Q1152. Soul love, how to deal with the situation?


My soul love is my colleague. It was so intense that all colleagues knew that we have feelings for each other. There was a great deal of jealousy and his contract will soon not be renewed in that department but in another department. We only have spiritual contact at work and he knows I am married and have 2 children. He has my number but does not call me. I still wonder why he does not. I even went to him to ask how he is doing, this is the second time I ask him. the first time was that I ask him for help to prevent jealousy and gossip and he did very well .. he really is my guardian angel. Every time I have to take that action and he only keeps it on spiritual contact at work. What do you think about this? Can you understand why he is doing this? Why can’t I talk to my soul love normally? We only see each other at work and that’s it. Is that sometimes out of fear? that he doesn’t dare? Or should we let go of each other? Every time with him gives me such a nice feeling. I really don’t know anymore …