Q0235. Who can tell me what happens to me?


I have been reading your questions and reactions for a number of days. I am surprised to read that it is not so strange that you can sometimes feel torn. I met my ‘buddy’ about 6 weeks ago. Recently I started a spiritual union, let’s say the time was right … To organize living room evenings I invited psychics. One of them I left the answering machine. After a few hours I was called back and we made the appointment to organize an evening. I confirmed this appointment by e-mail and then it started … I felt a kind of crush on me while I don’t even know him! Well I’m not the only one, we got a lot of telephone contact, msnen to each other and yes, it’s a mirror that I look into. We also wanted to meet asap I just felt like a little kid who was going to be surprised. My belly and heart were (yes, stood!) On fire. We agreed 3 times, I am free from a relationship, but he has a girlfriend. It actually happened a bit secretly our dates. He doesn’t want to hurt his girlfriend, which I understand. We talk a lot and for a long time as if we have known each other for years. At one point he told me that his girlfriend was checking everything (commercially) so we stopped using MSNs, he did not give me his mobile number and he would prefer not to call his practice. He always called me, it confused me. He also went on holiday to Turkey with his girlfriend (whose relationship is not going very well), flying for the first time on 11 September NB I got the shivers … He came back last night, I lived in a kind of ‘hell’ for 2 weeks, a lot of headaches, tried to let go, whatever you read here so much. I can’t, I love my buddy. This morning my cell phone rang, and yes my buddy is back again…. I was working and he called me from the car. He told, and told and rattled on a piece, I didn’t get a pin in between. Eventually I asked to call back later and he did that, he went on talking again, I controlled myself, wanted to scream that I missed him so much. Why do I feel so sad? I should be happy anyway. My stomach and heart feeling have disappeared, how is that possible? What does it say about me, about him? It may not be the case that you treat people with love that you almost want to own them. I am not feeling well, do everything I can to let go, to understand, to place etc. I can already feel some waterlanders coming up and just want to leave it at that. Who can tell me what happens to me? Lots of love from me and thank you for reading my message.

Certainly know that you get help from above! You just have to want to see it too 🙂 You get signs, and maybe in a dream. I was a wreck. I understand (only now) that it is also a kind of development process for yourself. For you, but also for him. You should take a look at the Site of Annemarie Sips (Tip) And furthermore I can give you a tip, let each other go a bit. You have found yourself again, you can get back together and make choices in life. To be able to let go LOVE IS NEEDED Letting go does not mean that I don’t care anymore, it means that I cannot do it for someone else. Letting go does not mean that I smear it, it is the realization that I cannot control another. Letting go is not making it impossible, but allowing people to learn from human consequences. To let go is to admit powerlessness. It doesn’t mean I can’t control the result. Letting go is not trying to change or blame someone else, it is making yourself as good as possible. Letting go is not caring, but caring. ‘Letting go is not judging, but allowing the other to be human. Letting go is not at the center and controlling everything, but making it possible for others to determine their own destiny. Letting go is not protecting others from themselves, it is allowing another to face reality. Letting go is not denying, but accepting. To let go is not to control everything, but taking it every day as it comes and happily praising it for myself. To let go is not to criticize or regulate others, but to try to become what I dream, to be. To let go is not to regret the past, but to grow and live for the future. Letting go is less fearing and more loving. Soul lovers always stay together spiritually, soul love is Unconditional 😉 the purest love that exists. Listen to your feelings right from your heart and everything will be fine. Only the beautiful needs its time! (Angel) Soul lovers always stay together spiritually, soul love is Unconditional 😉 the purest love that exists. Listen to your feelings right from your heart and everything will be fine. Only the beautiful needs its time! (Angel) Soul lovers always stay together spiritually, soul love is Unconditional 😉 the purest love that exists. Listen to your feelings right from your heart and everything will be fine. Only the beautiful needs its time! (Angel)

Thank you “unknown” for this answer. It is clear that I will have to be patient. Patience is something I’m definitely growing in … Nonetheless, I have moments on the day that I’m having a hard time. I can’t stand myself then. I also discover that the similarities with “my buddy” are so great. The same interests, the same state of mind at the same time etc.etc.Today I asked my guide for the first time if we could have a little help for our difficult time that we are going through. I’m sure my buddy is farther in than me, but did I later ask him if he missed me that way? And he said to me, “what do you think?” So these feelings are very mutual. So that is the uncertainty that I feel with myself. I just want to know … Normally I am a very strong self-confident woman with good considerations and making choices, but my own self is really upset. Pff a way that I feel I have to take, to have an understanding for it later. I am so curious if there are more people who experience this? (Doortje)