Q1234. Does soul love destroy your life?


You have met a soul’s love, your life used to be better or worse. If it is worse then what broke it. You still consciously control your thoughts so you can create what you want. With time you get so far that you can and that the person is no longer in your head but in the background. And then you look very differently. And then you still have the conscious choice to go along with it or let it go.

Answer 1
So I don’t know my twinflame in earthly contact (or so far) but I do know them in one way or another, but I must say that it has made my life better afterwards, although I miss her a lot and regularly, but my life has changed drastically, but in a positive way, my spirituality and paranormal gifts have since become much better, and have been lifted to a higher level, my intuition towards other people too , she even helped me somewhere, not to trust certain people so quickly anymore, really… that was very useful after everything that had happened before in my life. grtjs (Unknown)

Answer 2
A soul’s love cannot destroy your life. You are responsible for the choices you make in your life. Through a soul’s love we get insight into our lives and you immediately enter a self-development process. A soul’s love can make certain choices out of fear, as a result of which the “waiting” gets a lot of pain. This is part of the process of the “runaway” who thus gains insight into himself in order to be able to develop further. Gr. (Alicia S)

Answer 3
Much is imposed, and people who actually have to learn the imposed lessons themselves should also serve. Stay pure in your contacts and do not interfere as little as possible with other people’s affairs is my tip. (Unknown)

Answer 4
It is not easy for me to let go. To make worse, better. The ‘runaway’ also experiences pain. I know because I have been a runaway myself for years. The runaway must first overcome all his fears and learn not to put people in boxes. Having a twinflame is not a choice but it is given to me and I must be satisfied with it. Whatever age, whatever color, whatever appearance, whatever religion, any character traits. And that is not easy. The annoying thing is that when I work against the opposition, the pain and fear, it comes back three times as hard. So, eventually I will bow and I hope we can be friends then. But this love is so strong that I might have to bow to everything that has to do with love between man and woman. Now it’s better. Better to be found in myself, to feel and experience. Becoming aware and realizing what is valuable to me. Sometimes it is as if I am walking through the mud, trying not to step into a pit of quicksand. Sometimes I get so tired of myself. (Unknown)