Q1319. How to deal as a partner with your husband who has met and released his twinflame and soulmate?


I would like tips not to be jealous of my husband who met his twinflame and soulmate. Feel as a partner standing outside although we love each other. If you have not experienced it it is very beautiful but also threatening as a partner. My husband is deliberately looking for another soulmate after releasing his soulmate. He calls this his process. Does not want to leave me, but sometimes I find it so difficult that I go crazy because of powerlessness. He is very angry with me. Logical but .. Not good to talk. He would like me to have such an experience. This happens to you, doesn’t it make sense to search? (Unknown)

Answer 1
I find this a very intense story, quite sad actually. Your husband can be happy with such an understanding wife. Because even if you have not experienced any soul love, you are open to it and want tips to be more understanding. (I think you’re already very understanding.) I don’t really want to judge, but don’t quite understand why your husband claims to have to find a soulmate again after releasing a soulmate? Maybe he should focus more on you and your marriage. I believe in soulmates and twinflames, but I also believe in ‘love the one you with’. After all, he consciously chooses to be married to you. And you do not find a soulmate just like that, you cannot search for it, it indeed happens to you. You got that absolutely right. That applies to you, but also to your husband. If he met another soulmate, so be it – but to wish that you also come across one, well. A soulmate / soulmate encounter is often! a little more worrying than meeting your twinflame, but I wouldn’t wish it for everyone anyway. For example, I personally would never have missed the encounter with my twinflame, but the aftermath was and has, over time, been almost literally heart-and soul-destroying. So that side is also attached to it. I wish you and your spouse a lot of strength and love & happiness. but the aftermath was and has been almost literally heart – and soul – tearing apart from time to time. So that side is also attached to it. I wish you and your spouse a lot of strength and love & happiness. but the aftermath was and has been almost literally heart – and soul – tearing apart from time to time. So that side is also attached to it. I wish you and your spouse a lot of strength and love & happiness.

Answer 2
I would like to straighten something out after reading your story. A soulmate is very often confused with the concept of twinflame, but they are two essentially different things. A soulmate is someone who belongs to your group on a soul level, someone who feels very familiar to you, is on the same level as you. That could be your partner with whom you once fell in love, or a close friend, or someone else. However, you have only one twinflame and not everyone meets this. Only when you are ready (spiritually) do you meet your twinflame or discover who it is. Then a whole process begins and letting go is indeed part of it. Soul love teaches people what unconditional love is, and when twinflames come together they can lift the world to a higher level. Together they radiate so much energy that they can move mountains. It is not true what your husband claims; he cannot look for a new soulmate if he means soulmate a twinflame. Because that is only 1.

Answer 3
It certainly makes no sense to search. Encountering a soulmate happens to you. I think your husband has become addicted to the enormous feeling of “loving”. And he wants that again, but then he must be so honest to let you go. Whether you choose one or the other. And then again …. in most cases it is NOT the intention to enter into a relationship with your soulmate. Especially if you are still in an earthly relationship (unless that relationship was already doomed to fail). And what bothers me very much: your husband mad at YOU? Very selfish. It happens to you too and that is very difficult for partners. Strength and stand up for yourself a little?