Q1407. Can someone tell me why he can deny and ignore me so easily?


I have met my soul love. We really only had a couple of weeks together and suddenly he closed all doors. Without explanation and still I have no explanation for that. A few months later he told me he thought about me a lot and had not forgotten me. When I came back to it a few weeks later, he closed the door again. Now we are a few months later and I still see him weekly but in a group with sports because he is my trainer. He still ignores me often. Very occasionally he comes out of not having a chat. I sense everything that there is more between us. He is not comfortable in his skin and that is a reason that he takes away. Does this mean he will continue to ignore me forever? I have been experiencing love sorrow for months and I am not going away. I miss everything about him. I also speak to mediums who say he will be back. I’m only afraid of losing it to someone else without having discussed it together. Can someone tell me why he can deny and ignore me so easily?