Q0627. What about your marriage?


Who else has ended up in a kind of marriage crisis, at least from your own side, after you have met twin? I once was really in love with my husband for years! But that is SO Far away now. I wonder what our lessons are, mine and mine. Twin and I will never come into such a similar relationship due to age difference, but I very much doubt whether my marriage will survive this and if I want to !!! It looks like I’m in a mid-life crisis. All I have had to miss in our relationship in the past is what twin now shows me, and what I would love to receive. If necessary with someone else. The love that I can give and have given in the past, and that twin gives in the same way, I give myself !!! If I don’t get that (and I doubt that I can ever get that through my husband) then I’m just as sweet a nun. Love is in yourself, I KNOW, but what does my body want the same touch! and and hugs like myself (and my twin) that I give.

Answer 1
Stay with yourself and cherish all loves. Of course, a risk of a marriage crisis is not excluded if you have met and recognized a twin. Those kinds of love vary so dramatically that even your marriage can end up in very turbulent waters. Realize that your twin is an eternal commitment over all lives. A possible love relationship with a twin on earth level is a trap in which the egos play an important role. You are in a transformation process and it is important to realize and feel that when you are well on the way in this transformation process the marriage you are in will also change in the positive sense. You are going to change in the positive sense yourself and therefore your marriage will also change in the positive sense. Only if your married life is dramatically bad do you naturally have to look at what is fair to maintain your marriage. I have been in a marriage crisis a few times and every time I have the will and the energy to bring it to a good end and I am constantly struggling to make sure that everything will turn out fine between us. And that is also good for your twin relationship. Hopefully you get along with this and life just knows good times and bad times. Also in a twin relationship. (Unknown) Hopefully you get along with this and life just knows good times and bad times. Also in a twin relationship. (Unknown) Hopefully you get along with this and life just knows good times and bad times. Also in a twin relationship. (Unknown)

Answer 2
thank you for your question, it is a crisis in which you end up, I could not do it after a very long denial, so I have to and I will bake something of my marriage, well in the long run I could not bake anything anymore haha ​​Love, in giving away abundance, I have done and still do, but love in a relationship, day and night is something else. then you see what you miss in your relationship, I have made the decision, I could not give my partner enough, heart and soul are twin, interwoven, so no after a long struggle with myself I let go of my partner in love, it causes sadness, but in the long run it is a better solution, I think, muddling, you grow apart, you learn so much and look at life / death differently, and therefore also at relationships. the relationship with your twin that is from ‘above’, other relationships are to grow or to make up for, but I think that is done once, you can also put a dot behind it, behind making up / karma. Karma continues to exist if you continue to believe in it, if you encounter and recognize your twin then you are already very far away, if you are weighed / weighed by the universe / god then you can take that Love, I feel, that God will give you as a gift in This life offers to bake some of it together oh yes, dear questioner a difference in age is also an ego / old belief that you also have to deal with, is old pain, shows that it is possible, that it is possible is, this Love is so precious, needed for this time, in which we live Now..loves (Unknown)

Answer 3
Yes, answer 2, that’s it: relationships are from below except (?) Relationship with twin that is from above, that’s how I feel exactly. Guiding relationships that are also from above I think. (Unknown)

Answer 4
Question for answer 2: you have been in it in marriage and done with it. Have you had a karmic marriage now that you have listed everything? What was your karmic goal? And (assuming that this goal has been met) does that separate properly? And when you met your twinflame, had that goal been largely achieved / had karma already been worked out or did it still need to be done? (Unknown)

Answer 5
@ answer 2: I think that age difference is essential. 25 years difference says in my opinion that there are different ways to have a ‘relationship’ with your twin. I am sure we are not meant for a male / female relationship, I suspect that this twinflame encounter / recognition has a different purpose. More like being a guide. So no marital relationship, as many here describe and wish for, but more an intensely loving friendship relationship. Everyone with his own family. I mine and he hopefully later with his. A few stories have already been published on this site in which the age difference was about the same and in which there was also talk about attraction, but not in the sexual area. I suspect that this will also be the case with us in the future. And what I especially hope for is that he may come across a soulmate with whom he can later share his life. Everyone can do this in both types of relationships! use divine love to make the world a little more beautiful. (L.)

