Q0699. Secret relationship with your soul love


On Saturday I read an article written in the Volkskrant magazine by a woman who was married and secretly related to her soul love. She had no problems with it at all because it was separate and her husband also reaped the benefits because she felt better in her skin. In short then. I read it with great interest because I recognized myself in a number of statements. It also made me think and with a slight shock I realized that I am not sure that I would resist if my soul love tried something. But that is ordinary cheating, right? The stupid thing is that it doesn’t feel that way. It transcends normal love and I could also have a relationship with my soul love beside it without anyone knowing it, I think. Are there people here who have that? How is that and how do you deal with it?

Answer 1
Yes I have read it too and I could have it with my twinflame if he was in my life. My twinflame could not do that with me, I think. I solve it by not having a relationship at all for life, and remaining on myself. I have known my twinflame for life and I would never want to run the risk of a double relationship. (Who knows)

Answer 2
Interesting question, unfortunately I did not read the article because it is also something that concerns me. On the one hand it feels so wrong (but that is based on earthly ego laws and agreements) and on the other hand, why are there no other laws and rules for soul loved ones…. ? hmmmm has been discussed here before, I believe, I don’t know, I don’t know if I could resist the temptation. I am very curious how many people react, so many reactions please oh yes I would like to remain anonymous but I believe that is possible here? (Unknown)

Answer 3
In this way you don’t only fool yourself .. but also your twinflame and your partner and that has nothing to do with living according to the rules but with fear, fear of the new, unknown, twin is not for nix came your way, it’s your other half and you can’t help but grow together. do you want a love affair? you should look very honestly in your heart, because you secretly hurt your partner, that does not suit twinflames. (Unknown)

Answer 4
Do not have any experience with it yourself, but yes, if you both want it and you know for sure that it will stay between you, I might be able to. The problem is that I don’t know if I can trust my twin, he has done much crazier things … for example, the first time I told him, he immediately told his partner in the evening (he said that they can always discuss these kinds of things very openly with each other ??!) and that immediately appealed to me in a very small room full of people. Pretty embarrassing I can tell you, I could go through the ground. So yes, you know what you are starting to do, but you must know for sure that you both feel the same about it and that you can trust each other blindly. (Unknown)

Answer 5
Answer 3 I agree with you it does not suit twinflames to secretly live on it, at the expense of someone else’s feelings. (Who knows)

Answer 6
Of course this is really a LOVE that you must / may experience in a dark afterwards corner, secretly! oh well because you already give enough light, so why not! sorry .. i can’t help it. (Unknown)

Answer 7
Would also like to say something about this; I think there is a special statement in the question: I could also have a relationship with my soul love. where is your priority? who is your husband / wife, who’s your brother / sister / friend? so the question is; who do you have a relationship with and who would you like to keep being / very happy to be the best friend of? I have struggled with this question for a long time and it is now clear to me. your twinflame IS namely your husband / wife. and then you come across earthly structures that you are trapped in. well then what do you do? (Unknown)

Answer 8
Answer.3, I do not agree with you. love relationship? or sex relationship? This is about a heavenly relationship, right? you already have a love relationship in the deepest form that you can imagine, but that would only cause my partner a lot of pain and sorrow if he knew that. And that only has to do with his ego and the “lack” of insights into the larger whole of that partner and unfortunately you have no influence on that. In fact, if you were to tell about your twinflame, it would immediately get an earthly stamp and you (or the love in you) will be blocked. You are then a selfish person according to earthly standards because you risk your family (and possibly that of your twin) because you are an adulterous partner … But those are earthly thoughts, right? If your intentions are pure and you both want it and it is not primarily about the physical attraction (which of course there is) but more about wanting to experience and share this together! unique happening, then you are not kidding anyone. It is the earthly laws and rules that impose restrictions on you, saying that you cannot love another person (or have a relationship, in whatever form) if you are married. Earthly laws that would force you to choose, causing you unnecessary damage, especially to those who cannot understand that other dimension. And yes, if it were known to you, it would hurt your partner a lot, and no one wants that, certainly not advanced twinflames. And how should I explain to my children that I would leave their loving father whom I still love, for someone I also love (deeper and differently) … do I show my children what love is ??? No! what I want and do in my experience is to be love, feel love, spread love, share it together with your twin if they want (as friends maybe, maybe it would not work (now) in a daily relationship). And taking your “earthly” responsibility in the sense that you don’t unnecessarily hurt people around you by telling them something they can’t understand, that they really can’t do anything with, that would only be selfish in my experience … … So yes… .. a big dilemma for me too, know how the heavenly works and then apply it in the earthly, but love is not black and white (and they make it into it with so many rules), but if I let go of ego and forget about earthly laws for a moment, then I think I could and justify it for myself. (Victoria)

