Q0472. Releasing twin in relationship?


Are there people who, just like me, have met their soul love who is in a relationship and wants to stay there despite deep feelings? Do you still have contact? and how does that work? I would like to let him go, but I have problems with it (with my feelings of love) and therefore miss a lack of respect. My twin visits me and we regularly go to bed with each other, only I feel cheap because of the way he (and I) deal with it. My ego is troubling me and I don’t know how to fill that in? Does anybody have experience with this?

The lack of respect may lie with you, you go to bed with him while he is still in a different relationship, what kind of relationship is that? twinflames want purity and trust and if that is missing then if I were you I would take distance so that both of you can work on yourself. if he belongs to you he will come back. eventually you want to be together and share everything with each other. What else does he / she have in that other relationship? why don’t you choose each other? find out, is there still too much in between? look at what makes you happy and try to find a solution for that. (Unknown)

I am currently experiencing the part of your soulmate (we just do not go to bed together). I am married myself and my soulmate is single. we have had very intense contact for a while, but in the end he put a little bit behind it. because it was just too intense and he respected my marriage. It is still very difficult to let go of him now, and I still miss him enormously. I sometimes see him once in a while and those moments give me strength to continue. if it should be that way I know that there will come a time when we come together and if not this experience, this time together with him will never be taken away from me! (Unknown)

A relationship is more than sex, certainly a twin relationship .. do you do it together or do you fulfill your own needs. a twin relationship means so much more to me, it’s a divine urge, at least that’s how I feel, to get started with it. (Unknown)

I have had a relationship with a twin for 13 years. (No sex) But sometimes we also go out with three, his wife, he and me. in the past my now ex husband was there too. My twin cannot and will not let go of me. And become jealous as soon as another man comes into my environment. I respect their marriage, and I would never share the bed with him as long as he is and remains married. I absolutely don’t want them to break up. (Unknown)

I couldn’t do that, keeping my distance for 13 years while you’re so close every time. Is it your twin? that attraction is much too great in the long run .. you do yourself a lot of sorrow to keep it this way .. you didn’t meet each other for nothing. Your twin wants both, but what kind of relationship does he have with his woman? My twin and I are so connected to each other that you can no longer share certain things with your partner .. at least that’s how I experience it .. don’t know if my twin feels that way? I would also never want to break the marriage of my twin (on purpose) but because of the love over and over again that will come under pressure. If your twin does not choose then I would not want to be so close to him, he would still so very occasionally want to see on a friendly basis.More not, no one feels that to be pure and honest, although I would like to, but I feel like you can’t do that. in the long run you have no choice anymore! because then the universe decides, that’s how I felt it, it pushes you towards your twin (if you follow your soul and want to see the signs) and if that is intended in this life. If it is the same with you then your twin will have to choose in the long run, I would still take a little more distance and wait quietly. (Unknown)

Does your twin know all this? perhaps he / she needs contact to feel which way he / she wants with the permanent relationship and what with twin ?! those are great guys! (Unknown)

Contact is good but 13 years as a friend who can come along now and then, your heart breaks right? I do not want to push my twin in a certain direction but I do want to express my feelings and that is possible here on this site .. thank you (Unknown)

Releasing twin in relation? message: Type your answer here … No my heart does not break. Because I have respect for their marriage! Only when I went to bed with him would my heart break if I had to look his wife in the eye the next time. Because then I wouldn’t be a pure person. Soul love is pure. And no threat. even his wife respects me. (Unknown)

No threat? it is certainly pure! hurting each other or another is certainly not part of it, but what is fair? what is your truth, where is that limit? how long are you trying to go against that? (Unknown)

If his wife respected you and her husband she would not want this. respect has to do with the fact that you want to see the other person happy..that is respect..this is power when I hear it that way, to want everything, a woman..a twin..all, and you? ? his wife has power because she does not let her husband go while he prefers to be with someone else .. that is NOT love that is power. What you show is LOVE, unconditionally, I think it’s clever of you, but in the long run I would not be able to, find it difficult now only with occasional contact, must make up an excuse every time and just wait whether it also comes … that feels enormously difficult and heavy … it is like going to visit the lion’s den. (Unknown)

Overcome your ego. Once you learn how to deal with your natural feeling, it is easier to say no. The “ego” gives you a candy, and once you enjoy it, it is taken away from you again. The moment of enjoyment is therefore just a moment. Make sure you take charge and enjoy it now. at least you are aware of your ego. Don’t let your ego mislead your feeling. (Unknown)

I find that very difficult because when does your heart speak and when does your ego speak? your heart wants your twin with you, but your ego wants that too … what is it? it makes me confused .. sometimes I still have problems with my ego, then I am disappointed that my twin does not make the decision and goes all the way for me .. then my ego says; do you have a partner again that you do not put on no. uno .. or so .. then I feel sorry for myself .. I think that it is still very difficult to hear .. your heart wants to go all the way but that doesn’t mean that you like everything your twin wants … is that your ego? or is that self-protection..the piece of ego that is useful … (unknown)

And then your heart says; you are no.uno for your twin, I know and yet .. haha, is that your ego? (Unknown)

It often happens that you meet your twinflame while you are still in a relationship or the other person. My twinflame and I were both in a relationship that we met. We had an affair for 4 months with an official relationship for 1 month. Afterwards he went back to his wife. My relationship at the time ended because I had discovered that this was not the relationship that I wanted. I also love my twinflame very much, no one can beat that anymore. There is now distance between me and my twin, he has taken it. Sometimes he comes around to see if he misses me terribly. I give my twin the space to learn the lessons he is still learning with his wife. Only when he has learned his lessons and resolved his fears can we be together. Give your twin the space to make the decision, if you want to take this distance. Are you married yourself? Find out if you are happy in the relationship and what fears you have to overcome. You are happier with your twinflame, but you have to do something for it. (Alicia)

Answer It
came to me that mine sometimes just looked around the corner .. I also give my twin the space to grow further .. and to oversee his own life, but I never see him, only when I take the step and that is maybe even more difficult for me than for my twin .. so I hope that twin will also put on the naughty shoes once in a while .. even talk, hug it would be so beautiful .. continue to grow. (Unknown)

I very much agree with your question. I had a relationship for a few years with someone who also gave birth to children. At one point it went wrong, we had grown apart at that time. I think we were both looking for ourselves, our own identity. We both had different relationships, but the bond between us remained very intense, we also went to bed with each other while we had other relationships (I know this was not very smart, but the attraction between us is very large) Some weeks ago we had a whole conversation about twinflames and how we think about life, it has changed a lot between us. We no longer go to bed with each other, there is much more mutual respect. We have spoken openly that we both suspect that we are soulmates, we both feel that. But we also know that the time is not yet right to come together, we are both sure that time will come. Occasionally, even soulmates have to spend time just to develop themselves more, find out what their purpose is before they can continue together again. (Unknown)

Unconditional love is what you feel for your twin whether it is with you or not. The ego has to do with desire. You have to find the healing within yourself, so also the desire. The heart is pure, it does not recognize the desire as the ego. We are all in that learning process to be completely complete with ourselves again, the twin is our mirror. (Unknown)

Letting go gives an overview, even more Love and trust! .. it is for sure .. love each other..take and give space with sometimes a tear..give Love a chance to go where it should go..it will be fine. .that I feel..Liefs (Unknown)