Q0476. What is the point?


what is the intention? Does your own will still play a role? If you are already very far in your joint growth, you have come so close together, almost nothing stands in the way anymore. are you taking the final step yourself or are you going to sit and wait for everything to turn out well? Is your own will then still important, because you feel that you have to do this, or is it ensured that you come together?

I think, feel both; the universe can also signal ‘if you do nothing, nothing will happen’ so that you will make contact. but you must want both of them. but with me it often happened just like that; but it was just always very bad for me, I suffered a loss; I was selfless. I am sometimes afraid of that; I hope we will meet again next time. or just with a bit of distance … if we make contact ourselves that is ok, I know for sure. (Unknown)

What are you afraid of? for lack? for being selfless? with your twin you may be vulnerable as my twin once told me .. feel very vulnerable and am sometimes scared when I go to see my twin, but most of all feel a lot of love .. love (Unknown)

No, I am not afraid of selflessness, but I am afraid of losing … I let myself be guided … but listen to my feelings. (Unknown)

Yet you may also be a little bit afraid of ego-less, not with your twin, with your twin you can be vulnerable and ego-less, but conjuring up, there is control, there is fear with others when you follow your path of Love, then help an ego anyway. I noticed if I had let go of my ego then it is easily manipulated then an ego is a kind of protection .. am itself sometimes a bit too naive, selfless. you can look at your fellow man with love, but don’t forget yourself, and I do that sometimes. (Unknown)

I know exactly this way; are right! (Unknown)

My own will does not play a role in twinflameship. Perhaps at some point there will be an “inner drive” from both sides at the same time to have to do something with each other. Or a fatal coincidence, or a combination of the two. And we become an instrument in the hands of … .. we must work together on behalf of … (Unknown)

Are you not allowed to have your own will as twins? it is a bit too much to put everything down to god, while my feeling is that you have to show as twins that the lesson that god gives you that you can handle it..that you will do God’s will..that you can do something for it letting go, that you can give up something to follow your heart / soul / god, that you do not keep looking back or are afraid, that is for me twinlove to take up that challenge. (Unknown)

And so be it! what do you think of that? I often think that I live my daily life, a little intuition, soulful but with clear own planning in mind,. but with love …? , can go very far in it, of course but the lack feels the pull … the feeling of happiness / energy; what would t be like? in real life (unknown)

You can do everything as a twin. Only my own will does not play any role in my life. Just as love plays no role in my life, twinflame or not. It just doesn’t play with me. And I don’t care. I just do what I am instructed to do, and then it runs like a train. Why should I worry? The twinflame is certainly in the background. If he were no longer on the earth, yes, I would certainly start scratching my head. (Unknown)

My will starts to become more important, I want to be happy and I create more and more space in it and I find my way better and better .. simply because I can’t do anything else but also because I no longer want anything else it seems great to me really have everything on the ride. (Unknown)

To the first answer: “the universe can also give a sign” if you do nothing, nothing will happen “”: if 1 of us continues to refuse and suppose that cooperation is really the intention, then I think that at a certain point in time the universe a gentle but firm compulsion comes from: And now you must! Just like souls who just do not want to reincarnate, I think they also get a forced reincarnation at some point, whether or not accompanied by another soul (I was accompanied by my twinflame) (Unknown)

Depends on whether you both want it. If so, you both choose it. If it is not the case, release it and let the universe do its work. If you have to do something, you will receive an impulse. Have faith in yourself and have no expectation. Lead and fill your life with your heart. (Unknown)

Yes, not wanting to reincarnate, I also had that strong feeling when I heard a story about my twin .. an intuitive inspiration told me that my twin wanted to stay upstairs because I was still there .. is that possible ..? or is that wishful thinking. I came 7 years later? now we have met again and now we have to take another step .. whether we like it or not .. do you mean that you will get a boost again..so you have to do that..you don’t have to do anything and can you just wait and see .. I think you have gotten your own will for that ..? also in love that is important..to follow your heart..just in love I think. (Unknown)

We think that we have to do all sorts of things, but we don’t have to do much at all when that is not necessary. If I follow my heart and follow my own will, and the two of them say that I have to wait, I will follow that. Otherwise it would not feel good to wait and now it feels good. Twinflames are aware of each other when both are in a different dimension, and when the one has to reincarnate earlier, against his will because of leaving his twin behind, then he can be accompanied temporarily here on earth, in this dimension. Either by the twinflame or by another soul. (Unknown)

Yes, I absolutely believe that some twinflames cannot miss each other while one is reincarnated and the other is not yet. Then the reincarnated half of the soul may suffer from the non-reincarnated, the latter then attracts that person so much that it can lead to suicide. A fight that cannot be won. That is how strong soul power can be. We will experience that same soul power again at some point in this life, I think. At the only right moment that has been recorded for a long time. And with all our personal free will (which I think is even more important than love, it is), we cannot change that. (Unknown)

I understand, the universe and the power of the soul make sure that it is in accordance with all the ‘factors’ with everything that you have to go through, until you are ready both of them..patience so, you just have to wait until you feel this is the moment .. yes with the amalgamation you also had nothing to say about it .. that also came at a time when my twin and I do not expect it. (Unknown)