Q0506. No energy and sick?


A few years ago I wondered how deeply a person had to sink in order to commit suicide. Now I fully understand and I have to admit that I often think about it. Never thought that a person could feel so empty. I have no energy anymore, and it feels like my whole heart is being pulled apart. My intuition always told me that everything would be fine and that we would come together again in this life, but my twin is married, knowing about my existence. I feel rejected by him but at the same time something in my heart says that he feels the same for me as I do for him. I also dare not trust my intuition anymore because it has lied to me once. I don’t know what to do with this, I hardly eat anymore, I feel depressed, empty, sick, nauseous and worthless. I often feel tingling and energy flowing through my body and if he is nervous or feels bad then I feel it. At these moments it looks like my! the energy comes out of my body and I am so tired as if I have run the marathon, I do not know what that is, but it goes without saying, I have no control over it, it seems as if he is taking away all my energy and I have nothing left have for myself. I am still fairly young and still studying, and I really have no idea how to continue to live, I have my exams next week, but I feel so bad that I can’t keep my concentration in mind and probably none of that go to take exams. I can no longer, I feel so cornered by everything, I can hardly tell my study dean that I can’t concentrate and feel sick because I have met my twinflame and live in 2 worlds. I wish I had come across my twin at a later age and not at such a young age, I can hardly enjoy my earthly life because nothing gives me satisfaction. In the meantime, I am afraid that I will remain lonely and alone for the rest of my life because the love of others does not satisfy me. It says everywhere that you have to let go and find yourself again, but I just don’t know how to do that and how to continue with my earthly life, I have no energy for that anymore, I am just sick and tired. It feels like I’m in a cave a mile deep and can’t get out. I looked in the mirror today and I no longer recognized myself, I do things that I would normally never do and I hurt people without really wanting to. I don’t understand anything anymore about life, I feel insecure, weird and derailed. I thought he loved me.

Dear girl, A whole story and I want to say that I understand you. The desperation, the futility and despair. I could say Been there done that. I, too, have felt what it is like not to want to continue living. In my case because I felt so guilty (and sometimes still) guilty towards my partner. In addition, the raw lack of my twinflame at certain moments and the constant attraction and repulsion between twinflame and me. It was a struggle of years in which I was thrown back and forth between euphoric feelings and deep sorrow. I am now a bit older and I feel that I have a better grip on the situation, also because I have developed a lot spiritually. And that is also reserved for you. I am now able to keep twinflame at a distance if I feel that I am being carried away too much again. Then I scoop my head away and “block” it out of my mind. There will then be room again to focus on more earthly matters. Remember that the whole twinflame story also means that every half will develop at a rapid pace. Eventually you will be able to let him go and feel from your heart that it is good that you each go your own way. Then you are able to enjoy the moments that you see each other and no longer have any expectations. You can even be open to love and meet someone with whom you want to share your life. Because it is often the case that a relationship between twinflames is not the intention at all. It can all co-exist. Love with a twinflame is something that will never disappear, no matter what happens and no matter how far apart you are. Love,

I’v been there too and done that. I lay on the bottom of the well with my face down. Nothing but nothing at all was of any significance to me except my other half. Not eating, not paying attention to my family, not in the mood. Depressed so. And yet, 7 weeks after the last meeting, I slowly scrambled up from the well. I can even occasionally say that I am happy to have met my other half. But that is certainly not the case every day. It is very difficult to travel this road on your own. Almost impossible even. Certainly where you are now. But it is also very special. Your inner journey goes fast. Your exams may go wrong this year, but you should see what you DO learn this year. Not what you intended to do, but perhaps even more valuable. Certainly for yourself. I hope you can draw strength from the reactions you will receive from fellow sufferers. Know that you are being thought of. You are not alone. In the end everything will be alright. One way or the other. Trust that !!! (if you stay that way go to your doctor and ask for something for depression. That will remove the sharp edges and help you to keep going. you are too beautiful and valuable for this world not to do your bit) big kiss. (Unknown)

It is very understandable that you feel this way. If I were with you, I would put an arm around you and listen to you. It is important that you find the power in yourself again by listening to your pure feeling. Find the power to get through this. Once you get there, you will see that you will look at your twin differently. I wish you a lot of strength. I am concerned about you and not about how I experienced it with my twin. (Unknown)

I have experienced exactly what you are going through now! I was also so young and studied, twin despite recognition also married to another, recognize your feelings. But I’m still here, I’ll be fine. Mail me if you want. (Unknown)

