Q1248. Signs and signals, but is he aware of it?


I also asked a question last week! But so much more has been added! More signals and signs. I’m also not sure if he is my twinflame. But that feeling is becoming clearer to me now. A few weeks ago I drove the bus to school and over the viaduct a truck drove very large to his place of residence! My mouth really fell open! Last week at school I had to wait at an office for one and the other & then suddenly I heard a song from a movie somewhere! Maybe in another room or something. But exactly with THAT music I have to think strongly about him. That was either a coincidence or a sort of sign. I do not know if he is aware of it or something, but I receive so many things that have to do with him .. So strange! A few days ago I had another dream that he had an appointment with someone. In my dream, I thought I had withdrawn because I saw myself sitting at a distance for a moment. But that dream has come true! I saw it so clearly! So vague .. But in my heart I know for sure that he is my twinflame, but my ego dominates very often! But does anyone recognize this too? These things? And does it correspond to a twinflame? My heart really says that it is! But does someone recognize this too? These things? And does it correspond to a twinflame? My heart really says that it is! But does someone recognize this too? These things? And does it correspond to a twinflame? My heart really says that it is!

Answer 1
Certainly I also have those signs that I am regularly surprised. Or is it very coincidental that that song comes along with the subject I just experienced with her last night. (Unknown)

Answer 2
(I am the questioner) Can it sometimes be true that the energy is a bit weaker than on other days? I really have those days when I feel a lot of energy flowing through my body, from head to toe! But also have days when I feel little energy! I often have worries or something and then I notice that the energy does not flow well so I feel less! On the contrary, on the contrary, my energy starts flowing and everything starts to tingle, and so on, and the feeling of energy is very nice and very real! Does that sound familiar? (Unknown)