Q0562. Is he my soulmate?


Is he my soulmate? And can we also make it into a future? Who has a future with his soulmate ?! message: I knew him through my ex friend, we had seen each other 3 times .. he thought I was really nice and I did like him but there was no more. When it went out with my ex boyfriend he (my soulmate?) Visited me and to many conversations we seemed to like each other very much .. At the first meeting the day before yesterday 20-12-2010 it was immediately hit when we saw each other! We hugged each other and it felt really good right away and I could be myself and he, but when we were getting more involved with each other at my house I felt a love orgasm without having sex going through my whole body. I have this never experienced! This was also his first relationship for him and even he had never been so much in love and felt exactly the same as I felt for him .. We ourselves are very young .. I am 17 years old and he is 18 years old. But I am a bit scared about this whole thing .. I have the idea that I want to be with him forever and he feels the same .. can we really make it happen ?!

Answer 1
If you feel this for him, I would say go for it, a soulmate is nice and familiar, enjoy it is something different than a twinflame (Unknown)

Answer 2
Soulmate or not, do you think it’s important to know? Enjoy the feeling of love, that nice warm special thing you have together. Ultimately, everyone with whom you enter into a relationship is in one way or another a soulmate of yours. What you want to know is, I think, if that is the one special that we are all talking about here. You usually only come across this at a later age, after your 40th birthday, and you also immediately know “this will never pass”. And I can tell you that the feelings you describe are then 100 times stronger, but it is all a bit more complicated than most people already have a “life” with responsibilities that force you to take a very critical look at yourself . If you live your life to your heart then everything will be fine, with or without a twin because you will not find that in every life. Love (Unknown)

Thank you very much. (Unknown)

Answer 3
Answer 2: Do you find it important to know? If the person asking the question does not think it is important to know whether the person is a soulmate or not, it would not have been asked? (Unknown)

Answer 4
Just a response to answer 2, I also came across my twin at the age of 13 and am now 22, so it doesn’t mean that it happened after your 40th pass. Listen honestly to your feelings, only you know the answer. Dear greetings (Unknown)

Answer 5
My twin is 16 and we met last summer. Meeting your twinflame as young as you can be. For months alone I have been wondering what the purpose is of meeting your twin at such a young age. The message is clear to me, but isn’t it too hard to meet your twin during puberty? To answer 4: how did you experience that? You were extremely young. Isn’t such a twinflame getting in your way during puberty? I have so much to do with my dear twin that he has to experience this already. I am very sad and I cannot / may not help him. (L.)

Answer 6
Answer to question 6 from Mrs. 4 (E) I came across my twin on me 13, but never realized it was me Twin, hello I was 13! he two years olderAt that time I had a special feeling, very clear, as if we had never been away from each other and very familiar and we two against the rest of the world. I can now describe that feeling better now I’m 22;) I’ve always had the inspiration / feeling I shouldn’t forget you, dr is something with you, something special! Was very curious about him, but also very scared. I was not ready for that moment, it was not yet the moment, my soul had to grow first and I had to mature first to strengthen. Now when I look back and look inside, it is indeed so. In my puberty my twin didn’t really stand in my way or something, I didn’t have any ‘trouble’I first had to develop myself thoroughly. well on me 16 I remember that I also met him again, he was in my school again the same feeling, complete, that I knew things about him that he anyway! 2 years older than me, what kind of car he drove, things like that. And around that age I would really get in touch with him. And idd! He was 22 and then I contacted him. I immediately remembered that at school everything fell into place and my mouth fell open! as if it is all ‘planned’ up there. for questions you can always email me others hear lots of love and strength! Dear greetings (E.)

Answer 7
Hi E. of answers 4 and 6. Would like to get in touch with you. liefs (L.) The email address of L. is known by the readction.