Q0660. Can your twinflame return to your life in the form of another person?


I broke my relationship with my twinflame 3 years ago, since we live in 2 different parts of the world and I saw no future. We knew each other for 4 years and saw each other a few times a year. He knew that we are twinflames. The contact had remained in the beginning, but I didn’t want any contact after that. My ego maybe? My twinflame was 15 years older than me. After that, I no longer had a feeling for a new relationship … And as if the devil was playing with me, I now, 3 years later, meet a man, 17 years younger than me and, apart from everything else, a copy of my twinflame. I experience everything again, attracting, shedding, ego-syndrome etc. Is this my new twinflame or is this my punishment I sometimes wonder? Perhaps I have something to finish in this earthly life? Why do I have to meet this person who is disrupting my entire life? Am I doing well or am I completely out of balance? Ask and ask again. I have not told this new friend about the twinflame existence. I also do not know if he will understand, since he is so much younger than me. Like your opinion about this.

Answer 1
No, your twinflame cannot return to others, you only have one of them. This gentleman comes into your life to teach you projection, I think. No punishment, a psychological lesson. Your twinflame apparently has to go through another process or process and you can do this. That’s what comes to mind when reading your story. I also had a lesson in projecting: always been suspicious of relationships, because in my opinion every man had a woman somewhere in the background. Not realizing that I myself had a man in the background, nml. my twinflame man !! And I projected that on potential partners, crazy hey (Wieweet)

Answer 2
If you Google on Twinray or Twinflame you will come across interesting sites. On one of them I came across something about the False Twin phenomenon. You are convinced that it is your twin and all the symptoms are correct, but it appears that it is not your twin. Well I have the feeling that wanting to name a beautiful feeling a lot has to do with the ego. And wanting to hold onto the desperate of someone who is not with us now. Because what does it matter if it is called Jantje or Pietje. Enjoy every feeling because it can be there. I also often read stories of people who are “trapped” in a marriage and therefore unable to be with their twin. Every love commitment is made by God. Twin or not. It does not make love different or less just because the other person is not wearing the right brand. (M.)

Answer 3
No, your twinflame cannot return to others, you only have one of them. This gentleman comes into your life to teach you projection, I think. No punishment, a psychological lesson. Your twinflame apparently has to go through another process or process and you can do this. That’s what comes to mind when reading your story. I also had a lesson in projecting: always been suspicious of relationships, because in my opinion every man had a woman somewhere in the background. Not realizing that I had a man in the background, namely my twinflame !! And I projected that on potential partners, crazy hey. (Wieweet)

Answer 4
Yes, every love commitment is intended by God for your growth! (Unknown)

Answer 5
There is no False twin, there is only one Twin. There are illusions that make you think you have found the twin. (Unknown)

Answer 6
Love for your twin is indeed different and much more than for anyone else. why are all these people here looking for answers? An ordinary crush, you will get over it, but this will remain the rest of your life and has nix to do with marks or a name, it has to do with THE LOVE you’re on the way to, the love that connects you with everything / god , which makes you wake up, if you want to allow it at least. (Unknown)