Q0567. Vibration in the other stronger?


After giving many answers, I was also curious about your answers to my question. Only recently have I been able to meet my soulmate. Before I had seen my soulmate in real life, I was first led to a video clip, in which he also appeared. Only when I watched the video did my arm start to shake quite well and, just like me, did my twinflame begin to speak my tongue. I knew at the time that it was my soulmate. After seeing that video, I met him in real life not much later. When we met, there was immediately recognition between the two of us and again that intense vibration. A few weeks ago I went to the cafe where my soulmate would be. There in the busy cafe I immediately found the way to my soulmate. The person who was with I was immediately lost in the bustle. With my twinflame I also have vibrations, but not so violently. Is this because I am now more aware than the process I have already experienced with my twinflame? (after putting on and shedding, I now have a “rest period” with my twinflame). Thank you for your answers! Gr.

Answer 1
Hi Alicia, do you have the vibrations stronger with your soulmate? after you had a rest period with your twinflame ..? find it a bit confusing story. think that you will sooner recognize the feeling you have felt with your twinflame but it is not comparable to your twinflame feeling anyway, with me that feeling of love is there but with twinflame it is completely absorbed in a love energy, that is with soulmates are different (unknown)

Answer 2
Hi Alicia, Recognizable those vibrations. I once had a magazine in my hands and suddenly felt an energy flow through my palms, I opened it and yes, my twinflame was in it. When I am in a building wherever it is (which I do not know beforehand) it starts flowing again through my palms. So I always feel it through my hands. I can also talk to him on an emotional level, by asking questions, I then get an answer. This does not always work, because sometimes the sky is not clear and I feel a lot of pressure, then it does not work. You really have to be ‘quiet’ inside and your twinflame must also be open at that moment. Now I come across soulmates more often and that is very nice, because then I send a thought (so I will test it) and we are then in the same room and then I get an ‘verbal’ response. My soulmate comes to me and answers, without asking him / her out loud. During a conversation, the other person already says the things that you intend to say. The physical energy flows, I only feel that with my twinflame, so the thought frequency also with my soulmates. Dear Alicia, it is indeed a process that is expanding, you are becoming more and more clear and therefore also feeling clearly. love (F.) I only feel that with my twinflame, so the thought frequency also with my soulmates. Dear Alicia, it is indeed a process that is expanding, you are becoming more and more clear and therefore also feeling clearly. love (F.) I only feel that with my twinflame, so the thought frequency also with my soulmates. Dear Alicia, it is indeed a process that is expanding, you are becoming more and more clear and therefore also feeling clearly. love (F.)

Answer 3
Alicia: Yes my vibration at my SR is much stronger, hence my question. I also have vibrations when my twinflame is around and I feel my twin almost the entire day (twin is currently tired). I am now a year later and have recently met my ZV. I was immediately aware that it was my SR (see above). Soulmates come in all kinds of forms and it seems that a soulmate can even take the place of a twin. I am therefore not very sure that the vibration between me and my ZV is therefore also stronger at the moment. I can also only think that after this year I have grown enormously and that this is also part of my transformation process (Alicia S.)

Answer 4
Alicia S, isn’t your twinflame going to get very nervous now, because you have met your soulmate? I mean energetically, is he going to pull now? I’m very curious about that. (Unknown)

Answer 5
I received a call to a Brazil harvest today and he explained that the energetic field with my soulmate is many times stronger than with my twin. The psychic therefore does not exclude a relationship with my soulmate. It is quite possible that this will be my regular partner because the feelings are currently stronger for that. If a soulmate is so close to a twinflame, then they may give me a different name there. We have to wait and see what will happen. My twinflame is currently in a relationship and I don’t know how it will react because he has always wanted me to meet another nice man. My twinflame doesn’t even know what he sent . The energetic field could also change several times. Keep you informed (Alicia S.)

Answer 6
Well you have ever thought that your soulmate is your twinflame and vice versa, this is what I really feel, perhaps you have changed your feelings about this! (Unknown)

Answer 7
Certainly I have already thought of this! I have called five different psychics who know something about karmic relationships and for all my twinflame was really shown as twinflame. With a single one I had to deal with 2 soulmates. That is why it is very confusing for me. Meeting my zv was a “normal” recognition, with twinflames the lightning was really struck. My twinflame is taking anti-depressants and this may also be because the feeling is not pure enough. The energetic field is only stronger with my zv, this is independent of the actual feeling. Gr (Alicia)