Answer 6
Hi everyone, I am from ANW.2 I have been reading, writing and growing along with this for years, sometimes I keep a little bit in the background because it is different for me, I also do not know everything, but karma, yes how do you know if something is karma has been. had a loving marriage, knew that something else was waiting for me, I already knew unconsciously before, and that came up again, so whether this marriage was karma, I can feel that I had to live this life as it was tnt , karmic goal, wsch.support career partner and children, even without knowing it was ready. that I had done well and am still doing well. where my main concern is that you come to a standstill in your feeling, you change things-situations in your life and yet you feel that you have to continue, that you stand still otherwise, both of us by the way, you hold something that no longer wants. when I met my twinflame, I was already a long way off, I grew away from my partner 3 years before, difference of opinion, we no longer understood each other, after 14 years of fighting, you suffocate, plus you feel that you another task is waiting, there was too much difference, I was always tired. we are like friends apart and it gives sadness, but what gives more sadness … … until death separates us..no grow, so also take the mountain that lay before me, which I had to cross, I felt that I had that fear had to conquer to choose for myself, an urge that grew and which, supported by the universe, I had to believe in, whether I wanted to or not. Whether you get a relationship in the sense of male-female that is something you know deep down, you can only feel it yourself, if that attraction is not there on that level, then it indicates that mssch and then that is also good .. so everyone has their way to walk in it, my advice .. follow your heart, you! feel then you know if you can go on like this or if there are new ways to be walked for your growth, your love, but never let fear guide you because it seems too difficult. (Unknown)

Answer 7
If you feel that you are standing still in your relationship, that it is ready, that you no longer learn anything from each other (that you might learn each other more by separating, no more popping and keeping up) your karma is ready. That’s how I feel, if you stay because it’s easier for everyone, but no longer for yourself, then maybe your job is to dare to do that for yourself, to be honest in your feelings, to grow into that Love, who has come your way, it felt like a task for me to get myself out of that ‘stagnation’. (Unknown)

Answer 8
Answer 3 Guiding relationships, soulmates are also from ‘above’, but there is only one twinflame and I think that is the relationship meant by ‘above’ especially for you. (Unknown)

Answer 9
I don’t think it is always and by definition the case that you have to end your relationship if there is no longer any spiritual growth with your current partner, you only know and feel that yourself! Sometimes it is also necessary, as in my case, to build a bridge between earthly and spiritual or heavenly or whatever you want to call it, and that you have to do everything possible to deal with it purely from earthly insights as well. It has nothing to do with love if you say at some point, OK I am now moving on spiritually and so I leave everything that is too earthy behind me … … if that is the only reason ??? …. how credible are you when you talk about love. This love is not only for “us” but it is also the intention that everyone can grow with it. You can only make these considerations yourself / you only know yourself, if you are able to let go of ego and stay very close to yourself, only you know what your blueprint / path is. I “knew” 2 yrs ago that and! how the relationship of twin would end and also that we would probably come together in the earthly within 5 years, which means that I still have a maximum of 3 years to go …. I trust that I will be given the right at exactly the right moment. That is sometimes very difficult for me, but I have faith …. (I was amazed to see how everything came out / was right what was whispered to me by “above”) … and that is my / our very last megazware lesson I think before I can continue with twin, trust !!!! Love. (Unknown) how the relationship of twin would end and also that we would probably come together in the earthly within 5 years, which means that I still have a maximum of 3 years to go …. I trust that I will be given the right at exactly the right moment. That is sometimes very difficult for me, but I have faith …. (I was amazed to see how everything came out / was right what was whispered to me by “above”) … and that is my / our very last megazware lesson I think before I can continue with twin, trust !!!! Love. (Unknown) how the relationship of twin would end and also that we would probably come together in the earthly within 5 years, which means that I still have a maximum of 3 years to go …. I trust that I will be given the right at exactly the right moment. That is sometimes very difficult for me, but I have faith …. (I was amazed to see how everything came out / was right what was whispered to me by “above”) … and that is my / our very last megazware lesson I think before I can continue with twin, trust !!!! Love. (Unknown) and that is my / our very last megazware lesson I think before I can continue with twin, trust !!!! Love. (Unknown) and that is my / our very last megazware lesson I think before I can continue with twin, trust !!!! Love. (Unknown)

Answer 10
to answer 7 yes then I think your karma is to maintain your relationship, spiritual growth I tried to explain to you, let others read, but that is not the only reason, but it is an important one, I’m not going to explain that here, and no matter how I get used to it, every time I hear some conviction here on this site, I understand well that this has been the hardest decision in my life, I have done that for years and ask myself also sometimes wonder why the universe / god sent me this path, also does not know at all how twin is in it, thought to feel it, but never knew for sure .. love (Unknown)

