P0718. If only you were here


If only you were here or I at your house
Then we set fire to it again
We drank a few bottles of wine
And I felt at
home again At home where it is always warm and nice
At home with me where I am now and you so wrong
We would talk, talk and talk about it
In a soft or loud tone, that doesn’t matter
Whole conversations we would have
The night is still long and it will be a long time before I close my eyes
I dream your arms around me, your scent penetrating present, mesmerizing
Your eyes blue, clear and as always conquering
Immersive intense man, you, the most beautiful man in the entire universe
I belong to you, I should be with you
This feels like a delirium
Floating, vague and clear at the same time
Our souls knew it for a long time
We just lost it
But now we have found it again, someday it will be as it should
Someday we will be together
And then forever