Q0159. In all those years, have I been SO mistaken in my soul love feeling and intuition?


My Soul Love (of which we have never used that understanding against each other, because we did not know it then, and he probably does not yet) has been gone for 1 1/2 years. I always feel him and feel that he cares very much for me, but in the very rare messages that are there, he continues to resist our love and deny that he loves me. I feel that he is making an intellectual choice [we are both bound in a marriage]. I always feel that we are coming together again, but because of this rejection and his words, I am often shaken to and fro in my feelings. When I think that I have to live with the idea that he is no longer coming, I would rather die. Over the years, have I been SO mistaken in my feelings and intuitions? Or does he need to learn so much spiritually to come to the point that he knows that we are Soul Lovers and will come to the discovery not to want each other?

Unreachable soul love DOES VERY. You want to be close to that person, preferably as much as possible. But at the same time that proximity hurts so much that you would prefer to run away as fast as possible. Because the obstacles don’t give you luck. Unattainable (Souls) love …… so beautiful, so Deep and O so painful at the same time …… such a struggle… ..A drug that you will never quit. (Unknown)

I, too, am going to be “Literally” Destroyed by the loss of my beloved!… .. Without him I don’t even want to live anymore. My life has changed so intensely since I know him. I now know what “true love is”. And that unreachable that will tear you apart. That drives you crazy. You may love someone, but you cannot bind them. That is not fair, if you are married yourself, you will eventually have to make a choice. Your mind or your heart. Although you don’t want to be without each other. We must try to deal with this as adults. Before you really lose each other. And that’s one thing we DEFINITELY don’t want. Without each other the day will be night forever. (Unknown)

Do not want to lose my buddy again, we are so close, without contact it is no longer necessary for me, then you feel lost forever .. do not want to force me because twin is still in relationship..but miss him to my toes sometimes .. why not with all your heart and soul choose that true pure love … .. then you come home. (Unknown)