S042. A mirror to growth


My soul love has written an article and I responded to it. Something I normally never do. I received a very nice e-mail back and there was a whole correspondence about anything and everything. After a few weeks we called each other and it felt so very familiar. Soon a meeting followed, me with kids and girlfriend, he alone. After that meeting it was clear that there was more going on and an appointment was made for the same week, together. When I took his hand, the world stopped and our feelings were confirmed.
I felt unconditional love, recognition, joy, unity, strength but also a lot of uncertainty, whether or not to give in to this feeling, sadness when not being together and knowing that it is good. do not have to see each other to know how the other is doing. Accepting that everyone makes their own choice in life but very much hope that we come together.
I am married, 2 children, he a girlfriend. Was so full of it in the beginning and so did he that we shared our experiences with our partners in the first few weeks. But when our relationship also got a sexual aspect, we started to remain silent and lie. Partners know about our contact but not how deep and far it goes.
We email, call occasionally and see each other once in 3 months. Then time is too short every time because we have so much to tell each other. We also have an intense sexual relationship delusion.

Our biggest obstacle was the fear of giving in to feeling, partners not wanting to hurt but then also having the feeling of being short of yourself. Not wanting to see each other and still miss each other so terribly. The sincere mirror that you are presented with about yourself can sometimes be painful.

I do have the desire to have a love affair with him, I don’t know about him, I think so too, but it is a subject that we have difficulty talking about. Enjoy the moments and see more.
The relationship that we have together is too little in the sense of seeing, but when we see each other it is so intense that we both know that if we see each other more often we can also go under. You can lose yourself in the other if you are not careful.

What soul love has brought me is feeling the unconditional love, a mirror for growth and a lot of doubt, sadness and inner struggle about the choices you make.

The most special thing was our first meeting, really together. The sudden melting of our souls, the intense power of love that was then released. The inexhaustible source of energy, story, thoughts and life lessons

Eroticism is very different, more intense, more intense, longer and tastier.

Soul love for me feels like grand, compelling, a tristan and isolde or romeo and julia. Something you can’t / won’t resist. an addition to my life.

It surprises me that for the most part it is women who tell their story here, but yes, that must be something specific to women. I am happy with this site, lots of recognition and also some tips.
I try to make my own choices, independent of him and I think that is why I now meet him, you become aware of yourself and what you want. The dilemma alone is and remains a choice for yourself or for your family because you ultimately consciously opted for that.

My tip: follow your feelings, and sometimes you just have to acknowledge things as they are without having to do anything with them. the recognition of a feeling is a first step. Don’t try to explain everything, just try to feel