Q1306 My soul love is dying?


Since about 3 years we know about this love for each other. We speak to each other every day, are each other’s support and support, rock in the surf (not partners). Get up with him and go to bed with him. And now he’s sick. And dies. If I think about it I will go crazy. How the hell am I supposed to deal with this?

Answer 1
What a nuisance for you. The first thing that comes to mind is that you can keep in touch with your soul love when it is dead. I mean that purely as a consolation, that it is then still around. Soul contact does not end. Maybe that helps. Get well soon.

Answer 2
That is very sad and painful! But at the same time, twinflames never lose each other, not even through death. That is just a temporary divorce. You can now give him a lot of support and comfort, you can guide him on his way out of this life, which is a very beautiful but also a difficult task. Nothing just happens. Know that he will always be with you from the other world, just as he is now. (Unknown)

Answer 3
First of all I want to say that I find it terrible for you and your soul love. Of course I don’t know what exactly is going on and what the process will be, but I hope you can consciously go through this together. And in relative positivity. Words are meager comfort, but I personally believe that true soul love transcends earthly life. That does not mean that it makes it easier, but it does mean that your love will still be ‘there’ before you go. Just not tangible anymore. But the line won’t break. I hope you will be able to experience this as well, I wish you all the strength and love. Hope you will get through it well. It means no end, it is a transformation, you will meet again. I realize that these are just words and I can write this easily, but for you this is your reality. Let it be a comfort that I know people who have gone through this and have come out stronger and more beautiful. Strength and lots of light for you. (Unknown)