unknown)

Answer 3
That is a difficult question. I recognize it with my twinflame. He is also unable to keep up with another woman and relationship because he compares everyone with me. I myself am bound, but it was already before I found out that he is my twinflame. Now that it’s clear, I still don’t feel the urge to leave my husband. It is a very strong sense of “everything comes on its own time and not sooner or later”. Now is for my husband and me, and somewhere in the future there is something for twin and me. I feel that we are both not yet 100% ready for it. My advice to you is to listen very carefully to your heart. If there is no room for another love, then not. If that place is there, but in a different way than for your twinflame, then that’s fine. Then go for it and just see what happens. Ultimately, twinflames are meant to come together, and you can feel that when you say that he is always there when you are dating. It is in you and vice versa. But it does not mean that you are already ready for a relationship. You only know that yourself. Therefore: listen very carefully to your intuition, then you will never go wrong. (Unknown)

Answer 4
It seems as if I can no longer commit myself to anyone, first because my tz always floats around me and sits on my shoulder, secondly that feeling that I have with my tz is so heavenly, and indescribable, I have that not with another, with nobody, all this makes me very lonely, even in a group of 100 people I feel alone, does someone recognize this? and how can you handle this? (Unknown)

Answer 5
Oh yes, I’ve been in the same boat as you for a year! I met my Soul Love in Nov. 2010 and then the attraction and repulsion began, again and again. He chose his wife, we remained friends, but I could not handle my feelings. So I met with other men hoping to forget him … No, that didn’t help. Moreover, this made him jealous. The contact between us has been broken since last September. In the meantime I have had 2 very short relationships … and just like you, I feel my Soul Love as a third person present. Which meant that I always had to give up the relationship. Yes, I know how it feels. I just accept it. I know he is my true love, and from now on let everything come to me. Next week I have another date with a man, but I no longer have any illusions … Maybe I feel good about it? If so, all the better, if not then it’s just like that … (Unknown)

Answer 6
Does someone recognize themselves in question 925 (this question), would like advice or advice. I would like advice / good advice on how to deal with question 925, it seems as if I can no longer commit myself to anyone, first because my tz always floats around me, and sits on my shoulder, secondly that feeling what i have with my tz is so heavenly, and indescribable, i don’t have that with another, with no one, all this makes me very lonely, even in a group of 100 people I only feel someone recognizes this? and how can you handle this (Unknown)