This morning I woke up and had the same feeling that I have so often and I wonder if more people have that .. and suddenly a thought flashed through my mind about what I feel. it is as if I am sitting in a plane that is thundering over the runway ready to let go of the ground .. such enormous power goes through me, I really feel all my chakras running..huge power, ready for. . I have had this once before and that felt like a false start .. because it stopped again, I was called back, did I want too fast? .. do you recognize this?
Answer 1
Sorry, can’t resist that , it’s not called a false start, but I call it descending, just like a child has to descend you know? awareness> acceptance> descending> and only then being born haha. (Unknown)
Answer 2
I also know those enormous feelings, so many feelings last night as if a motor is running in my body and my heart is upset, as if he is really sitting next to me, did not understand it. Now, it can now lead back to twin feelings that I could touch him. Unbelief? Next time I know what that means and hope it happens again. I want to enjoy it (Unknown)