Q0516. How did you know who your twinflame was?


I know since the beginning of this year who my twinflame is. I found out about it because of the many signals I got on my path, and my intuition said it was him. I am (though I say so myself) well trained in pure listening to my feelings, without my own prejudices or interpretation, and I just knew it. When my twin is near me, I also feel energy between us that is almost tangible. Other people always look at us very surprised when we walk in the street together. I wondered how everyone here recognized his or her twinflame or knew who it was.

Through a flash of extrasensory experience, his image is on the wall with the word TWINLING SOUL below (Unknown)
Answer I also experience something similar! Only it was one of my guides who appeared on the wall and through him I now know who my twinflame is. That went very apart, I received all kinds of signals that pointed to him and a lot of “coincidences” so that I could not get away from it. I have now gone on with this science for almost a year and it has been a year full of insights, with strong feelings (both positive and negative) and an enormous desire for the other. We are unreachable for each other in this life, that much is clear, and that hurts so much. For certain reasons we cannot have a relationship together. But feelings don’t care. They come from both sides and cannot find a way out. That is very frustrating. I try to turn them into love towards others, but that is not always easy.

If you see yourself in the other … If you want to be the other for it … The other is yourself! If you see and feel that you can continue with or without your twin, but your twin will always be with you for the rest of your life here on earth! Your twin is in your heart forever, you will never lose it once you have gone through your process. You will walk a new path with an unknown destination. That is scary and painful, but also beautiful and intense when you finally come to yourself with Or without your twin! (Unknown)

Through all my own uncertainties I felt the energy and the enormous love of ours by chance, someone I hardly knew spoke to me about her friend who was so sad about her twinflame, at a time when I was so sad and even though I had never heard of twinflames I knew it was. even things that you say spontaneously without having thought of it yourself gave me certainty. wonderful anyway! confirmation in a dream etc. no doubt. (Unknown)

He used to love me, he said, but I was way too young, then I saw each other a few more times. When it went out with my friend at the time, I was sad to ask myself who did belong to me, whereupon his face immediately appeared as in a vision. I had never seen anything so heroic and light so spontaneously; I could see into the depths of his soul, at the cellular level. It took another half a year before I saw him physically, but then the fence was also off the dam, although in the beginning I could not call it a twinflame, all indications for this phenomenon are correct. In addition to this comes a certain knowledge, straight from your soul and heart, inexplicable feelings and emotions, synchronicity and the depth of emotions. Although it has been a very tough process for me,

I had a vision of my twin when I was nine, also drawn in a notebook. 18 years ago I literally bumped into him once, not a word was exchanged, and last year he contacted me via a dating site. (Unknown)

Thank you for the responses. The (spiritual) life is wonderfully put together. Last week I was thinking about him very intensively in the evening and literally thought: “call me tonight”. I said that softly. And a few hours later, I was home alone at the time, which I almost never am, the phone rang. Even before I answered, I knew it was him while it could have been countless others. I answered and my heart could not be kept. We talked for a while, he didn’t actually call for a clear reason (…) and then he was the one who ended the conversation because I can’t do that myself. I always try to keep him talking and searched diligently for more conversation topics. After this conversation I got the strong feeling that he just wanted to hear me and I felt so happy and warm inside. Since then I have not heard from twinflames either. But that will come again. I also let go of him, meaning that I take things as they come and expect nothing more. Every meeting, phone call, chat, look is a gift for me. And in the meantime, I can stay with myself and rest. I really like to be alone because I can think carefully and let things come my way. It is then that the most wonderful insights come. But I also like being there because it lifts me above myself. The energy that I get gives me wings and I can move mountains for days. (Unknown) tin is a gift for me. And in the meantime, I can stay with myself and rest. I really like to be alone because I can think carefully and let things come my way. It is then that the most wonderful insights come. But I also like being there because it lifts me above myself. The energy that I get gives me wings and I can move mountains for days. (Unknown) tin is a gift for me. And in the meantime, I can stay with myself and rest. I really like to be alone because I can think carefully and let things come my way. It is then that the most wonderful insights come. But I also like being there because it lifts me above myself. The energy that I get gives me wings and I can move mountains for days. (Unknown)