Q0601. Sign of your twin when you meet someone you also like?


I just experienced something again. I cycled to work and on the way I saw a man. We looked each other in the eye for a moment and I found him so attractive. I cycled on completely perplexed. This does not happen to me every day … But along the way I came across license plates with twinflames in them, I have never seen so many of them. As if he wants to say, “Hey, I’m still there, I’m your twinflame.” I had to laugh at it secretly. Does anyone recognize this?

Answer 1
Went with a soulmate, before and after there were constant double digits (times). that I saw or double letters .. well does that mean that is a sign of twin? or .. sometimes you also get bad luck from all those characters mainly because you don’t know what they mean sometimes .. are those signs of twin to show that I am approaching right now or are they other characters? (Unknown)

Answer 2
I’m always curious about that. WHAT do those signs actually mean? It seems as if no one has already received an answer. Are they signs of the universe that you are on the right track? Do you have to read back every double number as numerology using the ‘numbers of the angels’? Or are these signs that your twin is working on you? I always look at double numbers in my booklet ‘numbers of the angels’ and it is almost always an explanation that I can use at that moment. For example, an answer that can keep my confidence strong, or let me know that I am NEVER alone in this process. So as support. Examples were plenty, page here too short, just delve into it. I do not believe that when I see double numbers, that is the sign of my twin that he is working on me at that moment. I feel that again in a different way. For me, double numbers are clues / support from the universe. Our initials next to each other on license plates seem to tell me that he is indeed busy with me, consciously or unconsciously, that he exists, that I may be grateful for that and that I must have faith in the fact that we belong / come together . And twins always come together in the end. We have to trust in that. For the rest; we have to surrender the how, when or where to the universe. Let us take care ourselves (make that choice) to become strong, to build a nice and happy life, then twin will come naturally. And maybe sooner than you think. Continue to fight against the lack, against the desire, against not being able to have what you want NOW, then you will continue to have pain and the process will only take longer for both of them. Try to see what your twin is already giving you NOW and be thankful for that. He / she will come !! (is my thought / feeling) (L.)

Answer 3
I think you will come across them when you need them. Support the universe. Does it sound floating? “The world is ruled by signs and symbols instead of laws and rules,” Confucius said. I think that it is a message that you belong together – universally – The GIFT of the universe is that we pick them up with our (limited) senses, not the punishment. (Unknown)

Answer 4
Those signs also mean that, at a higher level, everything is connected to everything. My weirdest sign about twin was that from the moment he reincarnated, I started writing my name with my initial and initial, and at the same time got basal cell carcinoma on my body. His 3 initials are resp. his name, the name of his wife and a letter that indicates that he has been with her for a part of his life. These are absolutely messages that someone belongs to you. I have kept that basal cell carcinoma carefully secret and only when I told him met for the first time, then I showed him that bcc, as on command (voice inside). After 33 years (!) I had that bcc removed. That bcc had to do with my twin and with the Sufi symbol for twinflames,

Answer 5
To yes, yes, a helping hand that was it, that is how it feels … the universe always helps me with its signs and coincidences. (Unknown)

Answer 6
Answer 2 and 3, yes, I fully agree with that. My eyes have been open for a year now for the signs that come my way and it is so wonderful. I greet everything with a smile, I often feel that way. I also think that twin and I are universally linked. Get confirmation again and again. He also gets signs (I’ve seen a few times myself) but I doubt if he picks them up. (A.)

Answer 7
Dear L, I still forget to respond to what you write. You are absolutely right, and I also do what you say at the bottom of your piece. Living my own life as happy as possible and enjoying what I have. Now I can but that has not always been the case. Then there was the endless and painful longing for my twin. So heartbreaking sometimes. Now there is peace, peace in my heart and occasionally when I see him, a fiery desire. But I can deal with it much better now. I sometimes even enjoy him more at a distance than when we are together. Because then his ego always gets in our way. He often presents himself differently and tougher than he really is. I get through it and he knows that. Then he feels uncomfortable and continues. Literally. And then I can feel his pain in my heart. I read your poem and I understand exactly how hard it is for you. How you love him and how the door is open to him. The miserable thing is that just being patient and sending your love to the other helps you further. It’ll be okay someday. (A.)

Answer 8
I once read somewhere that those double signs are a trigger of the universe, to confirm you and to let you know that you are on the right track. When I look at the clock it is also always 11.11 am or 15.15 pm or 22.22 pm etc. (Unknown)

Answer 9
Thank you, dear A., ​​for your answer 7. (last sentences, tears, etc.) It is very special that we have just discussed it and that afterwards I was indeed able to experience for myself how deeply the person you love is. comes to you again. Thank God my sorrow for missing only lasted a few hours and the next day I was back in my ‘happy’ and positive feeling, my feeling of gratitude that he exists at all. I don’t want to ‘know’ what happens to me if I can actually look at him in his heavenly blue eyes. I long for it intensely, but I’m also a bit afraid of it. (Unknown)