Answer 9
To answer 3; do you mean my current partner or the twinflame that I secretly hurt a lot? Current partner I think hey? Yes, you are right, if he knew it, the roof would go off and then I have nothing to do with my twinflame, but just the fact that I have feelings is already very natural. Regarding answer 4, I know right now that I have nothing to say to anyone at all. My twinflame could not handle this yet, I am almost certain of it. My husband certainly not, I know that for sure. If I am very honest with myself, I have to admit that I don’t want to hurt my husband and children by thinking about myself. I want them to be happy at all costs, even at the expense of my own happiness. It would be difficult for me to live with the enormous guilt I will have if I ruin three lives. On the other hand I know so well that my twinflame is the only true one for me and that hurts a lot. I also know that children feel and see much more than you think, which is sometimes difficult. They also see me shining when there is a twinflame, and my daughter once said that Mama was in love with him. I would prefer to just go and live together in one house, then I have both my men. But that is certainly impossible. (Unknown) and my daughter once said that mama was in love with him. I would prefer to just go and live together in one house, then I have both my men. But that is certainly impossible. (Unknown) and my daughter once said that mama was in love with him. I would prefer to just go and live together in one house, then I have both my men. But that is certainly impossible. (Unknown)

Answer 10
My love has a secret relationship with me, and in recent years I myself have been “cheating” with my twinflame from a brief relationship. When it comes to pure feeling, it is basically the most natural thing in the world, the feeling of belonging together is so strong that it ids not at all like cheating, and in fact neither wants to hurt the outside partner. The power of attraction is so strong that at a certain moment there will come a time when you simply have to see, want to see, smell, feel and taste each other in order to be able to cope with it again. I can compare a twinflame with drugs that you need at some point. But I can tell you that it is not so easy to handle for the ego, and that if you have no self-love, a lot of problems can arise! Soul love is such a pure love and requires an incredible respect towards each other, in which you have to keep a close eye on your values ​​and norms. As a secret of my twinflame, it feels like a denial towards me, because if you are the true love of someone, how can someone want to keep you as a secret? In the ordinary sense of the word, it is therefore cheating, and to be honest, I cannot recommend anyone to do that. The confusion and the pain is too great to be worth it, or you as the woman in the article must be able to deal with it and keep it completely separate. I did not succeed and that means that you are confronted a lot with your own pain and sorrow. Often I would like to turn back the time and I had hoped that when I met him I had chosen to let him go immediately! Then we could have dealt with each other in real respect and approached each other as friends. It didn’t go that way, and that’s our lesson too. In the time that I know him, I have had almost no relationships, but if I already had it, it would soon be over because my feeling for him is superlative. In everything I would choose for him. Conversely, he has a different path to walk, and then the truly unique sex and being together gives a mourning edge that after such a long time is increasingly difficult to step over. If someone has little self-esteem, it can mean that they end up in a negative downward spiral, in which they also completely lose themselves, with all the associated feelings! I have to say that my twin is difficult to approach and doesn’t want to speak a word about what really happens, Here too there is talk of denial and ultimately also of distrust. I can understand that he is cheating on me, the way he is not! This sacred, spiritual, unconditional love is too good to let it be messed up by the ego and fears, and if you are strong enough, you also keep it sacred and wait your time, also out of respect for your partner now, because that one don’t deserve it !! Instead, get to know yourself and use the nice feeling of love to find your true power in yourself. If you can let go of your desires and feelings, and you can surrender to the moment as it is, I think that you will come much deeper and deeper into your true essence and thus also to your twinflame. Anyway my story is one of many, I am happy for the people where it is possible and also appears to work! Because once you’ve been intimate with each other, you want nothing more in this world (and is that always the intention?), Than to be together! I did it and lost myself, and I advise you to stay in honor with yourself, that is only true love, universal love, the love that this world really needs !! And if you nevertheless choose your twinflame, which you ultimately do, then also choose completely and fully. Be honest and honest, then this love really serves a purpose, only then can it be an example! Good luck and love (Unknown) the love that this world really needs !! And if you nevertheless choose your twinflame, which you ultimately do, then also choose completely and fully. Be honest and honest, then this love really serves a purpose, only then can it be an example! Good luck and love (Unknown) the love that this world really needs !! And if you nevertheless choose your twinflame, which you ultimately do, then also choose completely and fully. Be honest and honest, then this love really serves a purpose, only then can it be an example! Good luck and love (Unknown)