Answer 11
Answer 6: what a courageous decision, after 14 years and with children, yes sometimes you almost suffocate. did your partner know about your spiritual growth and your twin, or did you keep it on earthly motives? Kind regards (Unknown)

Answer 12
Answer 11; thank you, it was a decision i made from my heart based on earthly motives and spiritual growth, lovingly (Unknown)

Answer 13
Answer 10, I have a great deal of respect for such a decision, and I wish it was my path, because I would have made that decision a long time ago. My path is different, I have to let time do its work and yes sometimes I wonder, what is more difficult, being able to make a decision myself or “knowing” that it is not the intention to make such a decision and to have to trust in…. but I have faith! Love from a sometimes desperate twin. (Unknown)

Answer 14
Dear Answer 10 and about that condemnation, I feel that here too occasionally, but then the other way around, I think that everyone’s path is unique and that you cannot and may not condemn anyone for this. I do not judge you and I respect your courageous decision! love (Unknown)

Answer 15
Answer 13, that’s how it feels to me. But I certainly respect everyone’s way and choice. It is different for each person how to deal with it. I myself am also in a situation where I have to let time and the universe do its work very quietly. And I accept that. And no, that is not a fear of taking control, but an inner knowing that I will not get along if I start taking action myself. That would only take me further from the final goal. (Unknown)

Answer 16
Bad and good, ups and downs. After I was more or less resigned to the status of my marriage, I came across someone who opened my eyes. I have been in a process of dissatisfaction and searching for my own share in this and how to change it for the better. Through the meeting with this person, everything suddenly becomes much clearer. The discovery by my husband of my special relationship with that other person has led to a huge marriage crisis. Since then, the cards seem to have been shuffled again and my new path taken (in search of autonomy) has caused fierce arguments and conflicts. It seems that every step I take towards authenticity increases the distance with my husband and increases his panic, compulsion to control and anger. I am not happy and always very tired. In retrospect my relationship always consumed an enormous amount of energy, but now that I am aware of it and have named it, it is debilitating. I never really feel relaxed and happy again! , except when I am alone with our children for a few days. My soulmate plays virtually no role in this. Every contact is more or less “prohibited” by our partners, we no longer see each other and we have occasional contact, but nobody knows. He opened my eyes. Unconditional love, someone who is not annoyed at me or constantly criticizes me, someone where I can just be without fear or guilt, can see myself again as a loving person. Love can and may give. It really exists. But unfortunately not in my relationship. Not yet. Is being worked on! How wonderful that seems to me. (Unknown) except when I’m alone with our children for a few days. My soulmate plays virtually no role in this. Every contact is more or less “prohibited” by our partners, we no longer see each other and we have occasional contact, but nobody knows. He opened my eyes. Unconditional love, someone who is not annoyed at me or constantly criticizes me, someone where I can just be without fear or guilt, can see myself again as a loving person. Love can and may give. It really exists. But unfortunately not in my relationship. Not yet. Is being worked on! How wonderful that seems to me. (Unknown) except when I’m alone with our children for a few days. My soulmate plays virtually no role in this. Every contact is more or less “prohibited” by our partners, we no longer see each other and we have occasional contact, but nobody knows. He opened my eyes. Unconditional love, someone who is not annoyed at me or constantly criticizes me, someone where I can just be without fear or guilt, can see myself again as a loving person. Love can and may give. It really exists. But unfortunately not in my relationship. Not yet. Is being worked on! How wonderful that seems to me. (Unknown) He opened my eyes. Unconditional love, someone who is not annoyed at me or constantly criticizes me, someone where I can just be without fear or guilt, can see myself again as a loving person. Love can and may give. It really exists. But unfortunately not in my relationship. Not yet. Is being worked on! How wonderful that seems to me. (Unknown) He opened my eyes. Unconditional love, someone who is not annoyed at me or constantly criticizes me, someone where I can just be without fear or guilt, can see myself again as a loving person. Love can and may give. It really exists. But unfortunately not in my relationship. Not yet. Is being worked on! How wonderful that seems to me. (Unknown)

Answer 17
Yes dear L, nun is my profession nowadays, I have worked hard for it and I have to say it is good, love for myself and a close knowledge that there is real Love, hope and trust that it will be all right and yes that hugs, from the soul is what you want … love (Unknown)