Q0614. What goes through you when you see your twin?


What goes through you when you see your twin? message: What do you feel / go through you when you see your twin? And is there a difference if you bump into him or her unexpectedly? I myself notice that if I can prepare myself that I can control myself much better than if I bump into him unexpectedly. Then such an adrenaline rush goes through me that I no longer know what I am doing because of craziness, then I blush and I can’t get my words out. These symptoms are very similar to an ordinary crush, but this has been going on for years. On the other hand, I am far too concerned with myself when I know we are going to see each other and I stand in front of the mirror for hours while he gets a much purer impression from me when we meet. How does that work for you?

Answer 1
Yes I know what you are going through. It is no fun. I can not imagine that this should make you feel good. The feelings that come to me are negative. I know you have to work on yourself and go through this process and also through those negative feelings. Is it then necessary for me to feel his negative feelings? In recent years I have only experienced misery with him. The woman he is with wants to marry him. I have just gone through my own grieving process, may I feel his feelings, how blissful about that. I don’t call that unconditional love, but torture in my feelings. I understand how you feel. We strengthen ourselves by staying close to ourselves and being independent of our twinflame. I want peace. The other half of me has it easy, it doesn’t have it at all. He is happy with his life. In the next life I hope not to meet him again or not to return at all! r earth (I say with all my heart). (Unknown)

Answer 2
With me it will indeed be a shock (say quietly shock) if it is unexpected and you can wear it if you know in advance. I suspect that when I see him again (for the first time since I know that we are twinflames) I expect or unexpected that I will be very frightened and that I will become very insecure. That I would not dare to look into his eyes. Desiring yes, but not daring. Certainly if there has been no contact until a meeting, I already know that I will be scared. Afraid of what I can read in his eyes, afraid of showing my own feelings, assuming he still doesn’t know anything. Well, he knows something but tries to ignore it with all his might. I’m afraid he won’t be very kind to me then. I know from experience how I FEEL when I know I will see him again. The last time I was allowed to be with him for a few days (I did not know then that we were twins) I felt it! ij like I have never felt before. So energetic, so happy, so happy. People even made comments about how good I looked. And that’s how I felt !!! Simply sparkling. That is what my dear twin is doing to me. It makes you live from every cell in your body. Hmmm …. I would like to feel it again. (L.) That is what my dear twin is doing to me. It makes you live from every cell in your body. Hmmm …. I would like to feel it again. (L.) That is what my dear twin is doing to me. It makes you live from every cell in your body. Hmmm …. I would like to feel it again. (L.)

Answer 3
Yes dear L, that is a feeling that cannot be compared to anything else, so fantastic. I also have that people look at me as if they see something about me. Once twin and I walked through the city together and then people looked at us very strange. I have not seen him for a month and heard nothing, total silence. And the desire sometimes becomes unbearable. But on the other hand, I want it that way myself, I don’t have to see it for a moment, it’s too much. The best thing would be if I unexpectedly bumped into him, then it is good for me. But I will not contact myself. I don’t agree with answer 1. Of course soul love has two sides; a very fine and beautiful side but also another, hard side that gives you pain. But it is precisely because of that pain and lack that you are able to really feel the fine down to every fiber of your being, and that makes it so worthwhile. Sure it is not nice to be sad and miss someone like that, but somewhere I sometimes like to dive so deeply into my feelings. (A.)

Answer 4
Dear L., step over your fear when you see him, then you will get those wonderfully beautiful feelings again, I also had to conquer myself several times, so nervous, but from every encounter you grow, you go one step further , it is for me whether it goes up in gear again (unknown).

Answer 5
L. here: you know, I am scared and nervous but would always choose to see him compared to not see. I know I will grow from that. But the problem is; he does not want to see me, nor speak, mail, send text messages, so a meeting seems so far away that I can only speculate. Moreover, we live so far apart that there is little talk of a chance encounter. I wish I had the chance to step over my fear and nerves, to experience if I can stand in my shoes a little bit. For now it is all about wishing and praying. They say, a year is over, and it is, but my goodness, how long a day can be if you long for someone’s presence. Patience has never been my strongest side, well…. (L.)

Answer 6
Yes A .; sometimes it’s just nice to dive deep into your feelings. It hurts and is beautiful at the same time. I understand exactly what you mean. The pain is of desire, the beautiful is of this beautiful, divine love. This special and intense band. Something unimaginable on earthly level, that this can only exist. A deep, deeply grateful feeling that I can experience this. Yes dear twin, I miss you every day, one time more than the other times, but I always miss you and I always love you as much as yesterday, maybe even more today … (L.)
Answer 6 dear A. well that missing is fine for a while and in your feeling all also dive nicely, yet the negative feeling is not to harden sometimes and then there is not much beauty left if you never see each other, you come once at a point that you have it and yes that spiritual feeling is also beautiful but what if there is nothing in the earthly .. is that the intention? (Unknown)

Answer 7
To reaction 6, If there is nothing in the aadse, then that will happen sometime, I am convinced. Whether or not during this life. You can’t rush. You have no influence whatsoever. In the earthly life I do indeed experience a lot of signs and feelings from my twin, but there is no real physical contact. We see each other sometimes, and that’s nice. If there were really an earthly relationship at the moment, this would cause a lot of problems, it would even be a disaster. No, that has to wait. And no matter how long that is, only God / the universe knows or whatever you want to call it. (Unknown)

Answer 8
Answer 7 How do you do that? to receive in the earthly signs and feelings of your twin, what should I imagine? (Unknown)

Answer 9
To answer 8: how do I do that? I don’t have to do anything for it just to look and feel. Every day around me I see countless characters of my twin in the form of numbers and letter combinations, songs on the radio, his name in the craziest places or people who call his name. Often when I think about him intensively, he calls. I feel it even though it is difficult to explain. I feel his energy around me. I know when he is sad and when he is happy. It all comes down to developing a certain sensitivity that makes these things feel and visible to you and that goes without saying. It is a completely new world that has opened up for me, very beautiful. (Unknown)