Q0312. Can you stay with your current partner with the love you feel for someone else?


How can you continue with your “earthly” partner when you have gone through all layers of consciousness (a process of years, sadness and joy, all layers of your soul are open) and you know and feel that your twinflame is your “divine love?” “Partner is ?? How do you do that, with me that earthly love is now fading and I see that it is based on mutual dependence and on conditions … I love you if you love me .. that is not that true pure love that you feel with your twinflame .. For me, that earthly love no longer satisfies and it also feels like betrayal, to my feelings for my twinflame, to continue with my partner who is quite a sweet good man, but never really has me felt. He does his best, but love does not come naturally? What is your experience with this?

I think I understand your feelings .. You have a man and you chose that, You probably thought that this was “the man” who belonged to you, and that there would be no one but him with whom you would live your life being able to live the way that suits you … Only then did your twinflame pass by and only then did the puzzle pieces that you might have been looking for fall into place? I also understand that it is extremely difficult to continue to feel the love that you have for your husband as it may have been. You have now experienced what it is like to feel a self-evident love. You have probably experienced that no words are needed. are, and probably you have also experienced that your soul love knows exactly what you feel, even though you say you do not feel that way .. Probably your soul love looks right through you .. and he or she knows, very good what you feel .. And when you have felt this it is very difficult to continue in a relationship where your husband does not feel you well …. Where love is not unconditional and self-evident as you say, even though you know your husband loves you … You say yourself that you no longer get satisfaction from the love you get from your husband, and that is very understandable when you have met soul love, and you have indeed gone through all layers of consciousness .. I think you really have to look at what makes you happy .. There may well be several other factors that prevent you from choosing 1,2,3 for you soul love .. Like for example children with your husband .. Maybe you have them, maybe you don’t have them .. Of course I don’t know that but it can be a factor that makes it more difficult for you .. and what you enter .. Because it is not nothing, to make such a choice .. The only person you REALLY have to give is yourself for now .. It may be that you are satisfied with the relationship where you are now .. and that you can also be satisfied with the bond that you now have with your soul love .. but perhaps you still feel that you are very much yearning for your soul love .. Have you ever talked to your soul love about this? Does your soul love know what you feel for him or her ..? Be honest with yourself .. Maybe it seems like you should be very happy with the man you are with now .. And you think; yes but I actually have everything I want? Then why do I want something else? I always say; What good is happiness in your hands, if it can no longer touch your heart … I am curious how you are doing, Dear regards (Unknown)

Yes, I have children and that makes that choice difficult. The youngest is still living at home and is occasionally very tired (probably also because the situation is tense at home), but can you deprive her of that certainty of a family? She did ask me if I am happy. She feels everything fine. That is why we also told the children that we have problems together. My twinflame and I never actually talk (we have never even said we are 2-ling souls), but we see and feel what is meant. Whether he will also choose for me, I do not want to ask him because then I put him under pressure, right? but I do feel that he is waiting for me to take the first step. So first I take a good look at my own life and I put it in the “refrigerator” (as far as I wish, ha). Apart from him I will have to make that decision, it makes it really heavy. Yes indeed I knew if he also chose me …… (Unknown)

You wrote: “Yes, indeed I did it but if he chooses me,” My feeling is it just completely not to know whether he would choose you but that YOU choose your Self (ChildofGod Ivy).
Reaction Thank your answer, it is correct, I have since discovered that it is about what I want and not what others expect from me .. every time you learn a bit .. now choose myself and see what goes with it. That is the hard part of my life that I always did what someone else wanted from me … but I have to stand strong in myself! (Unknown)

I recognize your struggle. I came across a soul love 4 years ago that no longer ‘lets go’. I have occasional contact, but he stops it, is married and has a very busy life, thinks he is happy … but he also feels the attraction. I have decided to leave my husband. Not because of that other love, because of myself, I can’t do it anymore … Despite the fact that I had a man who was very kind to me and that we have 2 children aged 6 and 8 years. It is as if you receive a message that you were on the wrong track … I just hope that I feel it is good, that I am not ruining a number of lives for nothing! Love and strength with your destination! (Unknown)

Yes indeed it is as if you are in the wrong film and you have to play your part. I also have a man who is sweet but it feels so wrong to continue .. do not know yet what 2009 is going to do, just take it easy .. (Unknown)

How good that you have followed your heart, I just do not dare to jump into the deep .. while I am so double-faced, you do not know what to do and I do not dare to choose myself because you throw all you safety and your family upside down. why don’t souls talk about this? it is actually hypocritical to be terribly crazy with each other and then not dare to say anything to each other about whether you are going for each other !! (unknown)

I have known my twinflame for as long as I knew my current partner. The first words my twinflame spoke to me were “You are the love of my life.” A complete stranger? I thought it was a pick up line. We are now an unheard of number of years and it is only now that it is clear to me that it was right. I am now divorcing while my twinflame very carefully avoids promising me anything, so I don’t know what it will be like afterwards. I also have two children, and the fear of disrupting their lives initially stopped me but turned out to be unfounded. Everyone has shit with his / her parents. Let them see that it is important to be true to yourself, that is a much clearer message. Strength (Unknown)

You are absolutely right, the message that you remain true to yourself is much clearer. (I asked this question “centuries ago”, in my opinion) and only now do I understand that it is much more important, even my children have recovered. You place the responsibility with your children if you continue in a marriage that no longer fits, in which you feel love for your divine love partner. then you actually say to them; I stay here because you are there but I am very unhappy. well they do not thank you, the youngest has been really angry with me who just saw what was going on .. she saw that my marriage partner was not my “true” (crystal children) .. she is very clear to the touch. (Unknown)

If you were really enlightened so that you would recognize your twinflame, you would know that at that level you do not hurt people, that unconditional love is your motivation. That is for your husband and your children. This is not a twinflame that you have found, but an ordinary crush. Midlife crisis. Too sad for words. (Unknown)

Would like to respond to the person above me, it must be someone whose partner left for the love of the twinflame .. you say if you are so enlightened then you will not hurt others. What a mess, are you supposed to hurt yourself and stay with fake feelings with your partner? You are not here to please someone else and figure yourself out. The people on their way to enlightenment choose themselves and are not responsible for the pain of another. The other person should process his own pains and know that someone should not be an interpretation for his own emptiness or shortcomings. A person should be free to make his own choices and decisions and not be a puppet puppet of another. People come and go in life that also applies to partners. This is precisely part of the growth process, if you ignore this you stagnate your growth and you stay in a superficial life and relationship in which dissatisfaction will increase because you know you are entitled to your own space of life. And who are you to determine that someone else should stay where he is while love is no longer love but based on dependence, fear of being alone, possessiveness, children and material possessions … you yourself feel like someone hurt, work on that before you make such statements. (Unknown)

Would like to respond to the person above me, it must be someone whose partner left for the love of the twinflame .. you say if you are so enlightened then you will not hurt others. What a mess, are you supposed to hurt yourself and stay with fake feelings with your partner? You are not here to please someone else and figure yourself out. The people on their way to enlightenment choose themselves and are not responsible for the pain of another. The other person should process his own pains and know that someone should not be an interpretation for his own emptiness or shortcomings. A person should be free to make his own choices and decisions and not be a puppet puppet of another. People come and go in life that also applies to partners. This is precisely part of the growth process, if you ignore this you stagnate your growth and you stay in a superficial life and relationship in which dissatisfaction will increase because you know you are entitled to your own space of life. And who are you to determine that someone else should stay where he is while love is no longer love but based on dependence, fear of being alone, possessiveness, children and material possessions … you yourself feel like someone hurt, work on that before you make such statements. (Unknown)