S018. Soul love has made me feel a form of unconditional love in my life. Something I had never felt before


I was at a men’s workshop and in an exercise with the parallel women’s workshop I had danced on drumbeat with a woman. It was erotic but with respect. During dancing we looked each other in the eye and was magnetic. After the dance, we fell into each other’s arms in awe of what had happened to us. The next day she chose me as a man to do a bio-energetic exercise. In the break moments we looked each other in the eyes long and intensively. In her eyes I also saw unprocessed emotions from me as a child. In addition to what I saw in it, her eyes radiated unconditional love! I spontaneously burst out crying but kept looking into her eyes. She too became emotional. After the exercise, we embraced each other in silent awe of what had happened to us! After the training we saw each other for a while, we fell into each other’s arms and agreed that if a higher power would have that, we would meet again and everyone would go his own way. We have not seen each other after this exercise.
The best thing was that look of unconditional love. I did not share the pure love I felt then with my partner. We have no relationship with each other now. A relationship with this soul love was also not mentioned because both are married. The event is still too fresh to think of a relationship. I had never experienced this before! I was shocked, but I often think about that moment and sigh.
Soul love has made me feel a form of unconditional love in my life. Something I had never felt before. At the same time I am happy and sad that I no longer spent with her to share more experiences. The most special thing that happened between us was that we could read everything in each other’s eyes. It is a strange, unreal feeling.
I miss her and I would like to meet her again.