Q0952. How long do you have to ‘wait’?


How long do you wait for your twinflame? message: How long do you have to “wait” for your twinflame? If you know that someone is your twinflame, how long does it take before you get in touch or is it perhaps never? If the other person doesn’t understand.

Answer 1
Unfortunately I have no idea. I wonder too. There are people who know because of a higher spiritual development? I do have a suspicion when it is time, but I don’t know if that will really come true. I think “who knows” who also often writes here knows about himself when the contact comes. Can you give us any tips ??? Thanks!

Answer 2
Not long when you contact your twinflame it can go fast.

Answer 3
I don’t wait. Because it is waiting for something that may not come at all indeed. Because there was a good chance that he saw things differently and perhaps distanced himself from the concept of ‘twinflames’, I became a strong advocate of personal responsibility. It is completely useless to expect the other person to know about your feelings if you have not told him / her. So never go ‘wait’ but ensure clarity. What has previously prevented me from doing so is the fear of rejection. Even though I felt the rejection coming. We now know where we stand from each other and we can still perfectly meet each other. It hurt for a while, but I now have more rest because I don’t expect anything from him anymore. I have become much happier with what is there. In short: do not wait, because then you will shorten yourself.

Answer 4
Answer 1 I know about (five years) but my twin does not know. It seems that when I write this, I want to determine the course of our relationship, but it is not, since July 1 last year I just know it. He knows it now, has read everything here and was angry about it, and I became desperate. But at night he made very deep contact, as if he wanted to crawl under my skin, very serious contact. And now it is just a countdown. First I will be temporarily incapacitated for work and after that I will come, for our last soul assignment, which lasts for about 14 years and then after that we will leave this world together. were, that was 1959-1967, almost 8 years and 1967 is also relatively recent.
(Who knows)

Answer 5
Remco..or not? Maybe the other person doesn’t want it, maybe the person is busy? How do you know if it will go well? ok feeling says that, but reality, is it a dream? Or real?

Answer 6
@ answer 4; Wieweet, how interesting! May I ask how you know all those dates exactly? How did you get that? I myself also get numbers that indicate how many years there is still to go to a reunification, but I do not know when we were together on earth earlier. Do you get signs that indicate that, or dreams? Last year I received a sign that it would take another 29.5 years, and only recently, but now it was 28.5 years, so that’s exactly right. This sign came in letters and numbers.

Answer 7
Answer 6 Both signs and dreams, through my guide (deceased son). I know the dates because we have been reincarnated together from our own experience. The 14 years are the Saturn cycles (about 7 years and multiples), playing events in my life wonder in Saturn cycles. Clear 29 years with you, that’s a Saturn cycle, ever thought of? Saturn that old giant whose orbital time is 29 years, 166 days, 23 hours, 16 minutes and 30 seconds and then exactly finished again his point is in your birth chart. Suppose my twin refuses then he will have a very difficult time in 14 years, around his 50th year (51 years?), Then his essence point will also start to work, and that is in Pisces, sacrifice and spirituality. You can combine things like that and at some point you can hear the alarm bells ringing haha.
(Who knows)

Answer 8
@ Wieweet, I was the one who asked how you got all that inside information and who said that it will be another 28.5 years between my twinflame and me before we come together … Wow, thank you for your answer. I am not at home at all in Saturn cycles, I find it very interesting. So I did not know that 29 years was his precise turnaround time …. I get shivers from it, positive though. Whether it has to do with karmic reasons that I may know so far in advance how long it will take, I do not know. That could well be. I just got it, last year for the first time and only recently, and now it was a year off, which is true because we are a year later. 28.5 years sounds very long here, many say, but I clearly feel that this time is desperately needed for my twinflame and also for me. Because it is hard to say, but at that time my children will grow up to be adults now, many people who would fall mad about our relationship will no longer be there, and I will be free to go my own way. I don’t know more about it yet. Nor do I know the purpose of our reunification. I’ll get that through. In the meantime, I am becoming more agile in understanding signs and making connections. However, I have little knowledge of astrology. Can birth dates also say something or is that just something earthy like a birthday? ! He is an earth sign and I a fire sign. Nor do I know the purpose of our reunification. I’ll get that through. In the meantime, I am becoming more agile in understanding signs and making connections. However, I have little knowledge of astrology. Can birth dates also say something or is that just something earthy like a birthday? ! He is an earth sign and I a fire sign. Nor do I know the purpose of our reunification. I’ll get that through. In the meantime, I am becoming more agile in understanding signs and making connections. However, I have little knowledge of astrology. Can birth dates also say something or is that just something earthy like a birthday? ! He is an earth sign and I a fire sign.