Q0397. Own soul – twinflame?


By making strong contact with one’s own soul can reunification take place with the twinflame? blue-luna wrote this on her blog and I really like it. whether you do it consciously or unconsciously that your own contact seems to be there; you may be ‘driven apart’ if this personal contact is not yet strong enough, that it is working on yourself, the reason that you have to let go for a while. you also feel that it is quite serious to meet such a twin with your twin, that you really have to get to work, that it is not so easy to solve with a phone call, note or not seeing for a while. and that it does not go away, just stops, that you cannot go further. fortunately the own soul never needs to be completely pure, that is not possible, we are on earth, we never become perfect, but we can also face that, I think, make it easier maybe? I struggle with my own soul but sometimes I am also moved to tears by the beauty of it, it took a long time, I hope to get far enough to mirror, come together, how? I don’t know anymore, it doesn’t matter anymore. blue luna writes a lot of good things … see every contact as a sweetheart contact is beautiful too; thank you blue luna!