Q0242. Who has experience with out-of-body?


Recently I met someone .. He read my photo and told me things .. I was shocked .. I didn’t know him but from that moment on, not a day goes by that we have no contact with each other .. We now have a distance relationship .. we have never met before and yet I feel him when he thinks of me and he has brought me to a climax that I have never experienced … I felt how my mind left my body .. it was so weird..who has experienced this before?

You can find a great deal about retirement by doorhetraam.nl on a website by Sten Oomen. An experience expert who has also written a few books about this. (Tiny)

What you describe here, I recognized it immediately … I experienced it for the first time, when I was in a close embrace with my twin. We had ‘nothing’ at the time, ie we had no physical intimate relationship yet. It was a ‘normal’ sweet embrace. But it became so intense that I felt how our two souls shot up in a spiral, like a fountain or volcano eruption. We both almost cried then. I don’t know how he experienced it, but at least he was emotional. We have not talked about it anymore. But from that moment there was no turning back. The attraction became ever greater, we communicated without speaking, I felt what he felt and vice versa. At one point I dared to express my feelings for him. And what turned out, he feels exactly the same. Our partners know about it. The one has a harder time with it than the other. But we cannot ignore it. The love for each other is too great. When we kiss or become intimate, it is as if the world around us does not exist. As if we go out of ourselves and shoot to another dimension. Everything fades, colors and shapes change, a feeling that everything revolves very quickly, that you shoot through space, that you are not against or next to each other, but that you are each other, become one. The are everywhere at the same time. This description cannot be complete, you can never fully capture this in words. But I think you understand me. After all, you also experienced it (Unknown) it is as if the world around us does not exist. As if we go out of ourselves and shoot to another dimension. Everything fades, colors and shapes change, a feeling that everything revolves very quickly, that you shoot through space, that you are not against or next to each other, but that you are each other, become one. The are everywhere at the same time. This description cannot be complete, you can never fully capture this in words. But I think you understand me. After all, you also experienced it (Unknown) it is as if the world around us does not exist. As if we go out of ourselves and shoot to another dimension. Everything fades, colors and shapes change, a feeling that everything revolves very quickly, that you shoot through space, that you are not against or next to each other, but that you are each other, become one. The are everywhere at the same time. This description cannot be complete, you can never fully capture this in words. But I think you understand me. After all, you also experienced it (Unknown) This description cannot be complete, you can never fully capture this in words. But I think you understand me. After all, you also experienced it (Unknown) This description cannot be complete, you can never fully capture this in words. But I think you understand me. After all, you also experienced it (Unknown)

Finally recognition! I have had this too and I was really shocked. How is this possible? I describe it as a tornado of white light that blew me into the air with enormous power. Had been looking for a while for what this might have been but couldn’t find anything. Thought that this must have been an amalgamation of our souls, so incredibly beautiful and fine, I am still very impressed by it. Very intense. (Unknown)