Answer 11
If you have a partner who is holding it back and you have been honest, then it is just for the partner to accept that you want to have a relationship with your twin and then you show that nothing or nobody is stopping you, then it also does not have to be secretly in the dark because Love is meant for the Light, so honest to partners right? it would become clearer to my friend, he has already let me in and I accept that, I will therefore let go more easily. Now he does not quite understand it anymore, yes it is difficult, I am happy that I understand it myself. What a hassle. (Unknown)

Answer 12
Answer 2 I don’t know if you have very good eyes but you can still read it from the internet without logging in: Volkskrant magazine Saturday 28 May Title This is no cheating. (Wieweet)

Answer 13
To answer 10. How beautifully you expressed that, so recognizable! But right now does your twin have a secret relationship with you? Can you live with that? Ultimately, not being and your own growth stagnate? (Unknown)

Answer 14
At answers 8 and 9. you don’t want to hurt your partner, but you do, because … earthly rules and laws .. and where has the honesty gone in this story we are not here to learn, to grow and maybe if you were to be honest with your partner / friend (egos don’t have to be spared, my opinion is hearts) that in the long run they would get it, somewhere deep inside, because that partner also made ‘above’ agreements I think / I feel with you and yourself and maybe even with your twin If your partner is a soulmate you can discuss this with him, and yes that hurts but what hurts more? living with a woman / man who longs for another and can no longer really be with you. Do we find it so important that that marriage continues in this form, do we dare to go so badly that the universe brings you this ?! and yes twins do not just throw things upside down, there has been a growth process preceded and then …… that ‘other’ is completely in you / through you and you breathe that ‘other’ and then I show my children that I an earthly marriage must last because ???? it is very difficult but I have chosen purity and god / universe that sent me, that is a feeling and will probably not be so for all twins, so yes there are always 2 opinions, whether or not you are earthly marriage may end if you have grown apart because that happens namely also after a hundred years of twin experience / growth..lovers and strength for everyone here. (Unknown) a growth process has preceded this and then …… that ‘other’ is completely in you / through you and you breathe that ‘other’ and then I show my children that I have to maintain an earthly marriage because ???? it is very difficult but I have chosen purity and god / universe that sent me, that is a feeling and will probably not be so for all twins, so yes there are always 2 opinions, whether or not you are earthly marriage may end if you have grown apart because that happens namely also after a hundred years of twin experience / growth..lovers and strength for everyone here. (Unknown) a growth process has preceded this and then …… that ‘other’ is completely in you / through you and you breathe that ‘other’ and then I show my children that I have to maintain an earthly marriage because ???? it is very difficult but I have chosen purity and god / universe that sent me, that is a feeling and will probably not be so for all twins, so yes there are always 2 opinions, whether or not you are earthly marriage may end if you have grown apart because that happens namely also after a hundred years of twin experience / growth..lovers and strength for everyone here. (Unknown) that is a feeling and probably not for all twins, so yes there are always 2 opinions, whether or not you can end an earthly marriage if you have grown apart because that also happens after one hundred years of twin experience / growth..lovers and strength for everyone here. (Unknown) that is a feeling and probably not for all twins, so yes there are always 2 opinions, whether or not you can end an earthly marriage if you have grown apart because that also happens after one hundred years of twin experience / growth..lovers and strength for everyone here. (Unknown)

Answer 15
Is this really a love that you have to shout from the rooftops? how I would like that! but how many people do you hurt with it because it is incomprehensible to them … why people burden ourselves unnecessarily with spiritual matters? If all the twinflames would openly choose each other tomorrow, shout from the rooftops how wonderfully beautiful this is, with the aim of showing Light, and for the rest, would we just leave everyone else with the shards? How credible are you then, for others but also towards yourself? Will you then show what Love is? not so !! not in my experience, and if that means that I am sacrificing myself by not publicly expressing it, then I see no harm in it. I personally can live with that. If my twin felt disadvantaged because he is not allowed to be there, then apparently there is still too much old pain. Because our love IS openly or “secret”, but he knows that if it is right. (Victoria)

