Q1109. Discover what the other person has felt for you?


Everyone has the ability to lightly discover your own soul love, what the other has felt in you. Everyone is nice enough to have such a light. it’s just sometimes a hell of a job to find it. My experience is: don’t hang on to someone else, don’t think that someone else is more beautiful than you because he happened to have found his light. just go off your own search, not another’s, then you will only get further away from your goal. Where can you find it? In yourself, so nobody lets you talk to anything, you carry your deepest treasure in you, so start digging. good luck! courage! trust! love! if you find it, you are different in life, happier, with or without twin.

Answer 1
You can search all your life, but you will never find the light. The light is only caused by the other twinflame. You may of course be happy, but the divine light that is caused by you together.

Answer 2
Coincidence does not exist. This is exactly the lesson that I am learning now. Completely true what you write, although head and heart are not completely in line with me.

Answer 3
Yes, I too feel more and more that this is the case. Just go your own way and dare to stand apart from the other. And not make the other more beautiful than the people around you. After all, your soul love is only human. It is sufficient that you have seen each other. It is not easy. Certainly not, because your mind tells you to be together. But in fact you are never separate and you can each lead a life of its own. I think it’s a nice process. Especially a process of trust and knowledge.

Answer 4
To answer 3: It is nice that you met, but that does not end for many. On this site you can read about people who find each other in a relationship after years, about people who are increasingly struggling with their current relationship…. The condition that you are both able to live your own life forms a basis for a possible fulfilling relationship with your twinflame. Those twinflames come together once, either in this or in a next life. That of course depends entirely on the twinflames, what their common path is and their respective life lessons. And then there are those people who have been told by their twinflame that it is all nonsense and that they want to be free. There is still no question of mutual recognition, even though there has been that great encounter. In summary, I would like to say: Do not pretend that you are happy with the encounter alone, let go of the other in love if you cannot be together now, but do not record this in your world of thoughts as The Picture of the Future.

Answer 5
Yes death is not the end life goes on.

Thanks for the responses, answer 1, that would not be good…. There are enough enlightened people who are not all together with their twin. something divine outside of you can also give you a wonderful soul love feeling. as many believers know among us, the 1 takes jesus, the other allah, the other the light or the flowers in the garden…. (Unknown)

Answer 6
To answer 4: I understand your reaction, but for the moment, for now I am satisfied this way, and it no longer feels so ‘compelling’ that I have to be with him to continue. I can do that myself. My desire to be with him is very big, because then I feel good, whole and complete. After that, saying goodbye is all the more painful, but that’s part of it. By having ‘met’ my soul love I do not mean a physical encounter once, but by that I mean that we have recognized each other. And often everything has to simmer and stew and have time. In any case, that is the case with us. He is always with me sometimes to a greater extent sometimes to a lesser extent, but lately I have noticed that I am no longer ‘dependent’ on him and on our being together to feel complete.

Answer 7
I see her in pictures when I’m on a mountain bike or racing bike when I’m cycling through nature then we are 1 together with nature haha.Also I feel her every day in my head and body.But I don’t hear her yes alone when I am close to her I can hear her. But also telepathic in my dreams I speak to her and I hear and see her too.

Answer 8
Yes, he is in my head all day, but it doesn’t make me happy. My twinflame is the meanest person on earth. He doesn’t even look at me when he meets me somewhere, doesn’t greet, doesn’t smile, just nothing. He keeps putting photos of his apparently happy marriage on sites such as Facebook while he knows it doesn’t make me happy. He doesn’t need me, I’m done with it. No matter how deep my development and feelings went, I wish I had never met him. It has broken my heart, taken away my self-confidence and completely ruined my life.

Answer 9
Even if you hate him, both of you must continue to succeed together.

Answer 10
hatred is a knife that cuts on 2 sides, everything that feels on the 1st side, feels the other side …