Afraid to choose. What if your soul love is a friend of the family, the families befriended, maybe even family? Can you choose for yourself if you make so many people (who are all dear to you) sad?
Answer 1
That depends on how much you are aware of your soul mission I think. The awareness of letting go is more important than the awareness of having to choose. It is not a matter of being able to but of having to. If you have at least a soul mission with each other , that is preceded. Usually it does not stop with those partners and family members, you have to leave your WHOLE previous life with all its norms and values behind, like a snake’s skin. Not being able to choose means not being able to let go and cling. the larger the destruction clinges to itself.
(Who knows)
Answer 2
This question has come to my heart because it plays a role in my life and that of my twinflame. So we are family. It is true that there is no blood bond between us (I am married to his brother) but we are family and there are so many interests and people involved that I sometimes feel like a fly caught in a cobweb. Because in such a situation you cannot choose without hurting people (much). It is about equal to high treason to start something with a family member in our earthly concepts. And I understand that very well from the earth’s perspective. But I also feel the other side; my twinflame is human and coincidentally he is my brother-in-law. Coincidence does not exist, so that will have a reason. I don’t know what that is yet. Maybe breaking a taboo? What I do know is that family members see and hear our band (we often say exactly the same thing, have the same preferences etc) and sometimes help us to get together! engen. Naturally, that all goes unconsciously. I also feel that we are slowly getting closer together on an energetic level. By means of various statements / hints he has hinted that he also knows what is going on between us and that was wonderful to get confirmed. But it ends there; we cannot go further than this. We can, but we don’t want to. I love my husband and children, and I am convinced that if twinflames and I ever have to come together this will happen. It has, because it is such a difficult situation, requires a lot of time to develop well and to prepare people for it. There is already a lot of contact in dreams, astral and at telepathic level. In real life we see each other regularly and there is that click, and the normal greetings with a few kisses on the cheek, and sometimes a touch when we hand something over to each other. It is not much, but enough to make you very happy. I constantly feel his love around me and I try to send it to him too. No one will take offense at us because we both know very well what we are doing and will never go too far. But people who are sensitive to certain “vibes” can feel what is between us. and the normal greetings with a few kisses on the cheek, and sometimes a touch when we hand each other something. It is not much, but enough to make you very happy. I constantly feel his love around me and I try to send it to him too. No one will take offense at us because we both know very well what we are doing and will never go too far. But people who are sensitive to certain “vibes” can feel what is between us. and the normal greetings with a few kisses on the cheek, and sometimes a touch when we hand each other something. It is not much, but enough to make you very happy. I constantly feel his love around me and I try to send it to him too. No one will take offense at us because we both know very well what we are doing and will never go too far. But people who are sensitive to certain “vibes” can feel what is between us.
Answer 3
That’s the full Dilemma … You have to make a choice from 2 (and I assume that “choosing for yourself” means choosing yourself and your twinflame): You and your twinflame OR all bystanders. There are consequences to that choice, as with all the choices you make. And you have to cross that off against each other. On the other hand, the “bystanders” (whoever that may be) do not necessarily have to be sad with your choice.
Answer 4
I gave answer 3, but deep in my heart, and if I am very honest, I must admit that answer 1 is completely true, so wise and so true, but the most difficult if you no longer look spiritually.
Answer 5
You don’t have to choose at all, life will do that for you if you do nothing. I don’t believe in coincidence and I do believe that things are going as they should. So also the soul love. Sometimes you are asked to have (long) patience. Difficult in a society where everything has to be fast and often possible. But good work needs time. Building your happiness on the ruins of other people’s grief is not love.
Answer 6
Yes, I also very much agree with Wieweet (I myself have answers 2 and 4). It is right, the greater the resistance, the greater the destruction. I already stopped resisting two years ago, when it finally became my own. A big step forward. But otherwise things go very painfully slowly, there is movement in it, but very subtle and gradual. That’s okay, that’s how it should be. The people around us need to be prepared, and we ourselves are also in a process of growth that I experience as a particularly exciting journey.
Answer 7
Answer 4 yes I think so too, the more spiritual one is, the easier the choice (it then becomes the only choice one can make) and answer 5 also completely agree BUT I had to disclose my information at some point bring it in and not keep it inside, so don’t just let things take its course. And I would also like to add that sometimes the best choice is made when something extremely powerful occurs between the twins