Answer 10
Answer 4, how special! Here it is equally quiet on the twin area today. This morning we encountered many license plates with our initials and numbers from his date of birth. That feels like a kind of reminder and greeting. I also dream about him almost every night and that feels like we’re really together. Last night I sat in front of the TV and suddenly I got a very good feeling about my solar plexus chakra. I’m sure he thought of me then. (Unknown)

Answer 11
For reaction 9, Dear L, How nice that you can use my words. We are in the same boat and I know exactly how you feel. And those sky blue eyes …. my twin has them too. I have often been in the fortunate circumstance that I was allowed to drown in those eyes. But now the last time is a long time ago and I am starting to miss it. Although it can also be confronting. In his eyes I see so many questions, sadness, and denial. Everything at once. As it were, I completely see through him and don’t ask myself how I can do that. I just suddenly could. That bond between us is that strong. I understand that he finds that scary because he feels this very fine. A good friend of his once told him that I am very sensitive in that area … As you may already know, I asked for a while (to the universe) because it cost me too much energy. I now feel that I am healing and growing. I have peace in my heart, I feel good and relaxed. And I’m going to try to hold that when the time comes to see him again. That may be unexpected, but I think I’ll get a sign first. In the past I had to recover for days from a meeting. Everything, really everything I absorbed. All his words, his house in detail, what stood where and what things were in the room. And although that provided me with a lot of information about him, it was also exhausting. Now I haven’t seen him for at least 3 weeks and I can breathe again. I know that he also thinks a lot about me, and occasionally I feel a wave of love / warmth from him. Ever dear L, we will be able to make clear to our twins the relationship between them and us. When the time is right. And then the message will come across well. In my case I have the feeling that I will have to comfort my twin for something, assist him in something. And that will be the opening. But what? No idea yet. Do you also feel things about your twin? (Unknown) And that will be the opening. But what? No idea yet. Do you also feel things about your twin? (Unknown) And that will be the opening. But what? No idea yet. Do you also feel things about your twin? (Unknown)

Answer 12
Yes answer 10: Actually, I have always been a little selfless in the twinflame area. While I have quite egocentric traits. But not in relation to twinflame events. year with a (benign) skin cancer walking? That d’r parents don’t inform about it? Medically speaking totally irresponsible (my twin is a doctor and was very surprised about it myself, I didn’t tell him the reason, that will come if he becomes more spiritual, then I will tell everything), but who knows what he may have been walking around with all that time… .I am so curious if he also walks around with a lifelong twinge secret. (Unknown)

Answer 13
Dear A: I have known my twin for only half a year and I have not known that he is my twin for 5 months. I am increasingly making a distinction between his feelings and my feelings. I think I know how hard it is sometimes, how much he fights what he feels, how angry he can be at me. How terrible he does his best to do normally and to pretend that this never existed. How he fights against something that keeps coming back to him and I think it only gets stronger. The wish to speak and see me again. But his ego won’t allow that for a long time. He is also very young. It is not yet acceptable to him that this divine love may simply be there. Pure and pure. But, since we have not been in contact since the beginning of September, I dare never say the above with certainty. I always say: I ‘think’ I know … Once we have spoken with each other via MSN and during that cont! act he was able to confirm certain things to me. As soon as I have contact with him, I know what he feels. So I also know if he ‘lies’. Then I feel more confident about him. I also suspect that when I see him again, I also know out of the blue exactly how he is doing and what he feels, how he is in it. How sad I have caused him by pushing him away from me. I also feel an enormous urge to comfort him, help him, listen to him, hug him. But I am not sure yet what my assignment to him is exactly (L.) I ‘think’ I know … Once we have spoken with each other via MSN and during that cont! act he was able to confirm certain things to me. As soon as I have contact with him, I know what he feels. So I also know if he ‘lies’. Then I feel more confident about him. I also suspect that when I see him again, I also know out of the blue exactly how he is doing and what he feels, how he is in it. How sad I have caused him by pushing him away from me. I also feel an enormous urge to comfort him, help him, listen to him, hug him. But I am not sure yet what my assignment to him is exactly (L.) I ‘think’ I know … Once we have spoken with each other via MSN and during that cont! act he was able to confirm certain things to me. As soon as I have contact with him, I know what he feels. So I also know if he ‘lies’. Then I feel more confident about him. I also suspect that when I see him again, I also know out of the blue exactly how he is doing and what he feels, how he is in it. How sad I have caused him by pushing him away from me. I also feel an enormous urge to comfort him, help him, listen to him, hug him. But I am not sure yet what my assignment to him is exactly (L.) Then I feel more confident about him. I also suspect that when I see him again, I also know out of the blue exactly how he is doing and what he feels, how he is in it. How sad I have caused him by pushing him away from me. I also feel an enormous urge to comfort him, help him, listen to him, hug him. But I am not sure yet what my assignment to him is exactly (L.) Then I feel more confident about him. I also suspect that when I see him again, I also know out of the blue exactly how he is doing and what he feels, how he is in it. How sad I have caused him by pushing him away from me. I also feel an enormous urge to comfort him, help him, listen to him, hug him. But I am not sure yet what my assignment to him is exactly (L.)

