Q0315. When do you know if you are soulmate?


I have a good friend of 14 years. I dream about him every night. I feel when he comes online, or I feel that he thinks of me or becomes shaky. Where or how can you see if it is your soulmate?

1 had a BZE in which twinflame announced itself as my twinflame? 2 all kinds of signs / signals come your way, both before and after the meeting? 3 you can see it astrologically (consult a good astrologer if you want to make a synastry)? 4 have the feeling that (the love for you) twinflame is ingrained in you like an organ 5 telepathic contact (eg he suddenly ‘sat’ next to me in the tram so much that I had to move a bit)? 6 see things as it were through twinflame’s eyes? It is a pity that no research is being done yet …. (Unknown)

In particular, it is the feeling that you have for this person. My twinflame is 16. I love him dearly. And I feel that I will always do that. Whatever he does. Whatever he is. I feel that I will always love him. I did that from the first moment I saw him (realization came in the following weeks) and after so much time that feeling only got deeper. When we saw each other I got a lot of energy from him. If we were not together I felt amputated. Now that we no longer have any contact, it feels like a grieving process that seems to have no end. I know he is my twinflame. I’m just very unsure about him because I don’t get any feedback and I suspect he’s not involved in this at all. But my confidence about my unconditional love for him, is deep and always stays. I wonder if your good friend also sends out signals with regard to this matter and what your own age is. (Unknown)