Q0610. Soul love?


Immediately there is strong recognition between two souls. Is there then also soul love present? And does this soul love become stronger when they have kissed and consumed each other? After all, a fusion is being talked about. Or does it not matter what one does, love stays on the same level? Thanks.

Answer 1
Yes with me. He stood by my bed in the hospital, as a professional, and I tended to put my arm around him, right away. And for the first time I saw him! He didn’t, he was only busy with his profession. But I did see that I touched him with one sweet remark. The real fusion was two days later, purely through eye contact. The love remains of the same strength and at the same level, takes never finished. (Unknown)

Answer 2
I don’t know if love will become stronger when it is consumed or when you kissed each other, because I haven’t done that with my twin yet. But I just think that’s the case. After all, you also come physically very close together. I do experience a gathering / fusion on a spiritual level, but that is different from the physical. No less beautiful and intense. Eye contact is always very beautiful and sometimes almost intolerable. I read so much in his eyes. As if it contains our entire history. I noticed a stronger feeling when he looked at me once longer than normal, intense. And once he took something out of my hands and touched my hands in a very gentle way. Another time when he started making tea for me, He asked in a very sweet and caring way if I wanted tea and then started making it for me. Once we sat next to each other and our knees touched during a conversation, neither he nor I wanted to get up, butt! he was apparently the first to get up because he was starting to feel uncomfortable, but I felt that there was a fusion of feelings at the time, that he would have preferred to stay very close to me. The soul love also does not decrease in intensity, only more, and then I have been in love for 15 years… (Unknown)

Answer 3
With me. I rang the doorbell, she opened the door and I immediately felt it and this is something very special about this meeting. Thirty years later at her place I saw her, she was very surprised that I had found her place, then she was a bit cranky and a little angry and then she had to leave. She did look at me and I noticed that she recognized me immediately. I felt very calm and I was close to myself. Then I kept looking at her, I couldn’t take my eyes off her and suddenly we looked into each other’s eyes. The world fell away completely and she reacted very surprised and after that she was much friendlier to customers and she also looked at me less angry. I already loved her very much when I saw her for the first time and this feeling has only become deeper. After meeting her business I feel much less sad and I feel much more happy. I kissed her in a dream and she smelled really nice and there were beautiful colors around her head just like gems. We have had very little physical contact with each other, but she once carried me across the threshold. Perhaps then it had also occurred to her that the first meeting was very special or she was just crazy about me, that is of course also possible. (Unknown)

Answer 4
I think that love only gets more, stronger. if you never see each other, it will stay, but you will also miss it and that does not make it easy. if you consume each other haha, what ever it means, think it is a nice expression, it will only get stronger without looking at each other, we felt the merger several times already, has nothing to do with sex. so fused together and yet not earthly together and that makes sad, the loss..what say yourself you’re still just a person who likes the one who loves. today I felt twin again so violently, I sometimes felt dizzy and then I am sorry I can’t see him talk to him in real life, hold on to it, but we both walk our own way, our own struggle, our own life and that makes us strong,

Answer 5
The recognition was there immediately, the very first time I saw him, thought “oh no hey, what are you doing here because I’m not waiting for this” and I was immediately shocked by my thoughts and realized that I had never seen him before had haha. In the beginning I found him a bit disturbing because he was always looking at me like that. Only later was there some sort of “impact” and afterwards I felt something very special, it also felt different than just falling in love and I knew immediately this is never going to happen again. The first amalgamation took place a few months later I think, he looked at me and I started to shake through my whole body, as if we were connected to each other by some kind of electric wires. Only much later did I realize that it was about my twinflame and only then did that deep love come to me, that it was really “real” and not just a whim. Yes, and that loving is never about that you actually know from the beginning, and if you are healed, then you know j! he certainly “this is it”, everything that everyone and everything is looking for, all the beautiful stories and songs that everyone finds beautiful but that suddenly get a much deeper meaning if you understand it all. It takes a while before you get that far but then, wowh, I am so grateful that I can experience this !! Oh yes, we have never kissed (so far) haha ​​so you don’t have to look for it there all the beautiful stories and songs that everyone likes but that suddenly get a much deeper meaning if you understand it all. It takes a while before you get that far but then, wowh, I am so grateful that I can experience this !! Oh yes, we have never kissed (so far) haha ​​so you don’t have to look for it there all the beautiful stories and songs that everyone likes but that suddenly get a much deeper meaning if you understand it all. It takes a while before you get that far but then, wowh, I am so grateful that I can experience this !! Oh yes, we have never kissed (so far) haha ​​so you don’t have to look for it there .(Unknown)