Q1118. What did he mean by this?


My soulmate and I are now separated from each other after an intense, intense relationship. I am very sad and in pain. But also the day after the final break, I made the final transfomation that had already started during our relationship. I am thinking a lot now, including the many spiritual messages he gave me. One of the things that stays with me so much is that we were talking about soul love. He said he didn’t believe in it. But I thought it was great that I did. A moment later he suddenly said out of nowhere; “Do you know what happens when one helps the other, but the other doesn’t help the one?” When I said no, he said rather sadly; “Well, then I’d just figure that out. “What could he have meant by this and who can tell me what happens then? He always insisted during our relationship that I should get everything done without his help. When I thanked him for what I had achieved thanks to the power he gave me, emphasize! he jerked again that I had done it myself.

Answer 1
If you are not helped then you will develop strongly, if you are helped your development will stagnate because then the other person will “do it” in your place.

@antw 1: Thank you! I was waiting for this answer! Now I understand. (Unknown)