Q0261. How should I approach this?


Is it possible that a meeting with your twinflame will take place via internet contact? A few years ago I met a man chatting, who I now think was my twinflame. We also only changed in age for 3 days and it was a sort of meeting to the core of my soul. I thought it was a wonderful experience, I did not know that I could recognize and describe so many of my feelings. I never met him in real live, only virtual but it was Euphoric!

This is the most common way of meeting according to a survey. (Unknown)

My heart chakra did not start to burn but to breathe! It was as if air was being blown out of it! After the second meeting with twinflame all chakras opened and I could not eat for 10 days and I was not hungry. think of him and then my second chakra (the one just below the navel) sometimes starts to breathe! Sorry another word there is not air flowing out so it seems. Love is just like medicine: there are always some side effects … ( Unknown)

yes. For me it was love on the first message! (Michel)