Q0252. I think I never want to experience such an intense (Soul) love again as it was with my Soul Love. I no longer want to bind myself so deeply and close to someone, so that you completely lose yourself. Is this a healthy response?


For almost 2 years I went through a valley of pain and sorrow, after my Soul Love left my life in one fell swoop. After that I never saw her again and only received some negative messages from her. Except for 1 telephone conversation, which seemed very good at the time. She has chosen her family, probably to her own great sorrow, but also mine. 2 Years (and actually much earlier and longer) of total transformation and spiritual growth. At a certain point I could no longer bear the grief .. I wanted to live again in which I can experience pleasure and happiness. I found myself earning much better than waiting for someone who would no longer come. Someone came into my life with whom I had (and have) a kind of love friendship. The feelings cannot be compared with what I felt with my Soul Love. But I don’t think you should compare people and loves. It seems as if we are healing each other from our Soul’s sorrow (she is still in the middle of it and can still not forget her Soul’s love). Because I received feelings of love for this new “love”, I was gradually able to let go of the feelings and thoughts of my Soul Love. I am still angry with her in my heart, she has treated me very ugly and deeply hurt me. But I can now say: it’s over, she’s not coming anymore. And I don’t want to allow her feelings of love anymore either. I understand that that is also a protection for me, but now I just have to stop with pain and sorrow. I have experienced that you can REALLY say this when you are ready. Sometimes I fall back again and again I completely dive into that terrible Soul Love pain. A final remainder of the release / processing process. My question now is: I think that I never want to experience such an intense (Soul) love again as it was with my Soul Love. I no longer want to bind myself so deeply and close to someone, so that you completely lose yourself. Is this a healthy response? I think it has been my lesson, that I MUST be myself and not totally emotionally dependent on a love / someone else. Tiny, could you say something about this? because you also have such experiences. My new “girlfriend” does not like a relationship at all, because she experiences that the love we feel together (actually we are a kind of lifebuoy for each other, in the same situation) cannot match the Soul Love that was there … But I never want to experience anything like that again. I didn’t want to miss it either, it was necessary, but I never want to lose myself in so much emotion and sorrow and pain .. Can you explain something to me about this … how it goes after a Soul Love that you let go? Thank you.

Going further and releasing your soul love is, I think, the purpose of soul love. That is the ultimate learning process that you have chosen for yourself. If you can do that then you experience who you really are and then you can really be yourself. Therefore you can be a deep love for yourself and for others and for everything. And be happy. This is my experience and my many and not everyone agrees. If you are in the middle of the process of sadness, this says nothing. And if you’ve been in that for years, it’s almost unbelievable.
And that your soul love has hurt you is a different story. Being hurt is an experience of an event. It is YOUR experience, it is not something that someone else does. On the site there is an extensive piece about this.
So closing yourself off and protecting yourself with an emotional wall never works. That way you lock up the problem and it will continue to exist! That is combating symptoms, the cause remains. The cause is that you FEEL hurt. You have to decide to observe the same events objectively, without emotions, and then start to experience differently. THAT IS RELEASED.
You always remain fully connected with your soul love, what you have to let go is that your personality has become dependent on it. If you can see that being hurt is an illusion of your personality then you can open yourself to others. And then you can connect deeply with others without being hurt. That is the power of love. True love is independent. Real love is what you are. And it appears when you break down the emotional walls and dependencies.
You give the best answer to your own question: “I think it has been my lesson, that I MUST be myself and not totally emotionally dependent on love / someone else.” (Tiny)

“Going further and releasing your soul love is, I think, the purpose of soul love.” You always have such beautiful answers, but no one (after a soul love experience) has ever become happy again, “yes maybe for a moment”, after that it will gnaw again, because NO ONE CAN LET YOU FEEL THE SAME LOVE (Unknown)

I think such a Bultshit, to say you don’t miss your soul love, but you miss yourself! Is meeting a soulmate then all illusion? Then I would not have wanted to experience all this. (Unknown)

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, but we need each other as love, life without our love, I can not. I can tell you one thing, to let go of my soul love, I have never known a happy moment again. torn with grief and no I do not miss myself, I miss him. He could give me everything I wanted, one word was enough for us, someone who understood Me. And someone who understood him. companions for life. We are pulled apart by obstacles, two torn hearts. Who don’t deserve this. So don’t tell me that I miss myself, I have enough love in me. (Unknown)

You can still be happy without your soul love, I think. You must not forget that you are both individuals. Both have their own life. I know it can tear you up inside because I, too, am releasing someone now. Letting go does not mean forgetting someone (because that is not possible with love of the soul) or never seeing someone again. You have to see it as accepting that the relationship with that person cannot be the way you want it to be (I don’t know anything about your situation, so I don’t know how you should miss your soul love) .. Maybe that you want to spend a little more time there (Unknown)