Q0390. Complaints by choosing fear?


complaints by choosing fear message: If you choose for your soul then you choose for yourself, it will do you good at all levels. I have experienced that you can suffer from physical discomfort by going against your feelings .. by resisting the wish of your soul? I got skin complaints, was always tired, because I wanted to go further on my mind and tried to go against that enormous powerful soul wish. So I did not choose for myself and therefore not for my soul .. I chose fear and that caused me complaints. Who recognizes this?

For myself, the spiritual awakening was the most difficult thing I ever had to go through and because I have abandoned so much I feel obliged to give people who experience the same thing sufficient explanation and to be able to reassure them, because with me nobody knew what I had until I was there came back opt internet !! At first I thought I would not be long! had about the same characteristics, suddenly you begin to open paranormal channels, you suddenly have clairvoyant, seeing, smelling, hearing, tasting experiences one after the other, the first period I am experiencing, phase 1 the first thing to do with it what happened to me was opt concert before my birthday, i suddenly started to feel bad, i felt the world and i didn’t feel earthy anymore, then I thought something bad was about to happen I just couldn’t explain it was as if I spontaneously exited a part from my body and that took a long time but the worst was only 1 day, after that day I still had parabolic experiences the first phase that I underwent was lifelessness, energyless, I felt that I was exactly a little short in my body, I had no power to do for nothing and I thought that was not normal, I could not stare in the mirror for longer than 5 minutes because first of all I no longer recognized my own face, as if I was changing! and that as a 2nd difficulty I had to concentrate, I remember that I felt lifeless, as if life were being sucked out of me and I had that phase from May to June or July for a month or 2 Phase 2 in my spiritual growth was all sorts of physical complaints, especially my heart pain, I think that at this stage you are clearing chakras, my heart was in great pain, was beating very irregularly and had enormous high pressure, also had respiratory problems, and the period after that for almost a whole month an inhuman pressure on my head, headache and exactly that your brain will be crushed! In phase 2 I also had to contend with a lot of fears, it was a very frightening process for me and I had to go through it alone without help and understanding, then phase 2 stopped around September or October and after that I felt that I had learned a lot , I felt enormously grown, I felt a different spirit really very strange A typical characteristic is also the mourning of you old me, I miss the girl I was a year ago but that k! an i will never be again !! I think it is sad because it seems like my mind has changed completely but that is also the case that every mind must grow, but not everyone does that in this life !! So I do, in phase 3 the acceptance is that you are different, but also some unrest, doubts, but in phase 3 you are almost through, which is also a fact the +1 does longer for spiritual growth than the other !! 1 thing that never left is that looking in the mirror, I sigh sometimes I see a completely different person, I don’t recognize myself anymore that is really crazy, because I have undergone a mental change !! Do you recognize yourself in the description above ?? Tell is more explicit what you feel I really want to help you very much because I know that it is very important !! What is also a fact is that spiritual growth should not always hurt, but it usually only hurts when you struggle (tie with most things like that :-)) so try to accept that you MUST change, tie for your own! n good and contradicting does not help that makes it only more painful for you, tell me something more about it maybe I can help you further !! much love (Claudia)

I did indeed have complaints, such as suddenly turning your head, or the feeling that you were pressed into your chair and that you could no longer move, but that started years ago, I now know / think that you are the twinflame you feel, you feel his emotions. can now place it all. yes also high blood pressure etc. all at the beginning (years ago), it was soon clear why and I could feel “normal” again. Fatigue really came to me because I was in a situation that was no longer good for me. think the other spiritual experiences are beautiful, I am never really shocked, rather very beautiful to experience, gaining confidence in life that never ends … beautiful … especially to experience and experience! (Unknown)

Yes the fact is that you can also feel your twin but you recognize that feeling in the 1000, you feel the being of your twin throughout your body !! But the literal pains of a spiritual growth are worse with one person than another, with me it was so bad that I saw death, but the worst is over, but I feel that it is not yet fully completed because it is a long process, do you also feel as if your mind has completely changed inside and you no longer recognize yourself in the mirror or on a photo? I went through many phases and abandoned a lot, but the problem that I don’t understand is that I experienced that spiritual growth through my twin or my niece who died because you can get it from both, well that’s not so important which makes me think , I just had a difficult period and yes I fear that I am not the only one who has to go through this, although most do not experience it in life but on the Other Side !! It’s bi! j me almost a year ago that i have changed so much but it has been 2 years since i felt very weird and started getting constant deja vu’s .. The feeling of your twin is inexplicable, at a certain moment I thought my twin was dead, because I felt him so strongly with me, which is also strange that the moment I feel my twin always see some entity appear with ring-beard and longer hair but can’t place it maybe he is someone who my twin knows or what ??? I really don’t know, very strange, someone here has already done something similar, that he perceived an entity that he had never seen before ?? The strange thing was that I felt that entity less than my twin self ?? Or did she feel the same ?? I wouldn’t know but it felt as if my twin’s feeling was surpassing. What you can imagine is that if you do not follow your heart, then you will indeed always be sad in your inner self and always be sorry! will have and then think what if, do you know that? It is possible that you have so much emotional pain through it that it manifests itself on a physical level, I have also thought this out, I have lost sight of my twin for 3 years and sometimes I have so much pain and sadness that I have a huge heartache and I have sustained heart disease, it is not really healthy not to follow nature and the will of your heart !! Always follow your heart, no matter how difficult it’s meant to be together, you just don’t have to be caught and have a lot to do for it, if you can’t do that then you may not be ready for it but I think most people will shift earth and heaven for their twin , go for it!! Much love and happiness. (Claudia)

I would really like to respond to the messages from Claudia, because I recognize myself very much in your story. 3 years ago I was expecting twins .. before the positive test I felt very dizzy, absent, different. Maybe you recognize the familiar pregnancy symptoms? At 12 weeks, however, it turned out to be wrong and I had a curretage to have the children removed. (heart stopped beating) After this it took a while before I got my old self back again .. but the dizziness got worse! Doctors could not find a medical explanation for this, all my values ​​were fine. – I started meditating and doing yoga to try to cope with the loss of my children, but then the whole process began … I felt so often floaty, as if I were not completely present in my body. I fought this very much out of fear. I was terribly afraid of what was “all the matter with me”, after which I started reading on the internet and ended up with an article about spiritual awakening. I met 35 out of 40 symptoms, and the light finally came on: I wasn’t going crazy! I did many nature exercises, after which rest began to turn. I accepted everything that presented itself. Now 3 years later, I have reached the point where I have become aware that I am not my mind, but much more than that. I can now see the world clearly, which feels very pleasant. I feel like a new, vital person! And I often do not recognize myself when I see pictures from the past. Unfortunately I am not quite there yet .. I still often swing between the ego and my soul, where fear comes up again .. I would really like to know more about this! So if there is someone with similar experiences I would like to hear it. (Unknown)