Q0183. How can you choose between soul love and family?


What can you do if you think you are faced with the choice between your soul love and your family?

I think this message is a clear piece for everyone who is in a choice menu of family or loved one. A lot of strength, because this is the most difficult moment in your life.
If you want to follow your soul love and give more substance to your life, then you have to let go of your current solidities. You can understand that rationally. Now you have to see that you grow there emotionally. You feel dissatisfied: what you have does not satisfy you (anymore), what you actually want, Following your heart, you do not dare. Releasing certainties and pursuing ideals is NOTHING. You need time to grow there. Give yourself time to complete this process in peace. Do not fool yourself that you are actually quite happy with what you have, accept that you want something different and do nothing before you are fully aware of the fact that your ideals outweigh the existing safeties. a process that can sometimes take years. (Rob)

A meeting with your soulmate! Someone you meet in the right place and the right time. It brings a smile and a tear that affects your entire life. Look deep into each other’s eyes and this is how you feel that deep spiritual connection. All puzzle pieces end up in one place when you meet your soulmate! (Unknown)

Are there people who have experienced this and yet have chosen for their soul love? I love my husband very much and don’t want to hurt him or the children. He is my buddy through thick and thin but the feeling I got from the person I thought was my love for the soul is so strong. Nobody actually understands this. It seems a matter of “attraction” and falling in love with someone else happens to more people in their marriage. But such an all-embracing feeling cannot be described. Although I have not been in contact for a year, there is no moment on the day that my soul love is not present. But I have no idea if he experiences it that way, so it is always difficult to speak of “soul love”. Such a word actually indicates how deep it is…. and what do you do then?? I don’t know and wish I could give you answers. What it has brought me is in a huge confrontation in rapid speed with myself.! And therefore you develop because you can no longer go back to who you were. It will never be the same! (Unknown)

I recognize your story exactly … I too have that fast-paced confrontation with myself now. But Soul Love is much more than “attraction”. It is something very deep “inside”. You say you love your husband? I have come to the realization that I don’t love my husband at all, I was just kidding myself, I thought I was happy, while I’m actually deeply unhappy. My soul love is my mate my lover my everything! Because of him, all of my puzzle pieces have fallen together. (Unknown)

This Link (The Secret www.tomdekok.nl) are the Key Points “Law of Attraction” Make your dreams come true! Don’t stay stuck in what you miss, do something about it. Every time you tell how annoying something is, you create more of it. Focus on what you want, for example relationship with your soul love, and leave the rest for what it is. Find your own self and make your wishes come true.
The Law of Attraction literally governs our existence. In practice, this means that what you pay attention to is attracted and ultimately becomes reality. Those who know the LoA understand that there are no victims and that your beliefs and focus are all decisive for your future. You determine your own future all by yourself. YOU are the creator of your own reality!
The movie “The Secret” loa shows how you can shape your life the way you want with positive thoughts. (Angel)

The power of Soul Love. This is about unconditional love, unconditional giving and unconditional forgiveness. The energy of pure love can help you get rid of your hatred, get the warmth back into your heart, move and touch the other, heal the heart of the other, or help them get rid of their evil intent see. The power of your soul love can mean a tremendous leap in your soul love relationship to yourself and to your environment. Your soul love shows you, whoever you are again. Very deep layers of your heart are opened. Thank your soul love. Without her / him you would still have been in the old pattern. (Unknown)

What you are afraid of do you pull towards you huh? So make sure you don’t have fear. Otherwise you pull that towards you, and then you can block everything. Remember: you pull everything you feel and think. Keep thinking positively about what you really want. (Unknown)

Soul Love is “Real Love and NO Illusion”. True love sends you. It sends you to your choice. You don’t have to do anything. Love cannot be forced, the feeling of true love from the heart always wins … calm down. And float with the sea. That which is due to you will naturally belong to you. (Unknown)

It is difficult for you … especially because soul love goes very far … but would he be the ideal partner for you? sigh I recognize it..but a family is and remains very important. (Unknown)