Q1283 What can I do?


Strangely enough, I thought I was done with my twinflame. All this time I have thought little or not of him. Suddenly I receive an email from him last week after 1.5 years. Allegedly that mail from me still comes to him. I asked him to send it by post otherwise and if it is not possible to agree on it together, not knowing how many mail items are involved. It turned out to be 1 mail item. His mails are kind and loving ?! We recall our beautiful memories. He concludes that the feeling of love for me is still there with him. Prior: We had a relationship of almost 2 years. We weren’t apart yet or he already had another behind my back. He soon moved in with her and asked me to leave his house as soon as possible. I had a lot of sorrow and pain about this. I processed it and continued. At the beginning of this year I sent him a closing letter and wished him all the warmth. Where now the confusion lies with me. It took me 4 years to get everything back in order. I want to email him back, but not because of our past. He literally stepped on my soul. In addition, it seems that he has not changed much and still acts out of self-interest. I doubt: for what purpose would I still maintain contact with him? He is unable to get behind his mask. On the other hand I run into the bond that we have, it pulls. All in all, I think the ‘post’ was an excuse for him to come into contact with me. It took me 4 years to get everything back in order. I want to email him back, but not because of our past. He literally stepped on my soul. In addition, it seems that he has not changed much and still acts out of self-interest. I doubt: for what purpose would I still maintain contact with him? He is unable to get behind his mask. On the other hand I run into the bond that we have, it pulls. All in all, I think the ‘post’ was an excuse for him to come into contact with me. It took me 4 years to get everything back in order. I want to email him back, but not because of our past. He literally stepped on my soul. In addition, it seems that he has not changed much and still acts out of self-interest. I doubt: for what purpose would I still maintain contact with him? He is unable to get behind his mask. On the other hand I run into the bond that we have, it pulls. All in all, I think the ‘post’ was an excuse for him to come into contact with me. for what purpose would I still maintain contact with him. He is unable to get behind his mask. On the other hand I run into the bond that we have, it pulls. All in all, I think the ‘post’ was an excuse for him to come into contact with me. for what purpose would I still maintain contact with him. He is unable to get behind his mask. On the other hand I run into the bond that we have, it pulls. All in all, I think the ‘post’ was an excuse for him to come into contact with me.

Answer 1
Follow your feeling! And to know for sure what your feeling is, you ask yourself a question about the issue. (Eg “do I want a relationship with him” or “do I want to contact him again”). The soft, calm answer (a simple yes or no) that you get is your feeling. The answer that shouts over it, “YES!” Or “NO!”, And immediately comes up with all kinds of arguments, is your ego, your emotion. Follow your feelings and keep denouncing this. You can also place your left hand on your lower abdomen, because that is where your feeling is. Listen to it and follow it. I wish you wisdom, strength, strength and happiness. Ps I recognize your story and your pain. It also plays with me, and it cannot be explained, not understood, as much as we would like. That is why we can trust our feelings as the only means. (Unknown)

Answer 2
Thank you for your response. In both cases my answer is a ‘no’. The band that remains can not be explained and is difficult to tell from. On this site I have read a number of messages, assuming that you come together again. In my case, I wonder what the ultimate goal of twinflames is. It cannot be that you eventually come back together again. How do you explain that if a 50-year-old woman has a 20-year-old twinflame, you will have even more of those combinations. (Unknown)

Answer 3
Thank you for having my answer. Yes, I always read that and wonder the same thing. Perhaps it is not necessarily about current
life, but it will come in the next life or in the hereafter. But most of the time I have no peace with that, because “I” no longer experiences it.