Q0521. Doubt and uncertainty?


I think something is brewing in his unconscious, but I don’t think he’s consciously involved. Because he is active on the internet I can follow him. But every time I do that, it makes me terribly insecure and I start to doubt our entire twinflame story. If I look up little information via the internet and only listen to my feelings, that is calmer for me and I sometimes get ‘facts’ through. Such as recently when I walk the dog and recall our meetings and conversations; then suddenly comes to my head: “he will still contact you, perhaps sooner than you think”. I think this is real knowledge, but I cannot verify it because we are no longer in contact. However, if I look him up on the internet and read what he has written or what he is doing, then the adrenaline rushes through me, I get scared, often! sad and therefore very insecure because I wonder if I have felt it all those months. I feel so rejected that he apparently doesn’t need me. My confidence is completely gone in such a moment. Then I get very sad and I think that this wonderful unconditional love of not being allowed to grow further to use together in our lives. Will it ever come to the point where you get confirmation of your confidence and that you can keep it? If only I could ask him. This is so debilitating. Who recognizes this? Then I get very sad and I think that this wonderful unconditional love of not being allowed to grow further to use together in our lives. Will it ever come to the point where you get confirmation of your confidence and that you can keep it? If only I could ask him. This is so debilitating. Who recognizes this? Then I get very sad and I think that this wonderful unconditional love of not being allowed to grow further to use together in our lives. Will it ever come to the point where you get confirmation of your confidence and that you can keep it? If only I could ask him. This is so debilitating. Who recognizes this?

Yes me, I was so sure it would all be alright, but the last letter I received from him is so contradictory that I find it hard to continue to believe it, then I read, he wants to but he can’t and yes there sometimes you get tired and sad I do not understand completely I believe. I miss the passion to go with full conviction for what you are so dear, but maybe that should not be heard if twinflames is too earthy one moment this and then that again. I sometimes deliberately stop looking at those letters because they hurt, even though they may be needed at the moment, sometimes I know that too. nevertheless I have a good feeling at moments when I just relax for a while but I am also sometimes disappointed because I know that he is a great sweetheart, and that may well be his pitfall,

Dear doubter. don’t doubt your own feelings. everyone deals with it differently. you can come into a deep spiritual process by encountering soul love, while you simply do your work sober during the day. I have noticed that although it seems like 2 worlds in the beginning, it does me good … soul love is intense but you know what you are feeling, stick with it, but also go along with its change. Success. (Unknown)

About the internet: See my answer to question 522 (Unknown)

I recognize this. I can give you this advice; no longer look on the internet what he is doing and writing. I did that for a while, it seemed like I had to do it, almost an addiction to know what he was doing and with whom. I deliberately released this because it sometimes hurt me what I saw, but mostly because I knew and felt that this was his exterior. This is just a facade of what he really is. In my opinion I am very well connected with my twinflame and he is totally different than he does on certain sites (Facebook and hyves among others). That is also a side of him yes, but there is so much more underneath. But he himself does not get to that core yet. I can see and feel it, but he can’t. I knew at some point that I had to let him go, let his life lead and make mistakes. When he is exhausted, he automatically arrives at his real self. And that can take a long time. I now detect small ones! changes in his life and thinking. But not nearly enough. I think of him every night, sending him strength and love to find himself, to look at his true self without fuss. At the soul level, all those things do not play, he is wise and pure. And I deeply cherish that contact. In real life this is clouded by the conscious thinking, behavior patterns, and judgments of the ego and others. The time will come when he can see himself and me in that pure way. He first has to “wake up” it seems. And unfortunately, I can’t accelerate that. (Unknown) And that can take a long time. I now detect small ones! changes in his life and thinking. But not nearly enough. I think of him every night, sending him strength and love to find himself, to look at his true self without fuss. At the soul level, all those things do not play, he is wise and pure. And I deeply cherish that contact. In real life this is clouded by the conscious thinking, behavior patterns, and judgments of the ego and others. The time will come when he can see himself and me in that pure way. He first has to “wake up” it seems. And unfortunately, I can’t accelerate that. (Unknown) And that can take a long time. I now detect small ones! changes in his life and thinking. But not nearly enough. I think of him every night, sending him strength and love to find himself, to look at his true self without fuss. At the soul level, all those things do not play, he is wise and pure. And I deeply cherish that contact. In real life this is clouded by the conscious thinking, behavior patterns, and judgments of the ego and others. The time will come when he can see himself and me in that pure way. He first has to “wake up” it seems. And unfortunately, I can’t accelerate that. (Unknown) to look at his true self without hesitation. At the soul level, all those things do not play, he is wise and pure. And I deeply cherish that contact. In real life this is clouded by the conscious thinking, behavior patterns, and judgments of the ego and others. The time will come when he can see himself and me in that pure way. He first has to “wake up” it seems. And unfortunately, I can’t accelerate that. (Unknown) to look at his true self without hesitation. At the soul level, all those things do not play, he is wise and pure. And I deeply cherish that contact. In real life this is clouded by the conscious thinking, behavior patterns, and judgments of the ego and others. The time will come when he can see himself and me in that pure way. He first has to “wake up” it seems. And unfortunately, I can’t accelerate that. (Unknown)

On the internet I am really upset, usually with first name and surname. My twinflame does that sporadically, and then only in his profession, for research, etc. in forums that I cannot access. This is how it works in practice: he sees everything from me, I see very little of him: motorcycle helmet, mirrored windows and net curtains where you can look from the inside to the outside (medical center) but not the other way around, etc. He looks at me from the inside out, I am an “open book” for him. I see nothing or foggy (not physically!), And cannot observe. Here I can perhaps draw the following conclusion: he still has to observe / study me? (Unknown)

To the person of the 4th answer. Don’t you ever look at his sites anymore? I still can’t help it, do it much and much less than before but still notice that everything that shows that he has his own life (yes … duh … !!) that touches me. Stupid huh? Just don’t watch. I recognize so clearly what you say about his soul; pure and pure. He feels very different from showing himself to the outside. I also cherish the fact that I have met my twinflame and can sometimes make telepathic contact. But sometimes it catches my throat when I look at his site and think how long it will take before he knows about my existence. Maybe never. Ouch … … pain … (Unknown)

Yes, that hurts (last reaction). I know it all too well. Also that twin feels so different than it appears to the outside world. At first I often read about his life and love via the internet. But I noticed that it hurt me too much and I started to shut myself off for a while. Every time he came into my head, I sent him away. And it seemed as if he felt it because it was just then that he came closer. Now I no longer look at his trade on the internet and just walk and feel what he is doing. And that is much better. Purer too. Because what I feel is his true me. And I know that I am the one who belongs to him. I know he feels that from the heart. But when he dares to come out, I don’t know. I feel like I have to take care of him a little, help him on his path and I want to do that. But first he has to give an opening for that. (Unknown)