Answer 16
Victoria from answer 8, I agree with you on that. I was the questioner. And as you describe it, it is for me too. My deepest wish is to have a deep, deep friendship in the present with my twinflame. More than that would not even be necessary, because that may and may co-exist with my relationship with my earthly partner. And actually it is already true, I already have that close bond with my soul love. He recently said that he and I understand each other. And not a word was said too much. We have also done some things together and that felt so good. He is also always very open to me about his life and feelings, except about his feelings for me … that comes too close. But he does show it in other ways (touches, words, cans). I feel constantly being watched by the people around us at such moments, some of whom I think have weak suspicions, unconsciously. But I am also very grateful that there is what there is, how difficult it often is! k is to set aside that intense desire for more. Because fair is fair; I long for him in a very earthly way. And I see in his eyes that that is mutual. And that is precisely where we have to stay far away because I do not want to have something like that on my conscience, cheat on my partner and do not crash my children. So I pray for strength and wisdom to deal with this. (Unknown) Because fair is fair; I long for him in a very earthly way. And I see in his eyes that that is mutual. And that is precisely where we have to stay far away because I do not want to have something like that on my conscience, cheat on my partner and do not crash my children. So I pray for strength and wisdom to deal with this. (Unknown) Because fair is fair; I long for him in a very earthly way. And I see in his eyes that that is mutual. And that is precisely where we have to stay far away because I do not want to have something like that on my conscience, cheat on my partner and do not crash my children. So I pray for strength and wisdom to deal with this. (Unknown)

Answer 17
Answer 10 What do you mean to be able to take it again afterwards? Against what? Surely twinflames are strong enough of themselves in themselves, can they withstand anything? (Who knows)

Answer 18
To answer 13, thank you it was written in an emotional moment. Yes, my Twin Soul has been in secret relationship with me for 4 years, not because it is a “cheater”, but simply because he does not know what to do with the situation. I know that he himself would have thought it fairer to remain monogamous, and I know and understand his difficulty with this, and we are, as it were, drawn towards each other like magnets. very difficult to deal with, because no, I can’t live with that! I am terribly upset, all that lying and cheating, and yet when we are in contact with each other the whole world seems to disappear and we only see each other! But we both know that it is not right and the fear of losing each other keeps us returning to each other (and believe me, I have already stopped 25x) The fear keeps me from growing anyway and so we gradually started to stop each other growing and waking up. Hence perhaps my unfortunate tone in the previous answer. Cheating adds nothing in the end, it only takes, no matter how much you love each other. The incredibly strong connection between us makes us live in our own created hell, in the name of love. Now I understand that it is ego, that we can probably feel each other much better if we let go of each other and come to terms with ourselves. I love him terribly, and my fears have origins, it is a terrible choice, I have the feeling that I have to give away part of myself, but how should I give myself away? On the other hand, I want to see him so happy, I wish him that way! On days like this I can only pray that I quickly have the strength to let him go in love, so that we can both grow further, in the eternal hope of finding each other again. Something in me knows that I can be happy, but something will always be missing without him! love (Unknown)

Answer 19
To antw.10 and if you choose your twin what you ultimately do ..? if I read everyone here, we choose Not, and if you choose then choose with dedication … that is clear! thank you (unknown)

Answer 20
Advanced twinflames want to be together because only that one is on exactly the same wavelength. (Unknown)

Answer 21
Answer 18, I responded earlier in answer 13. Thank you. You express that inner struggle so well, I recognize these feelings very much from my own situation. That’s why I asked my question. His words to me are again and again: “I don’t know how to deal with it” and then I feel and see the impotence in his eyes. There is so much fear underlying this. But if I don’t let go of him, he will probably never face that fear. If I let go of him, maybe not and we will have lost contact with each other forever, and that is my fear (and I have to face that;)) At this moment we have no contact with each other and the intense sadness has given way for loss …. but also for beautiful feelings that I had lost …. I now feel the higher connection between us much more and that gives confidence, and power to let go, to grow yourself … to look at the sky from time to time, to smile … and to know … .. I stumbled again and again but still I always come back to this point. Back to myself, and yes … there will always be something missing … but finding yourself again … and knowing that he is there anyway …. Love! (Unknown)

Answer 22
To answer 17, perhaps I am not yet strong enough and I am too dependent on myself, but I feel that if he has been with me, that the plug has, as it were, been plugged into the socket and I am charged again, fulfills me, I feel very much with him. There is no time and space with him, I wish I was so strong to get it out of myself, but what is not can still come …… .. (Unknown)

