Q0896. Can’t get to my feeling


Someone sends me a text message and writes that she has never felt anything like what she feels now. A deep connection and she already knows a lot about me. We had never spoken a word. I had seen her a few times and had a sense of recognition. Still agreed to make it clear to her that it could become nothing but it keeps me busy. Why that sense of recognition but not that strong mutual sense of soul? can’t I get that feeling? Do I block something? I have a good relationship with which I thought I would grow old. Have children and don’t want to just give up on something that I could discover. Also with my current wife a sense of belonging but has now decreased? Is it a matter of giving attention so that feelings of soul love can rise?

Answer 1
No, it’s a matter of ignoring. I would pay no further attention to this. You do not get involved with anything but with it. (Who knows)

Answer 2
Just what weed says, try to ignore. Once in that merry-go-round, everything in terms of feeling is turned upside down. You also drag your family along with it. The question is whether you want that if you have read the stories here on the site. Just what you say, you form a family. If she grants you happiness with your family, she will. And if she has a little respect for you, she keeps her feelings towards you and your family to herself because that is love. (Manon)

Answer 3
I think ignoring is very crude. Certainly because it keeps you busy somewhere. I think you should follow your feelings, calmly think about everything. (Unknown)

Answer 4
In addition to the twinflame process, you still have your own choice. Think carefully about whether you are immersed in this. It is a tough process. As I read, you are not completely in it yet. Think carefully if you want to give a well-functioning family in front of it (which you also have a good feeling about). It is not crude that you ignore it. It is a choice that you can make. You now know what you have, but you don’t know what you get with your twinflame. It seems to me that you will first delve into the twinflame phenomenon here on the internet, etc. Once you delve deeper into this, your life will no longer be the same as before. It is also up to you how you deal with it. In fact, nobody can really give you good advice because you have to make that choice yourself. I have good contact with my twinflame, the love between us is intense that sometimes we both take a distance for a while because we cannot handle it well. This has been going on for 4 years now. We are getting closer to each other, but we also need to go into depth with yourself. Strength with your decision. (Sanne)

Answer 5
You may recognize her, but not yet as a twinflame. Maybe she is also a soulmate of yours, you can also have a sense of recognition. I think if she is your twinflame, and you have recognized her but not yet being your twinflame, then you are not experiencing the feelings associated with it, which you read everywhere on this site. I had recognized my twinflame, but otherwise, I thought he was acting a little oddly. The feelings with me came later. I also did ignore in the beginning but that doesn’t work, you can’t keep up. Here also a relationship with children. But suppose you met your twinflame, that doesn’t immediately mean that your relationship is over. You are confused and start doubting. I think that is because the feelings you have for your twinflame are much stronger and different than they are for your partner. I still find it very difficult, but I also know that I can’t do anything about it myself and try to do what I think is best and surrender to the top, they know what the road looks like and what is still happening must, how long it takes before you can really be together forever. I trust upstairs and try to let go as well as it goes, but that is not always easy. But I think that’s the best way. (Unknown) how long it takes before you can really be together forever. I trust upstairs and try to let go as well as it goes, but that is not always easy. But I think that’s the best way. (Unknown) how long it takes before you can really be together forever. I trust upstairs and try to let go as well as it goes, but that is not always easy. But I think that’s the best way. (Unknown)

Answer 6
It is hard work on yourself and it will work out in the end. (Joyce)

Answer 7
The fact that you are here on this site says enough. How else do you end up here? ignoring is possible to a certain extent. Just take it easy and look forward. Often many answers come from above, and if they want it to happen to you, it will happen to you in the long run whether you want it or not, what you do with it is up to you. Enjoy everything that happens around you. (Unknown)