Q0444. Patience?


Okay, after 25 years of attracting and repelling, the time has come. I left my wife for my twinflame. She is single at the moment. She knew it was coming. The last year we have had occasional contact, always keeping the boat off and then calling again. And also called me soulmate. In the meantime, I live alone. We do have contact, but sporadically. She keeps holding off the boat. For me she is nevertheless a constant reality in my existence. Sometimes she sleeps next to me energetically. Sometimes she comes to work energetically and kisses me in the neck. I feel her excitement, her fear and her meditative moments, although I don’t know exactly what she is doing. But … she’s not in my life. I miss her so much. Is this only a matter of time? Which I would like to give her by the way. Who has advice for me?

You paved the way for a relationship, I did that too, but my experience is that even though you are free it is not that she will come to you automatically .. sometimes I think my twin will have enough of a spiritual Contact. especially after the fusion at a distance, he also stays at a distance and actually I am sad about that .. every time I cheered myself up again with hope and then again that valley of sadness through messages about letting go / accepting that a love does not get off the ground is because life is like that (as if it’s just love!), how can you be patient if you hear something like that? etc .. I’m tired instead of giving me energy .. a missed opportunity? hope it will be different for you that she will come to you. every time I read that you have to let go and that you meet again, it is nice that you feel her energetically, I think that is very nice, cherish that … your twin is free, why write! your hair not your story, your feelings, you can come closer together. there is nothing between you anymore. do you also know why she is holding the boat? ask her if it is too difficult to talk to each other. otherwise look for mail contact, that is a bit easier, a little more distance, but if you are both free then I went for it, what stops her, what stops you? I would like to know … strength and a lot of Love. (Unknown) there is nothing between you anymore. do you also know why she is holding the boat? ask her if it is too difficult to talk to each other. otherwise find mail contact, that is a bit easier, a little more distance, but if you are both free then I went for it, what stops her, what stops you? I would like to know … strength and a lot of Love. (Unknown) there is nothing between you anymore. do you also know why she is holding the boat? ask her if it is too difficult to talk to each other. otherwise look for mail contact, that is a bit easier, a little more distance, but if you are both free then I went for it, what stops her, what stops you? I would like to know … strength and a lot of Love. (Unknown)

This is my tip: There must be something common. Technology, health, agriculture, e.g. I know twinflames, one of whom works at an architectural office and the other is an engineer. Or one is interested in macrobiotics, seeing color and shape, and the other in sports and surgery. Together it becomes, for example: aura detection, surgery and palm healing. In the latter case, it is only a matter of time, because society must be ready. So investigate the joint with you, the one has a hatch with “above” and the other more earthly, there must be potential cooperation. Or a common theme. Although it may only be Inspirator and Performer, Muse and ……. Fill in. I come from a farm, my twin works in healthcare. I have a strong feeling that we were in Egypt resp. 5000 years ago. have experienced the first organized agriculture and the Therapeutae cult. In this life too, but then sublimated. Always keep your companions! a rich theme in the eye, that comes back multiple lives. It is not just love for each other and physical togetherness, twins have an overarching theme, research that first. If society is not yet ready, then that is partly why you are not yet together. Or maybe she is still not with you BECAUSE you miss her so terribly, have you ever thought of that? Is there still a lot of tension on it? By the way, I think it is great that you are going for your twin. The strong bond between you and your energetic reactions is strong. I also have such a flawless contact on an energetic level. But I have heard from my twin that we are coming together this life, via a packaged message. Have you not received packaged groceries? Indeed, an exact date is NEVER mentioned. Use the time to investigate this, focus less on love and be together physically. (Unknown)

Depends on her personality; How far is she in her development process. How stubborn is she! how big is her ego! Does she have blockages that she must overcome !? She listens carefully to her feelings! No matter how loud it sounds, you’ll have to let her go so that she can walk her own process. And so you can continue in your own personal development especially to become independent. In the beginning it will be difficult, I advise you to let her go and have faith that everything will be fine between you. (Unknown)