Q0959. How long does that connection last?


The Hell of the Soul Connection. In 2008 I met my soulmate. She was single, but I was still in a relationship. Since last year she broke off the contact, because I was still in a relationship. She no longer drew that, she said. During the relationship we had the well-known paranormal connection. That connection is still there! Every time she is intimate with another man, I feel that. Sometimes I even get images. How long does that connection last? Surely not for the rest of my life can I hope?

Answer 1
Yes, you can count on that, in my opinion. Souls recognize each other by their energy. That also goes on forever. it doesn’t matter, they recognize each other effortlessly, even your twinflame recognizes the person you experienced 400 years ago. Because your twin is the same as you do you understand? Well you have met your twinflame and you as people are not going to merge, no that does the soul, and that never stops, with that connection. Personally, you can have a lot of trouble with that. But there is hope: firstly, she will also feel everything about you so that is reciprocal. And that becomes a SAFE feeling in the long run. And your blueprint makes it possible to handle it. But that all takes a lot of time,souls have all the time in the world. We must become timeless, that is the best, strength.
(Who knows)

Answer 2
My feeling now is, the closer you are to yourself and the further in your development, the stronger the connection with your twinflame. Think it also has to do with how open you are to that connection. How do you actually feel about having such a connection while you are in a relationship with someone else?

Answer 3
My opinion is that you will stay together forever. Have you not had a fusion of soul we do. Together you 1 are forever connected to each other.

Answer 4
Like answer 2 very curious how that is experienced: a connection with your soul love while you are in a relationship. How does that feel? How do you deal with that? How difficult or how easy is that? Do you completely ignore that connection?

Answer 5
You are nicely done with such an everlasting connection. Hell if the other half doesn’t want contact!

I am the author of the question. This piece had a different title, namely: “The Hell of the Soul Connection”. It is a mystery to me why this has changed. My title covers the essence of my question. Because the connection is still there and it feels extremely unpleasant. I want to get rid of it. First I want to make clear that my ex is not my Twin Soul, but my soulmate. We both still have a lot to learn. The physical relationship lasted 2 years and then another year of contact, without physical interaction. We have both had a painful growth process that continues. I have learned a lot and am still learning. To answer the question in answer 2. Namely; “How do you actually feel about having such a connection while you’re in a relationship with someone else?” It felt unreal. It was joy and sorrow all in one. I experienced it as a depersonalization. A prisoner between 2 dimensions. A huge attraction to my soulmate and a rational connection with my girlfriend at the time. It was a continuous short circuit in my head. Fear, doubt and uncertainty were then the main lines of my existence. Now there is pain, sadness, lack and desire. But the worst thing is that the paranormal connection is still there. I really want to get rid of that. It’s over and I want to reset my life. The question of answer 3: “Have you not had a fusion of souls?” I have read on the internet about the characteristics of fusion and I think that has indeed happened. (Unknown) A huge attraction to my soulmate and a rational connection with my girlfriend at the time. It was a continuous short circuit in my head. Fear, doubt and uncertainty were then the main lines of my existence. Now there is pain, sadness, lack and desire. But the worst thing is that the paranormal connection is still there. I really want to get rid of that. It’s over and I want to reset my life. The question of answer 3: “Have you not had a fusion of souls?” I have read on the internet about the characteristics of fusion and I think that has indeed happened. (Unknown) A huge attraction to my soulmate and a rational connection with my girlfriend at the time. It was a continuous short circuit in my head. Fear, doubt and uncertainty were then the main lines of my existence. Now there is pain, sadness, lack and desire. But the worst thing is that the paranormal connection is still there. I really want to get rid of that. It’s over and I want to reset my life. The question of answer 3: “Have you not had a fusion of souls?” I have read on the internet about the characteristics of fusion and I think that has indeed happened. (Unknown) But the worst thing is that the paranormal connection is still there. I really want to get rid of that. It’s over and I want to reset my life. The question of answer 3: “Have you not had a fusion of souls?” I have read on the internet about the characteristics of fusion and I think that has indeed happened. (Unknown) But the worst thing is that the paranormal connection is still there. I really want to get rid of that. It’s over and I want to reset my life. The question of answer 3: “Have you not had a fusion of souls?” I have read on the internet about the characteristics of fusion and I think that has indeed happened. (Unknown)

Answer 6
My twinflame has very strong feelings for me. I know he also knows that we are twinflames. I know this through statements, expressive looks, and the feeling of energy from him, but also because I come across him in dreams in which he makes this clear. I am bound and he has relationships with other women. At the moment he has a starting relationship. He is always very frank about his love life when my husband and I come to him or he to us. Tells about his doubts, feelings etc. But always when he does, he looks at me with a look that says more than a thousand words. I just know that I am his dream wife, and he is my dream man. But it’s impossible. Not now. He once literally said that we should be together in our next life. That proves to me that he knows. But he, too, wants to and must continue with his life, since he cannot do anything with me now. And so he dates different women. Sometimes he thinks he has found it but then after a few months he invariably comes back to it and then says that it was not her that he never falls in love and would rather be free. That is how it will go until we can choose for each other.

Answer 7
To answer 3; that fusion also took place between us. It was on July 17, 2011, between sleeping and waking. I half woke up and found myself in a pink light with my soul love and our heads merged. The feeling was indescribable. So beautiful. I also had a dream in which he declared my love for me and one in which I did this to him … In answer to the question: if you mean the connection with a twinflame, you will never lose it no. But you are talking about a soulmate, which means something else. You can lose it, I think, when you’re done together.

Answer 8
I suspect that there is a lot of fear in the whole. Fear of feeling so strongly connected to someone can sometimes feel uncomfortable. People run away from it, find their way in a different way, and then think that it was best, because it will give more peace to the soul of that twinflame. Twinflames are intensively connected in the sense that you are very at the mercy of those strong feelings of love and not everyone is waiting for that, certainly not at this time. People want to be independent and not dependent on others. And now twinflames are not interdependent but the impact is somewhat of the same. I would see it more as a not yet ready for that “fierce” relationship. Now there are also people who claim that they know their twinflame.

Answer 9
@ questioner (and the rest): what are the characteristics of a meltdown?

Answer 10
Like answer 2 & 4, I am also very curious how that is experienced: an earthly relationship and a soul connection.

Answer 11
My twinflame and I have been real twins in the womb for a short time, and then he remained present for seven years, unaware that he had died. We have long since met again (he was reincarnated in 1974 with another family) , and I often think: what would it have been like if we had really been a brother and sister, would he have died at the age of 7 and did they want to save my mother and the rest of the family that suffering? the (biological) connection will continue, you will not forget it all your life. By the way, no hell like yours. I think you will gradually grow out of it. After all, you say that you are still developing and growing. than?
(Who knows)

Answer 12
The connection will continue to exist and you will continue to feel your twinflame from a distance. Although the strength is different. May it be lucky for you if I tell you that when you sense your twinflame during “the deed”, that you are in mind! I also feel my twinflame (and even see the images in my dream). My twinflame thought during and after me. Just think of the blockade that everyone has. When you feel your twinflame, your twinflame thinks strongly about you.
(Alicia S.)