Answer 23
To the writer who has had a secret relationship with her twinflame for 4 years; I can input exactly how it is for you. So terribly difficult. What is wisdom? let go of each other to come to terms with yourself. I think you definitely have a point with that. And at the same time it is also one of the most difficult things to do. Because yes, that contact is addictive, all-embracing. I know that all too well. If he’s there, it’s okay. Everything is good. But without him, nothing is really good. He gives me wings, is the oxygen in my blood, and actually my reason for living. It sounds heavy but that’s how it is. Absolute honesty towards the earthly partner is not always (immediately) possible. It is a constant maneuvering between the two, because you don’t want to hurt anyone. Then rather yourself. I hurt myself, intensely hurt, by living like that, married, separate from my twinflame, and miss him every day, see and feel that my partner and I are not on the same wavelength! . But I do that because I love my husband, and also have a family that I want to keep together. I do that because I am strong enough to do it. I get the power through the love of my soul. It serves a higher purpose. Call it hypocrite, it is not, and many people in the same boat know that here too. Honesty (is also an earthly concept filled in by people) is not always the best. Honesty hurts, inflicts deep wounds and is ultimately cleansing, but at what price? I prefer to let the universe go and set the course for me. (Unknown) to see and feel that my partner and I are not on the same wavelength! . But I do that because I love my husband, and also have a family that I want to keep together. I do that because I am strong enough to do it. I get the power through the love of my soul. It serves a higher purpose. Call it hypocrite, it is not, and many people in the same boat know that here too. Honesty (is also an earthly concept filled in by people) is not always the best. Honesty hurts, inflicts deep wounds and is ultimately cleansing, but at what price? I prefer to let the universe go and set the course for me. (Unknown) to see and feel that my partner and I are not on the same wavelength! . But I do that because I love my husband, and also have a family that I want to keep together. I do that because I am strong enough to do it. I get the power through the love of my soul. It serves a higher purpose. Call it hypocrite, it is not, and many people in the same boat know that here too. Honesty (is also an earthly concept filled in by people) is not always the best. Honesty hurts, inflicts deep wounds and is ultimately cleansing, but at what price? I prefer to let the universe go and set the course for me. (Unknown) I do that because I am strong enough to do it. I get the power through the love of my soul. It serves a higher purpose. Call it hypocrite, it is not, and many people in the same boat know that here too. Honesty (is also an earthly concept filled in by people) is not always the best. Honesty hurts, inflicts deep wounds and is ultimately cleansing, but at what price? I prefer to let the universe go and set the course for me. (Unknown) I do that because I am strong enough to do it. I get the power through the love of my soul. It serves a higher purpose. Call it hypocrite, it is not, and many people in the same boat know that here too. Honesty (is also an earthly concept filled in by people) is not always the best. Honesty hurts, inflicts deep wounds and is ultimately cleansing, but at what price? I prefer to let the universe go and set the course for me. (Unknown) inflicts deep wounds and is ultimately cleansing, but at what price? I prefer to let the universe go and set the course for me. (Unknown) inflicts deep wounds and is ultimately cleansing, but at what price? I prefer to let the universe go and set the course for me. (Unknown)

Answer 24
To answer 23, Thank you, I understand very well why you do it, and I find that very honest, I really understand my twin. The only thing is that I wish he could tell me that way, respecting me, and it sounds stupid, but I deserved that. The way you respond could have worked healing and made me stronger to let him go. I know I have to do it myself, and that will certainly happen. I only hoped that we could both have learned something from this situation. I’m afraid that I also have to let go … the only thing I wanted was honesty … … 🙁 (Unknown)

Answer 25
Reply 24,… .. and of course I understand that…. Yes, what is honesty? being honest to your partner is that also being honest to yourself? Sometimes you may want to be honest with your partner (for example by being TE open) but then realize that this is only for your ego, because it tells you that you should feel guilty (collectively learned), but who do you say you should feel guilty if you act out of love, do the rules of society say that you are doing something wrong? but what does your heart say? what is fair to yourself? And that is in my opinion 1 of the most difficult parts … and only when you are in contact with yourself, your own ego, can you act, it is as if a button goes in your head and you suddenly get another dimension of thinking which is certainly not always easy. But this way is not easy, together with your twin can be a lot easier and more bearable, if you allow it and you have to be far ahead of that. Love x (Unknown)

Answer 26 In
my opinion, cheating with the twinflame is impossible. If the urge is too strong to cheat with the twinflame, without agreements being present in the current relationship whether or not this should be possible, it seems impossible for a twinflame. It is and remains cheating and not doing it and staying above it is true love, the love that are twinflames. If ‘secretly’ needs to be done, it is either not your twinflame or you are not yet ready to be together. I even think that many alleged twinflames were even invented by their own ego to be able to approve this strange. The lack of improvement in your own life should be a guideline for this. (Unknown)