Same here !!, I recognize myself in your story, even my twinflame can’t be with me because he has a family and lived together, but we do have contact and I talk to him a few times a week, I can tell you that too a very tough way to go! Wanting to die, emptiness, and incredible sorrow, I recognize it all, and there is no medicine for it !! every day is a new one and i often say to myself, persist today maybe you will feel better tomorrow. That I met my twinflame, I also no longer recognized myself, it was so bad that I wanted to have myself admitted, because I thought I was going crazy. The lesson in this is only deeply related to you and challenges you to rediscover yourself without detracting from that love for him. I have no advice, but just know that there are several people who are just as bad as you. Slowly it has become a bit quieter with me, and I hope that over time you can also feel wholeness in yourself, that you can never be taken away again !! That’s what you have, yourself and that incredible love, give yourself that time, every day there is one, I’ve been on the road for almost 4 years, and it has brought me more than let me lose, the insight I got into myself no one else could have shown me. the loss is lacking, I cannot imagine that there will be a day when I will not think about him anymore, it will stay with you !! But there is also room, slowly but surely, this lesson is much bigger than those exams, and actually much more important !! Keep your tough girl in mind, I hold your hand, know that there are people who (re) know your feelings and share them with you. the world is a lot nicer with another human being who can feel these wonderful, but oh so painful emotions, because that really makes you !! know that someday there will be a day with you under the stars! (Unknown)

The vehicle I read here can be my story. The process that you are in is certainly not pleasant. Get to know the difference between ego and your inner feeling. The inner feeling knows no pain and desire. Learn to enjoy the feelings you have for your twin and accept that they are there. Ego stands for ‘I want this’ and ‘I want that’. You tell your story and what I taste it supports. My experience is not important to you, but I want to let you know that you are not alone in this. Search for your inner strength again because it is in you. (Unknown)

The story is similar to my experience. What I read, that I have to go back to my inner self, is the solution for me to let go of the whole and to get through in my own life. I first have to stand in my own energy again. I’m still too much in my ego. First overcome. Thank you for your response and the insight you have given me. I have to go back to my inner feeling. (Unknown)

Hi dear girl, First of all very brave of you that you put your story so clearly here, but it also comes across as a cry for help! Although I have never thought of suicide, I also understand your story like no other. It will be meager comfort for you to read that several people are going through the same process and struggling with the same feelings. Only I think that you are not helped with that at the moment! You run into walls, with your twin but also with the outside world and at the moment you don’t see it anymore, which I can understand! I think it is important that you look for help, preferably where you are understood because this process can only be understood if you are involved with it. I can recommend Cranio Sacral therapy from my own experience, it gives you more insight and removes the sharp edges, just enough to find courage to continue. I wish you a lot of strength and tonight all my angels are heading! you! Love (forever)

Am I just curious how you are doing now? I’m a little worried about you. Love (forever)

Hey (Forever), I’m the person in the story, you don’t have to worry, it’s going a bit better, but I’m not there yet .. thank you very much for all the comments, it’s nice to know that also others who understand you. I must honestly say that I have felt a bit of a magical inspirational power the night after reading the responses, I don’t know where it came from, but it did help. love (Unknown)

Trust your own feelings that tell you the truth, he also loves you but is not ready yet. Stand in your own strength then nothing or nobody can blow you away .. I also climbed out of a huge well and that pleases fine. no matter what happens and I will continue to trust my feeling no matter what my twin says or does, because it will be okay, also for you! (Forever)

Good to read that you are doing better. Although I don’t know you, I did worry about you. Nice to hear that you got power from the reactions. (Unknown)

I’m also in the middle of it …. the emptiness, the literal pain in my heart, as if I’m dying. Despondent, desperate, hopeless … I think about him 24/7, when I wake up, when I brush my teeth, at every car ride, at work … my madhouse in my head. Feel so intensely sad and lost !!! We got in touch this year. For 3 months we apped day and night. Yes he is married and has kids, but his marriage was over he said. Our feelings have been there for years, but now we finally wanted to be together. Until his wife threatened with the children, they are so dear to him … he is afraid of losing his children and so chose his family. Left me broken without any explanation. Greet me no more, and seems to have completely erased me. Wasn’t it about home? you wanted to share your life with me, we were 1 … I was your everything … and that was what I had been for you for years, and you for me .. and now suddenly that is gone? I feel just as lost as you .. and I don’t understand it at all: ((Unknown)