Q0960. Mistake?


How strongly can you be mistaken? Is it possible that you have a strong connection with someone who is not your soul love? Can you also be abused at the soul level?

Answer 1
No, I don’t believe you can be mistaken at the soul level. Of course you can have a very strong connection with someone who is not your twinflame, think of a soulmate. But I know for sure that you cannot be abused (in the sense of being taken for granted) on a soul level. I do not think that someone (read a person) is so ‘good’ that he can fake that he is your twinflame. And if he did that, why would he or she do that?

Answer 2
Everything is magnetic but you can have the wish in advance that I want sex with my twinflame. A guide picks this up and you get in touch halfway through your sleep. It therefore often comes with a surprise to the other side. You must not forget that you have had plenty of sex with each other over many lifetimes. You are not the other’s half for nothing. So that is actually not so bad.

Answer 3
There are people who can be wrong, but after many years, knowing intensively, you know whether your feeling is real or not. There are stories that there are bonds at the soul level, for example through abuse of certain paranormal or voodoo-like actions. That is no way to bind someone to you and will eventually return to the person who abused it. Not recommended! Never do too. I don’t know if it exists, I only know about reading books and stories. But it seems very unwise to use it. I also do not think that it can be abused, because it is always your own will that plays a part in the whole. Maybe other people have different experiences with this, I am curious.

Answer 4
You can have a strong connection with someone you have abused in a previous life, or who has abused you. Then you have a karmic connection in this life. And then I think there can be no more abuse because you meet again to resolve that karma. The greater the abuse then, the more careful the relationship now. That has been my experience several times in this life. And those were strong commitments, not soul loved ones. it can be the horoscope: a long-standing Neptune-Venus opposition, Neptune then transits in front of your birth Venus and if it runs further away, then there is usually clarity, or it is better to race

Answer 5
My experience is that you can have telepathic contact with people with whom you have a relationship. People with strong capabilities may be able to connect with others they know less well. I also think the stronger the bond (such as between soul loved ones), the stronger the contact. Abuse between soul loved ones, haha, a kind of voodoo or something. I think that is possible: black magic. Don’t know if black magic works between soul loved ones, it shouldn’t be allowed!

Answer 6
I ask myself okay? Mistake? Abuse? But what does my own feeling bring? I can’t doubt that, can I? Then I deny myself?

Answer 7
Did you experience that you were abused in your dreams?