Q0733. What does he want?


I have known my twinflame through the internet for 4 years now. We saw each other at my house every week. 2 years ago my twinflame broke off contact … without any explanation. He wanted no contact without reason and asked if I would not make a drama out of it. I am certainly not a dramaqueen, should actually be angry at the way he broke it, but despite I still miss him, I respect his wish. I was not angry but I felt immensely empty, it was not just a heartache. The feeling became increasingly unbearable. I decided to send him an e-mail stating that this e-mail was purely for myself to close it and that he did not have to respond. That he would read it would suffice for me. So I exposed my soul. He nevertheless responded and from that moment on everything became confusing. Until today I will continue my own life, but every time I “forget” him, he will come back into the picture. I could smell him, I felt his feelings, very often when I woke up I realized that he was present in my dreams .. How many times have I finally closed him? A while ago I was so busy with my own life that I hardly thought about him anymore. I didn’t smoke him anymore .. continued happily. Until I had a dream … it was so intense … he said he was ready to come to me and we kissed. I woke up and was completely back … I was upset for a month. But luckily I could put it off again. Anyway .. lately I have been chatting anonymously in the evening … Mr is suddenly online .. and strangely enough he picks me up and talks to me. He then asks if it’s me .. and upon confirmation he says goodbye and stops talking. He must now know my anonymous chat name because we saw each other more often online. But he keeps asking if it’s me and doesn’t say anything anymore. Yesterday also .. I was chatting with other people and did not see him coming online .. he asked again if it was me, when he confirms he says taboo again. I asked him why he speaks to me when he suspects it is me. He offered his apology and I immediately logged out in frustration. Less than a minute later he was also offline. I have the feeling that he is watching me with whom I am talking, because afterwards I felt his anger that I am talking to all those people .. and that I realized that he was watching me .. The next morning I could see him smell again .. I must say that I am happy that he does not forget me but on the other side .. I don’t get it .. it is his wish that I let him go .. I do my best .. but why does he speak to me and it seems as if he resents me that he addresses me. It looks like we are in puberty while we are in our thirties !! My question: why is he doing this and what is the intention? Is this the attraction now?

Answer 1
Yes this is pure attraction. The soul is ageless (not experienceless) and by feeling it seems adolescent but it is not. I also sometimes thought about my twin: oh how childish. But on a soul level it is different, it works differently. It seems that twinflames together do eternally young, eternal puppy love. So special. (Who knows)

Answer 2
Oh how recognizable and how true what Wieweet says. My twinflame is one of those who does things like this. I first let myself be hurt by it, it could touch me like that. But not anymore. I know why he does that and I don’t blame him anymore. (Unknown)

Answer 3
Puppy love haha. My twin also does the same things every time, actually very nice, but my girlfriend said that it is childish. So you show in a way other than telepathy / energy that he finds you important and has remembered what you said, sometimes saw it as a silent protest, so even though it is not allowed I do this for you .. and think so I love you anyway! Is that weird or childish? no it is loving / believing in love..as a child..nocent / pure and so very true. (Unknown)

It is a month ago that I asked this question .. First of all, thank you so much for your answers! So nice that you are understood here !! Well I must now say that in the period after this e-mail I had dreamed about him twice, in that dream he indicated that he was fed up with repelling and really wanted to go for it. Recently I have a new phone (number) and saw that he also used the Whatssup function. So I send it with my new nr: whatssup !!! Today I came online and I also saw him online (note .. I have not seen him online anymore in the last month) .. and I had the strong feeling that I had to stay online under my own name and wait .. And yes. He spoke to me, he asked if I had a new phone .. and I came with a big excuse from: oww it’s you on my phone. And before he answered, I said it was the most unbelievable excuse. He said: you just couldn’t hold back again haha. In the end we talked again for 4 hours about anything and everything … So nice to have talked to him again. I just had to give him my new number and as I have known for some time … I can’t think of excuses with him. Look .. I don’t see it like: and they live happily ever after. But I know that I can really trust my dreams about him and my intuition … I now know that we will always come into contact with each other again .. and maybe not for a while from next month. But for now I enjoy this moment again … sigh .. love my twinflame in a special way … (Unknown) you just couldn’t hold back again haha. In the end we talked again for 4 hours about anything and everything … So nice to have talked to him again. I just had to give him my new number and as I have known for some time … I can’t think of excuses with him. Look .. I don’t see it like: and they live happily ever after. But I know that I can really trust my dreams about him and my intuition … I now know that we will always come into contact with each other again .. and maybe not for a while from next month. But for now I enjoy this moment again … sigh .. love my twinflame in a special way … (Unknown) you just couldn’t hold back again haha. In the end we talked again for 4 hours about anything and everything … So nice to have talked to him again. I just had to give him my new number and as I have known for some time … I can’t think of excuses with him. Look .. I don’t see it like: and they live happily ever after. But I know that I can really trust my dreams about him and my intuition … I now know that we will always come into contact with each other again .. and maybe not for a while from next month. But for now I enjoy this moment again … sigh .. love my twinflame in a special way … (Unknown) I just had to give him my new number and as I have known for some time … I can’t think of excuses with him. Look .. I don’t see it like: and they live happily ever after. But I know that I can really trust my dreams about him and my intuition … I now know that we will always come into contact with each other again .. and maybe not for a while from next month. But for now I enjoy this moment again … sigh .. love my twinflame in a special way … (Unknown) I just had to give him my new number and as I have known for some time … I can’t think of excuses with him. Look .. I don’t see it like: and they live happily ever after. But I know that I can really trust my dreams about him and my intuition … I now know that we will always come into contact with each other again .. and maybe not for a while from next month. But for now I enjoy this moment again … sigh .. love my twinflame in a special way … (Unknown)