Answer 14
Dear L from answer 13, All recognition again. I’ve been following your story for a while and it has many similarities with mine, although my twin is about the same age as me. Isn’t it difficult that you have to have so much patience to give him time to gain insight? And yet there is no other way than this. It is also difficult to find out ‘your assignment’ that you have with your twinflame. In my case it helps to be very quiet or to talk to myself. It is as if I get the answers. Sometimes I can even talk to my twin like this. I know what he feels and what he knows on a soul level. On a conscious level that is a whole lot different, he runs away from me very much, I unleash far too much in him, and it is still too confronting. Yesterday there was a possibility that I would meet him. In my mind I asked him to be there. On the way I received countless signs from him, but he was not there himself. And to be honest, it didn’t bother me. We won’t see each other for a long time now. I do not want it. Sometimes that feeling comes up for a moment that I want it the way I did yesterday, but luckily it wasn’t there. That’s better because i! I desperately needed that rest. It was the desire that made me wish this. Longing for something that is not yet there. Namely to see him without being hurt. Pure in love. That is not yet possible, he does not allow it yet. And so it is better not to see each other at all for the time being. Because every time he touches me again with hurtful words, looks and behaviors. I stay behind in pain and despair. Takes days before I get back together. While I feel good about what’s underneath that behavior. So there lies that pure soul love, and sometimes very occasionally, I can see it in his eyes for a second. Then to be thrown back hard in the false reality of his ego. Now I meditate every day and send him all my love. I hope this will open his heart in the long run. Sosm, in a lifetime, fierce things are needed to get someone on the right track, I know from experience. And I think I will have to comfort and help him for something very fierce in a while. I’ll be there I hope this will open his heart in the long run. Sosm, in a lifetime, fierce things are needed to get someone on the right track, I know from experience. And I think I will have to comfort and help him for something very fierce in a while. I’ll be there I hope this will open his heart in the long run. Sosm, in a lifetime, fierce things are needed to get someone on the right track, I know from experience. And I think I will have to comfort and help him for something very fierce in a while. I’ll be there

14, L, so I am A. for clarity. (A.)

Answer 15
Dear A: read your reaction just now. Our storylines are indeed quite synchronous. I am also always ‘meditating’ on foot. I walk with our dog James and then thoughts automatically come to my mind. Usually halfway through the walk I get some sort of insight. I will answer myself to questions. I often talk out loud. That’s how I already spoke to my twin. 1 time even a complete walk (in English ????) offered him my deep deep apologies (with a lot of crying) for the fact that I then rejected him from me. After that I actually felt that he was relieved. I saw the proof of that later on his site, where he has been very present with jokes for ages, and also immediately for the last time. we don’t have much time left … ‘(huh ???) I also think that I am meant for him as a kind of guide, guide. I Fri! However, nowadays I always wonder: will I have to guide him on a soul level or can I also build earthly contact with him? And then I try to hold onto a vision that we meet again in love. I am very curious if I can see him before that time, if I will experience the experiences that many have here, try to stay in your power when you are confronted with each other. It is quieter when you do not see each other, but the desire does not diminish. But then what you say: the desire for something that is not yet there. Someone else once wrote this so beautifully: longing for something that never existed in everyday reality but all the more in my dreams and memories. And so it is! Wonder what the message is that we are not (yet) in contact. Because that definitely has a reason. For me or for him? I’m curious about it. If you just want to mail me dear A., ​​my e-mail address is known to the editors. Love (L.)

Answer 16
Yes, dear L, I will ask the editors your email address. I think it would be nice to exchange ideas, even though that is going well here. I still don’t feel well (after last weekend). I feel a pain that I have not felt for a long time. A loss. When I was talking to him on Sunday (it was in a cafe) it felt very logical to touch his arm in our conversation for a moment, something that I actually do not do so quickly with someone. But I notice that I have become easier in that lately. I can always be spontaneous to him and ad rem. His company usually feels very familiar even though I am deeply in love with him. Yet I still feel relaxed and I think that is a characteristic of soul love. The feeling that you already know someone inside and out. When he said goodbye I also felt his pain, and his fatigue. We were literally at a crossroads and he gave me three farewell kisses. Then an endless lonely feeling overwhelmed me. He went one way and I the other while I had loved to go with him. I’ve never felt so sad. If! if he had snatched my heart out and brought it with him. Well, enough of it again, duty calls. My children are on vacation so I have to be there for them. Sometimes difficult to find time for yourself. Love (A.) Enough again, duty calls. My children are on vacation so I have to be there for them. Sometimes difficult to find time for yourself. Love (A.) Enough again, duty calls. My children are on vacation so I have to be there for them. Sometimes difficult to find time for yourself. Love (A.)

Answer 17
Every time I think of my twinflame like in the car I have the radio on I hear .. let go .. on television I hear in the movie .. a woman who does not know who is true for her or maybe she is not there .. on the internet I also read an advertisement that is about the true … very strange … everywhere I come across..because I see my twinflame as the true … I think this is really a sign. (Unknown)