Q0210. Help Wanted! I really don’t know anymore, this is no life.


I am desperate, have so much pain and sorrow and an empty feeling and lack in me that sometimes it is no longer bearable. Fighting for a few years to let go of my soul love, but it doesn’t work out whatever I try. Sometimes it goes reasonable for 1 or 2 days but that terrible intense feeling comes back to heartbreaking as if I am not complete as if something has been pulled out of my stomach. He is always in my mind and always feels it around me, I get distraught and desperate. I no longer have contact with my soul love, so I don’t see him anymore, but that doesn’t help either. I try everything, go out and meet other people, work a lot, but nothing helps shake him off, and the worst part is that he is unreachable. It may be the most beautiful thing anyone can experience, but also the most painful thing I have ever experienced in my life. Who knows good help for me or advice, I am gradually becoming a little crazy about this. My whole life is controlled by it and I don’t enjoy anything anymore.

If you follow your heart, an unprecedented courage will awaken in you. Everything in the universe will work to give you what you strive for. Strength! And Remember; True love never passes. (Unknown)

Don’t shake him off, at least you should try to use that deep feeling of love for yourself. Don’t project it on him but on yourself. You deserve that love too. When you try to get closer to your own soul and love in this way, you will begin to experience even more love leaning back. Your meeting is and was not for nothing. With such a soul love it is all about you, you can experience that love for yourself, you can be independent, you can grow. Now you feel dependent when I read it that way and that is not good for your soul. It is difficult but try to turn it around and it will make you a happier person. Strength (Unknown)

The experience that you describe is not strange and understandable to many. Learn to accept what you feel instead of resisting. It will not be easy, but it will be the first step in the right direction. Put it through, otherwise you will continue to feel the pain. (Unknown)